April 2024
Issue #40
Reflections from the Hill
Occasional Outreach from the Benedictine Sisters
"...Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them,
“Peace be with you.”" John 20:19
Signs of the Season
Spring has sprung on the Benedictine grounds!

Bluebonnets are blooming in Mary’s Garden and roses adorn the base of the Monastery’s front entrance.

Both statues, the Blessed Mother and St. Scholastica, seem to radiate through the floral beauty.
“Look for the Scars”

Have you ever been in a room full of people and thought you recognized an old friend across the room? But something was different – a different hair style – a full beard shaved off? You wanted to get closer to verify your hunch?

Something was very different about the resurrected Christ, there amid the disciples who gathered shortly after Jesus’s crucifixion. Firstly, Christ came among them although the doors were locked. He brought them comfort and solace, “Peace be to you,” although they were deathly afraid of violence, the likes of which they had seen their friend Jesus endure. Christ came close enough to breathe on the disciples, breathing the Divine Spirit upon them.

Christ came again to that room of disciples, to bring peace to the...

The Benedictine Sisters welcomed members of the Goertz family to the Monastery in mid-March. The four siblings are brothers and sisters to our Sisters Lucille and Mary Rose, who passed away in 2018 and 2021, respectively, and our dear friend, Fr. Victor Goertz, who passed this past November. The visit was a special time for all.

Pictured L-R: Sister Bernadine Reyes, OSB, Bernadette (Goertz) Beck, William Goertz, Sister Kathleen Higgins, OSB, Marcela (Goertz) Muehr, and Elmer Goertz. 
Sister Bernadine welcomed her niece and family from Washington, DC during a recent visit. They were here for a family funeral.

The beautiful spring weather was a blessing during Holy Week.

Pictured top row (L-R) Sister Bernadine, niece, Linda and her husband, Jeff Bepko; front row: Linda and Jeff's son-in-law and daughter, Joe and Cody with their children, Everly and Gray
Pictured above are (L-R), Grand Knight, David Detelich, Sister Bernadine (with a donation from the Knights), and Regent, Dorothy Meuth. The Knights of Columbus and the Catholic Daughters of the Americas, both from St. Peter's, helped organize the event!
Our 2024
Feast of St. Benedict
Spaghetti Dinner
was a wonderful

THANK YOU to ALL of our Sponsors, Underwriters, Donors, Volunteers, and Attendees!

The event raised nearly $18,000 for the Sisters!
Introducing Our New Employees
Alejandra Hammer is part-time Assistant to the Director of Operations. She brings her considerable experience to her position and her smile brightens the Monastery office.
Jenny Lucado works part-time at our Sisters' Attic Thrift Store. She is doing a great job helping with the donations that come in, and really loves interacting with the customers, too.
We are called to seek God in community and to respond in ministry through sharing our spirituality and addressing the needs of the people we serve, especially the poor.