VSC Voice | March 2022

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and we are inviting you to be part of our observance. We are hosting a series of free virtual events on a variety of topics, including talking with kids about consent, how to provide trauma-informed medical care, and options for survivors in Montgomery County. We hope your schedule permits you to join us. (See the full list on our website and feel free to share with anyone who could use this information.)

We are also inviting you to add VSC flyers to your space so that survivors know help is available in our community.

We appreciate your support!
Jessica Carson is the VSC education supervisor.
Jessica Carson, CA (she/her)
Community Education Supervisor
Victim Services Center of Montgomery County, Inc.
Support survivors in your space
We've created a gallery with premade social media posts and graphics that you can share. Whether your space is a physical office, a school, a business, or an Instagram feed, you can find a way to show that you support survivors.

Taking the Start By Believing Pledge is a great way to start!

For Your Calendar
Understanding Power: why women of color are at higher risk of sexual abuse (April 12)

Find out how you can help.

Pop Culture and Power Dynamics: Institutional Sexual Abuse Illustrated by Modern Media (April 14)

Natacha Rivera and Hima Sathian will examine consent and power dynamics in the context of Orange is the New Black.

Unresolved Trauma in Men (April 21)

Learn why unresolved trauma in men is a problem, what it might look like, and the benefits of working out trauma. 

What medical providers should know about trauma-informed health care (April 22)

Learn what to say when a survivor discloses sexual assault or abuse. 

Matty Muir event (June 12)
Mark your calendar for "Empowering Survivors to Thrive." Pop-up container gardens will be available for purchase, and you can bid on mystery bags, art, and locally made crafts. Each ticket is $30 and includes a boxed lunch made by Alice Bakery in North Wales. If you would like to donate items, please email Lynn Williams.