April/May 2022
Our Welcome Circle Guests Arrive Monday!
April 18, 2022
Our Welcome Circle Team is very excited to announce that we have been matched with a group of three single women and that they will arrive on Monday, April 18. All three of them speak English and all three have BAs in Agriculture! 

As you can imagine, there is still a lot to organize. Housing is our main priority!

If you’d like to make a donation to support our efforts, you can go to ncjwlongbeach.org/welcomecircle and select Immigration Services Fund. If you have questions or in-kind donations or can assist in another way, please contact us through the Welcome Circle email: welcomecircle@ncjwlongbeach.org.

We are excited to be this close to receiving our guests! Thanks to all of you for your ongoing support for this important project!
Washington Institute 2022
May 15 - 17, 2022, Washington, D.C.
Washington Institute 2022 is a reimagined opportunity for new and seasoned advocates from National Council of Jewish Women to come together in Washington, DC. Over three days, we will learn new skills and tools, advance our collective mission, and make our voices heard. It all culminates in The Jewish Rally for Abortion Justice on Capitol Hill – sending a powerful message that we are committed to the fight to ensure a just future.

Going in person is so much fun, but we all also have the chance to attend virtually this year! Registration is still open, but the hotel discount is good only till April 22. Register at https://washingtoninstitute.ncjw.org.

For more information, contact our Section leadership at advocacy@ncjwlongbeach.org
NCJW-California's Virtual Lobby Week
April 25, 9 am - noon, Zoom
Join us on April 25th for the Kick-off to NCJW-California’s Virtual Lobby Week. Our legislative priorities this year are:

--Reproductive Freedom: AB 1666 prevents lawsuits in California courts enforcing out-of-state laws that criminalize California medical personnel or anyone else who aids an abortion of a woman from another state.

--Affordable Childcare: AB 92 will create an equitable sliding scale for family fees and will temporarily waive family fees for all families through 2023 to reduce the hardships of the pandemic.

--Homelessness: AB 1816 creates a reentry housing and workforce development program to allow people with recent histories of incarceration to exit homelessness and remain stably housed.

You'll hear from:
  • Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia, chair of the California Legislative Women’s Caucus, about their United Plan on Reproductive Freedom;
  • Shimica Gaskins, President and CEO of GRACE about the End Child Poverty in California Coalition’s “$10 Billion to Fight Poverty” campaign; and
  • Amazing advocates who will present the details of our three priority bills.

Our Section is currently scheduling virtual lobby meetings with our local legislators and will be scheduling briefing sessions regarding the bills and the ins and outs of lobbying.

Email advocacy@ncjwlongbeach.org if you’d like to be part of our local lobby efforts.
4th Thursday NCJW Movie Club
Thursday, April 28 and May 26, 7 pm, Zoom
April 28: The Tender Bar 
J.R. grew up captivated by his father’s voice, a NYC disc jockey who vanished before the little boy spoke his first word. At age eight, suddenly unable to find The Voice on the radio, J.R. turned in desperation to the bar on the corner, where he found a rousing chorus of new voices. The alphas there taught, tended, and fathered him by committee — taking him to the beach, to ballgames, and ultimately into their circle. Torn between his mother’s example and the lurid romance of the bar, J.R. tried to forge a self somewhere in the center. Time and again the bar offered shelter from failure, rejection, heartbreak — and eventually from reality.

May 26: FLEE 
Evocatively animated in a style that is visually sparse but emotionally vibrant, Flee is written and directed by filmmaker Jonas Poher Rasmussen. As a teen growing up in Copenhagen, Rasmussen became friends with a similarly aged Afghan refugee named Amin. Amin had fled Afghanistan after the Mujahideen grew more powerful during the First Afghan Civil War of the 1980s and 1990s, and arrived in Copenhagen alone. The two became friends, staying in touch as Rasmussen pursued filmmaking and as Amin pursued his doctoral degree. When they reconnect for the documentary Flee, it’s as adults ready to look back upon the past with a mixture of honesty, wistfulness, and resignation (from Amin) and curiosity and patience (Rasmussen). “This is a true story,” as stated at the beginning, and the film honors the weight of that statement with an engrossing story that is as unflinching as it is—through a tremendous amount of human will—hopeful. 

Yom Ha'Atzmaut Celebration
Thursday, May 5, 5 - 7 pm, Alpert JCC
Celebrate Israel’s 74th Independence Day with the Long Beach community on the Weinberg Jewish Long Beach Campus! All are welcome to this free family friendly celebration. Food and drinks will be available for purchase.

Falafel Truck • DJ • Vendor Fair •
Beer & Wine • Crafts •
Henna • Israeli Dancing
Final HugPack Event This Year
Thursday, May 12, 6 - 7:30 pm, Alpert JCC
We are so excited to share that we will have two teams assembling the hugpacks, one for Kindergartners through 2nd grade and one for middle-school students. And four representatives from Long Beach Rotary, our grantor for books for the early grades, will be packing with us! Many helping hands are needed, so join us in giving a "hug" to vulnerable children entering the foster care system! Individually wrapped snacks and drinks are provided, and doing good will feel so great! RSVP by emailing communityservice@ncjwlongbeach.org or leave a message at (657) 235-2511
And the 2022 Hannah G. Solomon Award Goes to:
Dale C. Strok
Dale C. Strok, the behind-the-scenes “glue” who has kept electronic communication from and to your NCJW Greater Long Beach & West Orange County Section ongoing for years, has played an even more crucial and expanded role during the pandemic when staying in touch has been so important to all of us. Dale is a Renaissance woman in terms of her skillset, and you will learn more about her in the May/June Pillars. Dale will receive her award at the June 12 Mix, Mingle and Celebrate! Event so stay tuned and save the date! You won’t want to miss this very special afternoon combining a social opportunity, Charter Day and the Installation of our 2022-2023 Section Board!
Join Our Abortion Justice Working Group
For too long, the narrative in this country about abortion and religion belies the Jewish story: in Judaism, abortion is not only permitted, but sometimes required. National Council of Jewish Women, along with our allies and partners, has launched a new Jewish movement for abortion justice: 73 Forward. Our section has begun to explore programming options for this campaign, and our Advocacy Committee would like to form a working group. 

If you’d like to help us plan educational programs, advocate for legislation, and/or mobilize organized actions in support of reproductive rights, health, and justice for all, please email advocacy@ncjwlongbeach.org. 

We’ll be scheduling our first working group meeting soon, and we’d love to have you join us in the fight! 
Join Our New 2022 Voting and
Elections Working Group
Voting and elections are a top priority for our Section. We are forming a working group to help plan and lead Section voting and election efforts through the November 2022 election. Topics to be explored include voter registration, Vote Forward letter writing, partnering with organizations like the League of Women Voters, and voting access for marginalized communities.  

Let us know if you’d like:
(a)  To be part of the working group, 
(b)  To help with voter registration and/or Vote Forward, or 
(c)  More information on how best to participate. 

We need you and your ideas! Contact the chairperson, Chana Ham-Rosebrock, via advocacy@ncjwlongbeach.org or leave a message for her at (657) 235-2511
Make a Difference Day Is Back!
Sunday, May 22, 11 am - 4 pm
Marine Stadium, Long Beach
Save the date! NCJW is participating in the annual community-wide Make a Difference Day coordinated by Temple Israel.

We’ve made some changes to keep everyone safe and comfortable, so our morning kick-off get-together will be outdoors at Marine Stadium in Long Beach. Lots of exciting new projects this year! Choose from great projects (for kids too!) impacting vets, the homeless, seniors, LGBTQ, the disabled, kids in shelters, organic gardening, food scarcity, doing onsite repairs, helping animals, tree planting, and Meals on Wheels. The list goes on and on!

The organizers also need project leaders, who will get complete support and a 2-hour training/orientation. Most projects require very little upfront time, just talking to the on-site people and then connecting with your project’s volunteers during registration in May. For more information, contact our VP of Community Service Andrea Friedenthal soon at info@ncjwlongbeach.org to share your skills, and she’ll match you up with something that’s right up your alley!
Opportunities for Service
Here you'll find ways to contribute!
The chairperson is listed after each project; just drop them an email.
--Volunteer to join the Board (Judy Leff)
  Open positions: Co-VP Programs, Co-VP Resource Development
--Join a Committee:
  Abortion Justice (Cynthia Gordon)
  Voting & Elections (Chana Ham-Rosebrock)
  Make a Difference Day (Andrea Friedenthal)
--Be a HugPack Packer (Linda Fox)
--Help Our Welcome Circle (Naomi Steinfeld)
Mark Your Calendars...Save the Date

Thursday, May 5: Board meeting, 7 pm. RSVP for Zoom link; all members welcome!

Sunday, June 12: Charter Day and Installation: Reimagined! Mix, Mingle, and Celebrate! House parties 1:30–3 pm. Main program with national leaders, entertainment, desserts, silent auction, and installation, 3:30–5:30 pm at Temple Beth Shalom. Watch our website for more information soon.

Like us and follow us on social media and help us share NCJW events and advocacy programs with others!

Email us at info@ncjwlongbeach.org, call (657) 235-2511, or send mail to NCJW Greater Long Beach & West Orange County, 6216 E. Pacific Coast Highway, #239, Long Beach, CA 90803. Please add this contact information to your contacts list.