A Note From April

Hello Friends,

Our April newsletter is getting out one day late as it was a very busy month. Now is a great time to let you know that we try very hard to respond in a timely manner but we are a family run operation and sometimes family takes priority. I personally try to stay on top of all my emails but with two small kids and running another business sometimes I get a little behind. I very much appreciate your patience and kindness!

To spin off of that...when you sign up for an energy clearing if you pay for one month only you should receive a receipt from our PayPal. That serves as your confirmation. If you subscribe you'll receive a welcome email. But I send those manually so there is sometimes a delay.

As always we appreciate you!

April Grace

Director of Communications, Raymon Grace Foundation

A Note FromRaymon

Howdy Folks
If you will read this and follow some simple directions, it may be the most useful newsletter I’ve ever written.
Received an email from Shaun in Denmark, asking about clearing schools where mass shootings had occurred. 
Noble thought ~~but too late. 
Why not prevent the tragedy BEFORE it happens?
You say, ‘It can’t be done?’ Keep reading for a bit of background information. 
April was home schooled until she was 14 and wanted to go to High School. We visited the school to get acquainted and I told the Guidance Teacher that we wanted this to be a positive experience for both April and all teachers and kids. To assure this would happen, I would do an Energy Clearing on the school and there was nothing they could do about it and hoped they liked it.
This statement resulted in some strange looks but no questions.
There was more to the story but am keeping this brief. ~~ Fast forward three years.  April brought a teacher home at the end of the school year and I asked how long she had been teaching there? Five years. So I asked if things were different now than they were five years ago? YES!! Everyone got along better and there was NO trouble.
Asked, ‘When did it change?’  Teacher replied, "Three years ago.” Then she said, ‘"That was when April came to school. WHAT DID YOU DO?"
Told her, 'I cleared the school just as I promised.’
Was speaking at the Edgar Cayce Foundation in Virginia Beach and told this story. A woman spoke up and said, ’That explains it.”
‘Explains what?” I asked. She said the family moved a lot and her son was in about a dozen schools and there was ONLY one school in which he did well. It was the same school where April attended at the same time. 
Another case a month ago. Received an email from a female school bus driver saying she ended the day crying and was considering quitting her job because she just couldn't handle it any more. The kids were like wild animals, very abusive, politeness did NOT exist. This was one of the worst schools in that part of the country. 
EVERY home that these kids came from was possessed with BAD entities. Got rid of them.
Next day she wrote to say the kids were quiet, well behaved and even had a level of politeness. She was AMAZED. 
What happened?
So now let's talk about what YOU can do if you have kids, grandkids, relative’s or neighbor's kids you want to help and protect.
1. Do an exorcism on ALL people involved: teachers, students, bus drivers, janitors ~~and the building, grounds, and the homes of teachers and students.
2. Transform ALL negative emotions of the above into LOVE & RESPECT.
3. Apply the 'Problem Package' to all involved. This is a FREE video at  'Raymon Grace You Tube Channel .'
4. Put a ‘ Mental Energy Shield’ around the school to repel any dangerous people. This requires IMAGINATION ~~which Einstein said was more important than knowledge.'
5. You might want to ask often~~ is anyone intending to do any harm at the school?
6. if so, you would need to do an exorcism on them. NO. YOU DO NOT NEED TO KNOW THEIR NAME.
7. Remove any ‘killer’ and ‘abusive' archetypes from them. ‘ARCHETYPE' is a characteristic that affects a person’s behavior. 
Most every school shooter has been possessed with seriously dangerous entities. 
The problem wasn’t the gun ~~it was a mentally deranged and possessed human.
We boys carried guns in our trucks and cars when we went to school ~~ but we never shot anyone.
I really believe these killings could be prevented if only one person would check on the school every day. 

So, how do you learn to do this? I teach classes if you care to attend. If you live too far away, there are 6 videos and 1 CD that are a condensed version of my 2 day class. These are available as downloads at www.raymongrace.us 

Now some of you nice folks with good intentions will want to write and ask me to form a ‘Protect our Children Group’.

If you want a group, YOU START IT ~~ am not a ‘group’ person. Have practiced being a hermit and am good at it. 

Groups take time to manage, they ask silly questions like ‘ why don’t you do it this way?’ OR ‘we need a committees to study the matter.’
According to the Bible, God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th. How did that happen?
He didn’t have committee.
Have given you the information to take care of your kids at school. USE IT.



Problem Package Video
Raymon's Website
Raymon Grace Foundation

Class Calendar

  • May 6-7 - Abingdon, VA
  • June 24-25 - Abingdon, VA

Email raymon@raymongrace.us to register and for info.

Comments From Our Friends Around the World

  • I wanted to share how blessed I am. The day I reached out to you, the change started. We had more first-time customers that day. Every day since the clearing , we are seeing the business grow daily. it has been so exciting. I am also blessed to have had at the ancestry clearing. i can see the shift in my attention and attitude toward my thoughts as a never before. I am so grateful for the clearing you did on me and my husband and our business.~~~S

  •  Meant to email you a couple of months ago. You worked on our water. My husband Dave and I always say how much better our water at home tastes than anywhere else. Well, we got our water tested. It tested at a three. They said anything fifty or below is EXCELLENT! OURS IS A THREE! THANK YOU AGAIN! 

One of my friends grew hemp and VA. Tech processed it into hemp oil [CBD oil]. I spoke with a knowledgable person in Switzerland who had researched it and found it among the best available anywhere and priced reasonably. 
If you are interested in this, here is the website.  www.clinchmountainhemp.com
Clinch Mountain Hemp