This year, the Self-Help Housing program is nationally celebrating its 50 year anniversary and the completion of the 50,000th home!
The Self-Help Housing Program, established 50 years ago as a path to homeownership for low-income families and funded by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development, has resulted in homeownership for 50,000 families across America. Self-Help Enterprises is proud to be a part of this milestone, which will officially be celebrated in June as a part of National Homeownership Month.
As part of the celebration, we invite current and past families that have built a self-help home to submit short stories and drawings describing what the experience has meant to you. Stories from adults should be 250 words or less and children (up to 16 years old) can submit drawings on an 8 ? x 11 white paper. Please include your name, email or phone number with your submission.
Up to 20 stories/drawings submitted from across the country will be selected to receive a prize of $50 and will also be on exhibit at the National Self Help Housing Conference in San Antonio, TX in July 2015.
Please e-mail your stories/drawings by May 15, 2015 to or mail them to Self-Help Enterprises, Attn: Sonia Sanchez, P.O. Box 6520, Visalia, CA 93290.
You can also follow the celebration on social media using the hashtag #50yrs50khomes and by visiting
Self Help Housing Spotlight.