From the heart of Amanda Martin...
Welcome to the middle of April dear Wauhatchie families! As we arrive in the midst of this time of reawakening, I hope everyone has had the chance to gaze at the wonder of spring's arrival. The fullness of it all is literally swarming around us. The end of the school year is quickly approaching and there is so much to celebrate!
As you scroll through the newsletter this month, you'll find some updates on what our students have been learning, introductions to some of our incredible new teachers, and information about upcoming events. We are full of excitement and a deep pride in our students as we prepare to say goodbye to our 5th graders in just over a month. Our hearts are full in so many ways this spring!
How amazing is it that we all got to experience the recent solar eclipse together? This cosmic event signified a monumental shift that pushes us to fight for what we really want in life. It's been a beautiful reminder to have our own back and commit to our inner compass as we continue to grow and learn together. I truly enjoyed gathering with our Reflection Riding families to witness this spectacular event!
With Gratitude,