

Find a Way

On September 2, 2013, Diana Nyad, at 64 years old, after 4 failed attempts and 35 years from her first attempt, swam from Cuba to Florida, accomplishing her life-long dream of swimming non-stop nation to nation. Due to forceful currents in the water, the 103 miles turned into 110 miles. It took her 52 hours and 44 minutes to reach her goal. Continually in the water, swimming across shark-and jellyfish infested waters, without the protection of a shark cage, at the final moment walking out of the water on the beach in Key West Florida, she spoke to an awaiting crowd and uttered these words; “I just want to say, number one, never, ever give up. Number two, you’re never too old to chase your dream, and number three, it looks like a solitary sport, but it’s a team.” In the movie, NYAD, Diana Nyad is portrayed as a persistent, dynamic, egocentric woman who would ‘find a way’ to get things done….no matter what. 

In an interview with Annette Bening, who played Nyad in the movie, I learned of Bening’s compelling decision to play the role.  At age 62, she began training with an Olympic swimming coach for the part. Stating she would not have had the ‘mindset’ had she been any younger to take on such a task. She wanted a challenge, something new, and she too would ‘find a way’ to get it done. 

Each hair salon has its unique voice. Conversations are collected in the environment, the salon appointment book, phone messages and texts, and in the hustle and bustle and banter in discussion and in the process of hair styling. Yes, there is a certain dialogue in washing, cutting, and styling hair.  The women and men who grace our salon share their dreams, goals, family stories, photos, celebrations, and concerns. At times we participate in a variety of life with each other, including weddings, bar mitzvahs, puppies, children and grandchildren, the passing of loved ones and we wish safe voyage to our clients who travel the world. Unlike Diana Nyad or Annette Bening, none of us has swum continually for 52 hours and 44 minutes or had the opportunity to act in a movie role, but this I know to be true: every single one of us had to ‘find a way’ to get things done in our lives. 

In our salon, our clients don’t give up. I hear their stories daily. I wish I could mention each one of you, but for now, Nan McBride comes to mind. Retired twice in her seventies from corporate America, and started her own business over 15 years ago, still going strong, she has never, ever given up.  This year she authored a book…. her life story. 


Gandolfa Stegmann, 92 years young, acquired her life-coaching certification in her eighties, and has never been too old to chase her dreams. She is rocking on Facebook with ‘Retired Women’ in a private group with hundreds of followers.

 Jennifer Romero and her husband host "Rosie on the House", Arizona’s No. 1 weekend radio broadcast, a call -in home improvement show and homeowner resource is rocking the airwaves.  They also own Rosie Right Design, Build, and Remodel. As a working mother, wife, devoted daughter, friend, and Grandmother, Jennifer knows that owning a business is never a solitary sport, it takes a team. 

I could write a book with stories of voices ‘finding a way’ that have gone on to do it. To us I say, "Never, ever give up; you’re never too old to chase a dream and life is never a solitary sport, it takes a team."  And sometimes, the dreams we wait for ‘find a way’ to us. 




Boost, root lifting spray. Builds lift at the root to make fine and flat hair look and feel thicker and fuller. Delivers lasting volume and control in your style. 


Several clients taking collagen are experiencing hair and nail growth and skin improvement. I found this article to share. 

10 Compelling Reasons to Jump on the Collagen Bandwagon by Sheramy Tsai:

“Collagen, once discussed only in beauty circles, is gaining wider recognition for its health benefits, propelled by a flurry of scientific research and discoveries. Collagen peptides, the building blocks of this essential protein, are increasingly sought for their potential health benefits, ranging from skin rejuvenation to muscle strengthening. However, their rise in popularity also sparks questions and concerns. Here are the benefits:


Plumps up Skin—Collagen, a major component of skin, shows promise in the anti-aging skin care. Collagen supplements can notably enhance skin hydration, and elasticity, and diminish the appearance of wrinkles.

Reduces Joint Pain and Stiffness—Collagen peptides are also making waves in joint health, particularly for those with bone and joint disorders. 

Improves Muscle Health and Recovery

Collagen peptide supplements can enhance muscle recovery, especially when combined with a training regimen. 

Reduces Bone Loss—Collagen’s decline with age can result in lower bone density. However, research indicates that long-term use of specific collagen peptides significantly boosts bone mineral density in postmenopausal women, offering a potential solution of bone health. 

Speeds Wound Healing

Collagen has been a staple in topical wound care Recent advancements show oral collagen supplements may also be effective in accelerating the healing process for various wounds. 

Improves Sleep

Collagen, particularly rich in the amino acid glycine, might be the ticket to a better night’s sleep. 

Promotes Gut Health

Collagen is a key component of the intestinal lining, playing a crucial role in gut health. 

Boosts Immunity

Collagen, while not directly combating colds, plays a significant role in strengthening the immune system.

Aids in Weight Management

Collagen peptides could indirectly support weight management through enhanced mobility and muscle strength. 

Improves Cardiovascular Health

Collagen crucial for artery structure, may bolster cardiovascular health. Collagen peptide supplements can reduce fat mass and lower density lipoprotein cholesterol, enhance fat-free mass, and lower systolic blood pressure. 

Quotes of the Month

“I’m going over there—get out of my way.” - Katherine Hepburn

Yes, We Wax!

Are your eyebrows a little out of control? A nicely shaped eyebrow adds lift to your face and makes the eye appear larger and more youthful. Contact us for an appointment.


The Bird Hotel by Joyce Maynard

Find a Way by Diana Nyad

Culinary Creations by Connie

Recipe of the Month

Nothing says Spring quite like asparagus! Chef Connie has shared her lovely asparagus frittata recipe with us this month.

Click here for recipe.

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Mission Statement: At Pluma we create lasting, beautiful days in every client's life through healthy, gorgeous hair. We Anticipate-Listen-Connect and Deliver results.

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