April NJSPE Update
Former NJSPE President,
Bernard (Bernie) Raymond Berson (86)
passed away peacefully on March 17,
surrounded by loved ones.

The State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors have outlined requirements for continuing education for license renewal for PE’s. For your convenience, NJSPE is offering online trainings and educational resources

NJSPE is committed to providing courses that will cater to those with multiple licenses and differing state requirements.

The learning objective is to expose the seminar participants to various engineering related professional and statutory codes of ethics to indoctrinate ethics awareness and an understanding of ethical standards common to all jurisdictions, including those of the participants, so that the participants understand the boundaries of ethical engineering behavior. The program is broken into several parts. Introduction to common statutory and regulatory ethics rules; review of the National Society of Professional Engineers Code of Ethics with examples of common ethics rules, illustrative case studies to consider, with emphasis on the similarities and difference between governmental and professional society sanctions; practical reasons for ethical practice, how unethical practice can present professional liability, legal, licensure, moral and public health, safety and welfare issues.

This course will review the ways drones are being used in the construction industry, mainly in the engineering and surveying fields. This course will show examples of how drones are being utilized in various different situations to assist Engineers. You will learn the safety benefits of using drones in compromising health situations. You will learn some of the legal requirements for use of drone, applications of drones for specific Engineers needs, benefits of using drones, and you will see some of what the future can hold for drone technology in the engineering field.

This course will provide a general overview of the use and application of regulatory and warning signs, pavement marking and traffic signals. In addition, the course will include a discussion of common traffic engineering studies used to establish speed limits and determine design parameters used in implementing traffic control devices and roadway geometric features. Examples will be presented and concepts will be reinforced through hands-on exercises. Finally, the presentation will provide an overview of roundabouts, including design features, their application and advantages of using roundabouts over other conventional intersection treatments.

This course will review the recently adopted NJ Stormwater Management Rules that will become effective on March 2, 2021. The discussion will focus on the design paradigm shift necessary to successfully and efficiently implement green infrastructure including design team approaches to effectively utilize green infrastructure in stormwater management. The concept of decentralization and utilizing the required tiers of BMPs to accomplish stormwater management in a treatment train will be explained, including examples. The benefits of using green infrastructure from both a stormwater management and development standpoint will be explained.

Construction Quality Assurance and Construction Engineering and Inspection Services for the Goethals Bridge Replacement
Learn how the Goethals Bridge Replacement Project required innovations in monitoring permitting, quality assurance, resource tracking, and Construction Engineering and Inspection scheduling.

NJSPE Member Rate Non-Member Rate
$35 $50

NOTE: Your payment for any of the above courses are only good for ONE person. Sharing the video will NOT result in additional free PDH credits.

PLEASE READ: To successfully purchase and access a course, please purchase on a computer using a Google Chrome web browser. After you purchase a course, you will be taken to a new page to enter your email to receive the course link. Ensure that all popup blockers are disabled on your device
Virtual NSPE Conference Update:

Planning for the Virtual 2021 Professional Engineers Conference is in full swing. The conference will focus on Leadership and Innovation and will be held in conjunction with the celebration of PE Day on August 4. Attendees will have access to education sessions (all of which will be recorded and available for later viewing), networking sessions, and roundtable discussions. As further details are confirmed, they will be shared on the conference webpage and in other communications to members and nonmembers.

Shaping Public Policy
Bills Make Licensing, Certification Costs Eligible for Education Savings Plans: Leadership from the Professional Certification Coalition worked successfully with Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) to reintroduce H.R. 2171, the Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act. The bill allows the beneficiaries of tax-advantaged 529 education savings plans to pay the costs associated with obtaining or maintaining postsecondary credentials—including professional licensing and private certification—with funds from their plan. The companion bill, S. 905, was introduced by Senator Amy Klobuchar.

As introduced, the legislation supports both new and existing PE licenses and NICET certifications. NSPE will be working with PCC leadership on the strategy for moving these bills through the legislative process and launching an advocacy campaign of its own.
Federal Bill Targets Funding for Engineering Education: Another federal bill that NSPE is actively supporting is H.R. 594, the WORKER Act. Introduced by Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) and Rep. Susan Wild (D-PA), the bill authorizes $20 million to make specialized engineering programs available in K–12 schools, via a grant program.
Sign Up Now for 2021 Emerging Leaders Program: 
The virtual NSPE Emerging Leaders Program is an intensive seven month, professionally facilitated, practical program for up-and-coming leaders.
Between August and February, participants will first benefit from an online leadership assessment and then, on a monthly basis, receive specific training and application tips on how to succeed at higher levels of leadership responsibility. Topics include ownership, team development, communication skills, giving/receiving feedback, and presentation skills.
Promising early-career professionals with 5–8 years of experience who are just beginning to lead and think strategically in the profession and their careers will benefit from this reality-based curriculum that focuses on the core skills necessary to think strategically, build effective teams, deliver great service for their most-valued clients, and lead successfully.

Important Dates

• May 31: Applications due
• June 15: Application decisions/acceptance
• July 1: Registration fees due ($950 member/$1,249 nonmember). Fee includes NSPE membership

For more information, to apply, and to meet last year’s class of leaders visit the Emerging Leaders page.
Milton F. Lunch Ethics Contest Launches:

The Board of Ethical Review has kicked off the 2021 competition, with entries due on April 26. The author of the winning entry will receive a $2,000 prize. The three topics from among which the entrants may choose are artificial intelligence, the industrial exemption, and climate change. Entries must not be more than 1,000 words.

NJSPE has a new LinkedIn page. Give us a follow for industry updates, upcoming events, important New Jersey news, and more!
Stay connected on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as well!

National Engineering Society Announces
New Executive Director and CEO 

NJSPE Would Like to Welcome Its Newest Members and
Welcome Back Rejoins – Thank you for your membership!
Edgard A. Baloukjy, PE
Abe H. Bawarshi, PE
Scholes Electric & Communicatiions
Divam Dave
EllisDon Corporation
Richard Hall, PE
ARH Associates
Sharfaraz Noor (Student)
New Jersey Institute of Technology

Reduced Cost Ethics Training for Professional Engineers
To help our members meet their requirements, the New Jersey Society of Professional Engineers has launched a new online ethics training for professional engineers at a reduced cost. 
This two-hour online video, presented by the NJSPE counsel Larry Powers, will provide you with the two credits required for the ethics portion of your professional engineer license. Once the video is viewed in its entirety, you will be e-mailed a certificate proving you have met this licensing requirement. READ MORE
NJSPE Member Renewals
If you have received your renewal and are paying by Purchase Order or Voucher, please send all paper work to NJSPE for a signature. You can mail it to NJSPE, 414 River View Plaza, Trenton, NJ 08611 or you can fax it to 609-393-9891. Thank you for your membership!
Job Opportunities

Chair, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Posted: April 6, 2021
Location: Hoboken, New Jersey
Type: Full Time

Entry Level & Mid Level Structural Engineers
Posted: April 5, 2021
Location: Newark, New Jersey
Type: Full Time
Categories: Civil - Forensic Engineering, Civil - Inspection, Civil - Structural, Civil Engineering

President Outlines $2T-Plus Jobs Package Centered on Infrastructure

President Joe Biden's formal unveiling March 31 of the framework of an ambitious $2-trillion-plus economic stimulus/job creation package includes hundreds of billions of dollars for highways, bridges, transit, passenger rail, water systems, airports, marine ports, schools and other types of infrastructure across the country.

Artificial living organisms can move material in swarms and record information

Scientists up to create the next version of Xenobots - tiny biological robots that self-assemble, carry out tasks, and can repair themselves. Now they can move faster, and record information.

Technology could partially restore vision in blind people, engineers say

A team of engineers is developing a retinal implant that works with camera-equipped smart glasses and a microcomputer.

'Climbing droplets' could lead to more efficient water harvesting

Researchers have discovered that a novel surface they developed to harvest water from the air encourages tiny water droplets to move spontaneously into larger droplets. When researchers placed microdroplets of water on their liquid-lubricant surface, the microdroplets propelled themselves to climb, without external force, into larger droplets along an oily, ramp-shaped meniscus that forms from the lubricant around the larger droplets. The 'coarsening droplet phenomenon' formed droplets large enough for harvesting.

Air Force Officer Stresses Importance of Engineering Mentorship in 2021 Federal Engineer of the Year Award Acceptance

In accepting the prestigious Federal Engineer of the Year Award, Maj. Pickenpaugh thanked everyone from her kindergarten teacher to her Ph.D. advisor, and emphasized the importance of lifelong learning and mentoring.

NSPE Delivers Policy Priorities to White House

In a letter to the Biden administration, NSPE urged the development of common-sense climate change mitigation policies and swift investment in the nation’s infrastructure, among other recommendations. When responding to climate change, the letter said, the administration should be cautious of overreach that could trigger unintended consequences, especially for the economy. Regarding infrastructure, NSPE highlighted its vital role in society and the value of having professional engineers “play a lead role in creating, maintaining, and renewing infrastructure.”

Fifteen Free Courses

These courses are available for free to NSPE members to conveniently view from the comfort of your home or office. Viewers may earn credits by viewing the webinars and passing a quiz. Upon successful completion of each session quiz with a passing score of 70% or higher, the quiz taker will receive an attendance certificate with the appropriate credits (PDHs) earned for that session. PDHs from the NSPE free courses are recognized by most U.S. states

PEs Can Strengthen AV Safety Framework

As industry and government accelerate the development and deployment of autonomous vehicles, NSPE is once again standing for public safety. In new public comments, NSPE called on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to follow recommendations in the Society’s Autonomous Vehicle Policy Guide, rely on the expertise of professional engineers, and implement a third-party verification process as part of the federal safety framework for automated driving systems.
Joseph A. Mancini, PE
Robert V. Kiser, PE
William Delisky, PE
Erica Vigliorolo, EIT
Tejal Patel, PE
Jeffrey Laux, PE
Brian Van Nortwick, PE
Mark Shourds, PE, F.NSPE
Lawrence Powers, Esq.
Joe Simonetta, CAE
Past President
Vice President
NJSPE Director at Large
NSPE Delegate
Executive Director