April 2022 Newsletter

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This Month lets Celebrate EARTH DAY!

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Taking Justice Ministry to Heart

by Meck Groot

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Last year, at their request, I met with Follen Responds to Racism (FRR), an anti-racism team at the Follen Community Church in Lexington, MA. We had an animated conversation. They told me about their work and the many ways they are addressing racism within and beyond their congregation. I was impressed by their strong sense of call and their dedication to their justice ministry.

When they asked how they might take the work deeper, I suggested they look at “Claiming our Spiritual Leadership,” a training the New England Region team had turned into an online learning experience through UU Institute. The course is an introduction to Spiritual Leadership and five Spiritual Leadership practices our team has identified for Unitarian Universalist congregations.

Why I suggested a course about Spiritual Leadership to an anti-racism group wasn't immediately apparent to them. Unitarian Universalist anti-racism work is more typically focused on the socio-economic impacts of systemic racism and what we can do politically to mitigate those. I wanted them to also consider practices that help liberate us from the white supremacy culture our congregations are often steeped in. The practices of Spiritual Leadership are a way to do that.

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NER Events


NER Congregational Board Member/Trustees Gathering

Join with your peers to share ideas, strategies, questions, concerns, and support. Our quarterly zoom gatherings is open to Current board members and people who will be on the board within the next several months. Tuesday May 3rd, 7:00-8:30pm

Registration Deadline: Friday, April 22 

Meet & Eat Series

Bring your lunch and come meet & eat with colleagues! The New England Region invites New England and Central East religious educators to a quarterly series of targeted conversations via Zoom.

Register for the next gathering: May 10th, 2022 12pm-2pm (ET)


Admin Zoom Gathering

This is a zoom gathering for New England Region administrators, Thursday May 19, 2022, 12:00-1:30. Join your peers to share ideas, strategies, questions, concerns, and support.

Registration DeadlineFriday, May 13 or until max capacity is reached.

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Sustaining Practice!

Our community of practice will reconvene In May to explore how the practice of Inner Work informs and grounds our responses to and shaping of culture change. 

Daytime offering: May 24, 1:00 PM (ET)

Evening offering: May 26, 7:00 PM (ET)

These gatherings allow congregations to learn from each other; share concerns, stories and questions; and explore opportunities for collaboration. 

If you have not already joined the community of practice, you can do so using this form. The community is open to all — religious professionals and laity. Once you join, you will automatically receive registration details and the pre-work assignment before each gathering.

To learn more, follow these links: 

  • General description of this community of practice and a listing of scheduled gatherings
  • Community Expectations and Covenant Practice
  • the Spiritual Leadership for Culture Change Resources list, which includes links to pre-work assignments and follow up notes, if any, for each session:
  • January 2022 Gathering – (Re)orientation to Practices of Spiritual Leadership in support of our response to and shaping of culture change

March 2022 Gathering – Responding to Racism through the Practices of Spiritual Leadership

News & Events

Launch Party 2022

Join us in this work on Sunday, April 10 at 4:00pm ET/1:00pm PT for the launch of UU the Vote 2022! Want to learn how you can take action in the 2022 midterms? Need help organizing your community? Are you ready to fight for democracy, climate justice, LGBTQ justice, and reproductive justice? Get started at the #UUtheVote2022 launch. We’ll be sharing our strategies, resources, trainings, and actions to help you in your work during the midterm elections.


2022 Intergenerational Spring Seminar

Hosted by the UUA Office at the UN in partnership with UU Ministry for Earth and UUSC will take place online April 22 – May 1, 2022. Addressing the theme “Displacement and Human Rights: All In for Climate Justice,” this event aims to instill in UU youth and adults a commitment to global engagement and the skills to take action locally for climate and migration justice. Learn more about the 2022 Seminar and the local gatherings. Registration Deadline is April 3! 


Performing Multiplatform Worship

In this two-hour session, we will dive specifically into the art of creating engaging multi-platform worship – how to create rituals and liturgies that reach people however they attend; how to perform the elements of worship in ways that bring people in and hold them for that sacred hour; how to make the experience – if not the same – at least comparable. We’ll review the lessons from last year’s Art of Hybrid Worship training sessions as well as wisdom gained in the last year as we’ve begun our multi-platform experience. Find out more and register, next session is Tuesday, April 5 at 1:00pm ET/10:00am PT

Video Engagement Strategy with Peter Bowden

LIVE STREAM DAILY: April 25 - April 29, 2022

Monday through Friday at 1:00 PM EST

Each session will be 30 Minutes

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Marjorie Bowens-Wheatley Scholarship Program

The program provides direct financial support to aspirants or candidates to the Unitarian Universalist ministry, or candidates in the UUA’s religious education or music leadership programs, who identify as BIPOC women. Deadline is May 1st

Young Adults Conference: Practicing for the World We Want

The Young Adults Conference (YAC) is an intentional community of creative and dynamic people in our first decades of adult independence, committed to learning, growing, and celebrating together. We will gather from June 19-26, 2022 (with a 4-night option from June 22-26) on Star Island in the Isles of Shoals, off the coast of New Hampshire.

Learn More

Notable Dates in April:



The Murray Grove Association Board is leading the search for our next Executive Director, a position we hope to fill by June 2022. Executive Director Job Description

We are seeking a Program Leader, a new part-time position here at Murray Grove. Program Leader Job Description


Explore the Full UUA Events Calendar for more!

Pandemic Strategies (Including COVID-19)

We thank all congregations whose generous contributions to the Region

and to our UUA Annual Program Fund make all of our work possible.

We offer learning opportunities throughout the New England Region for congregational members, lay leaders, and religious professionals.

Regional staff services and support are available to UU congregations year-round.

Contact us!

(617) 948-6415


Website: uua.org/new-england

Staff Contacts

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