April, 2020
Vol 36, No 4
Check out the latest Outdoor Buddies outdoor adventures!
You Made the Outdoor Buddies Raffle a Huge Success!
Terry Gleason draws the lucky winners!
All of us at Outdoor Buddies want to say a huge "thank you" to everyone who helped make this year's raffle fundraiser a tremendous success. We were very disappointed to have to cancel this year's banquet, but glad that we were still able to host our raffles as planned. Times are tight financially for all of us at the moment, so your support of Outdoor Buddies is greatly valued and appreciated at this time.

Even in spite of the current challenges and financial hardship we are all experiencing due to current events, you came through! The raffles ended up being a great success even in spite of all of the challenges this year. You have gone above and beyond all expectations to support this group, and we are all extraordinarily grateful for you and your support! As the current COVID-19 situation abates, we are excited to put these generous donations to use providing adaptive equipment and outdoor experiences to those who have been deprived of their ability to fully enjoy the outdoors. The future is still uncertain, but through your efforts Outdoor Buddies will continue to thrive and serve our members.

Once again, a huge "Thank You!"
Raffle Winners
5 Gun Raffle Winner: Morley C. Congratulations!
Agarob Hunting Safari Brian S.
Looking Forward to a Great Year Ahead!
It has certainly been an unusual year so far in 2020. I don't think any of us expected the year to develop the way that it has, and it has been heartbreaking to cancel some of our favorite annual events. Although we do not know how the current situation will continue to evolve, we are optimistic and hopeful that we will still have many outdoor experiences to look forward to in 2020. As of now, we are still planning to host our family day on June 7th and will monitor current events as the event draws closer.

We are very excited for our summer sight-in, clay shoot at Colorado Clays, fishing outings, and of course our big game hunts later this year. In uncertain times, it is great to look forward to making memories with friends and family in the outdoors. From all of us at Outdoor Buddies, thank you for continuing to stay strong in a very challenging year. Can't wait to get outside with you again someday soon!
Terry Nelson with his cow elk from a past year's hunt. Great work!
Please Join Us for the 2020 Outdoor Buddies Sporting Clays Shoot, Saturday August 1st
For the sixth consecutive year, Outdoor Buddies is honored to hold the annual Sporting Clays Tournament at Colorado Clays Shooting Park. We are looking for volunteers to help out on the day of the event. Whether you have a disability or are able bodied, we need your support to make the clay shoot a success. Volunteers will help run the stations and guide participants through the course. Please contact our volunteer coordinator at to sign up as a volunteer.

Conveniently located just 30 minutes northeast of Denver, only 6 miles from Denver International Airport, an easy drive from the entire Colorado “Front Range”, Colorado Clays Shooting Park offers the region’s most complete shooting range experience.

Please Come Join Us at Colorado Clays! We would love for you to join us for this fun-filled day in the outdoors. Please go to the Outdoor Buddies website and register now! Click the button below to register.
You are invited to attend the Outdoor Buddies Family Day at Swift Ponds:
Sunday, June 7
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
We are optimistically hoping to still host this event, though with the current situation with COVID-19 we cannot be sure at this time. Here are the details for the event, in the case that we are able to host it safely.

The 2020 Outdoor Buddies Family Day at Swift Ponds will be held on Sunday, June 7th. Please bring your family and friends to enjoy the day with Outdoor Buddies! Bring your sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters to make memories and build relationships.

There will be catch and release fishing, archery, BB gun shooting, and trap shooting for beginners and experienced shooters! Swift Ponds has handicap-accessible fishing docks for those on wheels.

There are five professional trap houses at Swift Ponds to shoot from! We will have range approved shotgun shells and shotguns.

There will be equipment available for each of the activities, but please feel free to bring your own fishing equipment and shotgun.

Lunch and soft drinks will be provided. Alcohol beverages are prohibited!

We will have on hand the Outdoor Buddies shuttle bus, track chairs, Bad Boy Buggy, Arctic Cat UTV, and ATV with go-getter to help those who need assistance in getting to the different activities.

There will be some bucket raffle items for which you can buy tickets for chances to win some fun items for the whole family! This is a great way to help defer the cost of this fun day, but nobody is required to buy tickets! Come and have a fun filled day with your family and friends!

Directions to Swift Ponds: Take Interstate 25 north to Windsor Exit 262, turn right onto Highway 392. Take Highway 392 east to County Rd. 5, turn left onto County Rd. 5. Take County Rd. 5 north to County Rd. 36 (Ketchter Road). Turn Left onto County Rd. 36, the Swift Ponds gate will be on your left.

For more information, please contact Larry Sanford at (970) 218-5356 
Upcoming Events
Outdoor Buddies is managed by its Board of Directors
Dwaine Robey
Executive Director

Larry Sanford

Nicholas Filler
Vice President

Christopher Nowak

Terry Gleason

Dustin Robey
Tony Hodges

James Lowry

Steve Medberry

Edgar Munoz

Jim Piper

Frederick Solheim
Director-Warriors on Cataract
Board of Directors Meeting Schedule
Non-board members are welcome. Please RSVP in advance.

Meetings are held from 6:30pm-8:30pm at the locations and dates below.

May 12 - Phone Call (no in person meeting)
June 9 - Thornton Cabela's
July 14- Lone Tree Cabela's
Aug 11 - Thornton Cabela's 
Sept 8 - Lone Tree Cabela's
Oct - None
Nov 10 - Thornton Cabela's
Dec 8 - Lone Tree Cabela's