
A Note From Raymon 

Howdy Folks,
 Have written number of stories about using our mind to make things happen. 
My friend Nadine in Alberta, Canada sent this story to me and it is better than any story i have in mind, so am using it for this month’s newsletter.
Having a number of experiences with horses, donkeys and cows getting out of the pasture and in the road, I can appreciate this.
Notice picture at the bottom. 
You folks who live in cities may not fully understand this story, so here is a brief explanation of a ‘salt block’.
Cows need more salt than other farm animals, Blocks of salt, weighing 50 pounds are sold in feed stores and these salt blocks are put in the pasture where cows have free access to them. A cow naturally knows when it needs salt and will go lick the salt block. 

 Hope you enjoy reading it and applying the principle to fit in your life.

Maybe some of you have good stories to share, Let me know.

Nadine's Story 

I loved your story on honesty so decided to share a true story and hope it will go out to your worldwide friends...
My sister and her family farm at one of the three last farms before the mountain range in Alberta- it is a remote area but they like it and have made a life there.The small town nearby still has the neighborhood feel about it.On this very hot July day Sherry got a phone call from someone who mentioned that they had seen a herd of black angus cattle heading down the road headed for town. Since this was a small town the caller knew my sisters family were known for the all-black purebread herd they raised. They caller mentioned that this may not be the ideal place for the cows to spend the day.....
     Help from the neighbors is usually available but today no one seemed to be available at short notice since it was midday. Of course this would be one of the days when everyone who was generally around the farmyard was away for the day.
     There was no time to waste so Sherry set off in the one-half ton truck armed with a bucket of grain and absolute confidence that all she would have to do was shake her grain bucket out the truck window and the herd would follow her home. 
      Most farmers who deal with cattle will tell you the general attitude in any cowherd is "WE THE COWS KNOW BEST-AND WHAT WE CHOOSE AS A HERD IS FOR OUR HIGHEST GOOD!" Therefore getting out of the fence and heading onto the wild blue yonder is something "WE" the cows have looked forward to for days.
      Sherry located the herd about three to four miles from home pasture. She blew the truck horn to turn them around and shook the feedpail out the window. About a mile from home a few cattle started to wonder off the path-here and there into the surrounding bush.
      So "PLAN B" had to be put into play. By this time Sherry was tired, angry, frustrated and I would venture she had a few more thoughts that are not polite to record. So the next idea was to pull the truck over and get out so the cattle could see her at their level.She left the truck where it was to send someone to pick it up later....
       As she got out of the truck a wave of heat welcomed her but in her optimism she thought "HOW LONG CAN A MILE BE?"
       Now the "SHAKE THE PAIL AND THEY WILL COME' at ground level was in process. The grain treat caught the attention of a few beasts but most were distracted and still unwilling to give up their adventure.
       She had already covered about half the distance to home, now with NO TRUCK, FEW COWS ,AND EVEN LESS PATIENCE- stupid cows was really on the top of her thought process.
       BUT -
       in the midst of all this a flash of genius came to her rescue..........
       Years ago myself [the writer of this saga] and Sherry had attended a seminar in Edmonton Alberta with Raymon Grace and he had spoken at length about the power of thought and intent even on animals. He went on to explain that animals are masters at reading energy. He explained that this is why "SERVICE DOGS" are so effective in helping humans in their day to day lives. He talked about "BE THE ANIMAL"-"FEEL THE ANIMAL".
        -in that beautiful moment of clarity so decided to be the "COW!"
        As she walked in front of the herd the image of a large salt block came to her mind-it was located in the homestead property where they were headed. She thought
        Sherry mentioned to me in the telling that the road they were on had a large curve and when she turned around to see if anyone was coming there seemed to be a few more that were paying attention and following along. Encouraged she thought "WHAT HAVE I GOT TO LOOSE". As she rounded the last bend...still with the mantra in her head they hit a long stretch of straight road...Risking another glance behind her the magic had worked!!!!! Behold 35-40 head of four-legged beasts were almost in single file as they followed her up the trail and rushed past her directly to the salt block. As she closed the gate on the events of the day her heart filled with gratitude and amazement-what a story to tell...
        When she related the story to me I asked her why she didn't use the mantra "WE ARE SOOOO THIRSTY" because it was such a hot day? What she told me made a lot of sense when I heard it. If she had thought about water she would have lost the whole herd because the river was only a "STONES THROW" away from the country trail they were traveling on and they would have all been off to the river!!!! WHO KNEW!
        The best part of this magical story is that because the farm was so remote the only "SALT BLOCK"that existed for miles was the one in Sherrys farmyard "WITH THE GATE".
        This beautiful story reminds us that so many times when we have a tricky situation our intuition rings the doorbell and we don't answer the door. This is a story of answering the door.
       {side note:] I sent this story so we may apply this process of powerful positive thought to the world today...like Raymon says    


Raymon's donkeys, Eeyore and Rawhide, when they went on an adventure. 

Class Schedule 

  • Notice: Missouri Class is Full. 
  • Notice: Abingdon, June class is Full. 

  • August 6-7, Class near Gettysburg PA. At a private residence - those seriously interested contact Raymon at raymon@raymongrace.us for details. 

  • Another class will be offered in Abingdon in early Fall. A date for that will likely be out with the next newsletter. 
Raymon's Website
Raymon Grace Foundation


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