Hello Nicholas,

Wow, It's hard to believe it's already Spring ... 2024 is moving by pretty fast. This edition contains some pretty fun recent photo assignments along with a couple personal trips that were just too unusual to leave out.

I love the fact that these newsletters give my photos a second life rather than being relegated to the archives where nobody gets to see them. It's also an awesome way to keep in touch with clients, friends and family.

Check out the latest from this past quarter and let me know what you think. As usual, it's an interesting mix of work. Enjoy!

'Journey of the Heart' concert at the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange

This is the thing about being a freelance photographer with outstanding clients ... I find myself photographing new things all the time. I had never heard of Deirdre Ni Chinneide until this assignment came up ... CLICK HERE to find out more about her. It was no coincidence that she was performing on the weekend of St. Patrick's Day.

This was an evening of Celtic Music, Song and Poetry with Deirdre Ni Chinneide and friends. And it was in the Sacred Heart Chapel where I have photographed so many awesome events through the years for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange.

For me, this evening was kind of a trifecta ... I love shooting performing arts, it was in one of my favorite venues and I met some people that I hav'nt seen in years.

On a technical note, I was alerted ahead of time that it was going to be dark and quiet enough to hear a pin drop. That sounds challenging, but one of my cameras has a silent mode and also works very well in low light.

Here are a few images from what was an extraordinary concert ...

CLICK HERE to visit the Sisters of St. Joseph's website.

Boys and Girls Club at the Artic

What an outstanding evening this was. It was the Boys and Girls clubs of Greater Anaheim-Cypress's 'Moving Forward' Gala and Auction at the ocVibe Artic in Anaheim. It was an awesome venue and a worthwhile cause.

This was an evening of nonstop things to photograph. Starting with the VIP reception on the second level and then moving downstairs for the dinner, speakers, performances, awards and both a silent and live auction. And then there was the Angel Force Band ... they were outstanding. The band's mission is to help reduce veteran suicides, another great cause. CLICK HERE to find out more about them and what they do. The band is made up of journeymen musicians, many of which you may know.

CLICK HERE to get to the Boys and Girls clubs of Greater Anaheim-Cypress's website.

Recently Published in the Riverside Press Enterprise

I was asked to shoot individual portraits of the subjects from a wrestling assignment in Anza, CA. because both daughters of the coach were well known wrestlers ... Olivia Lopez, the older daughter, claimed a CIF Championship!


This was a fun game. There were several photographers at this game, and I wasn't sure who they were shooting for, but all were kind and considerate of each other. I basically stayed on one side the entire game so I could get both teams on the offensive, though shooting down court also rendered some nice images.

CLICK HERE to see the story and slideshow online.


It's always fun to see food images that Cathy Thomas and I photographed for the Orange County Register published again. This was in the Press Enterprise (and other SCNG newspapers). Once again proving that food photos are timeless :)

Click Here to see the story online

Click Here to get to the Cathy Thomas Cooks website


This was a fun festival to shoot last year, but it looks like it's headed to Long Beach. I remember when I arrived, the venue was practically empty with guests starting to trickle in ... but when I left at night, it was totally packed with people, especially near the stage. I still remember two large cowboys blazing a trail through the crowd for me so I could get close to the stage to get photos of the performers. Nobody minded and everyone was so kind and helpful.

CLICK HERE to see the original story and slideshow

Newport Beach Library Groundbreaking

This was an awesome event and very significant to Newport Beach and the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation.

Donors, city officials and the Mayor of Newport Beach, Will O'Neill, gathered for the official ground breaking of Witte Hall recently. It's a 9,815 square foot Civic Auditorium on the campus of the Newport Beach Public Library. This project is a collaboration between Newport Beach and the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation and is estimated to be completed in 2 years.

There were speeches, several ground breaking groups and a reception afterwards. A fairly short event in all, but very significant. Can't wait for the ribbon cutting ceremony in a couple years.

CLICK HERE to visit the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation's website.

Oatman, AZ

On a recent trip we visited a small rustic mining town in Arizona called Oatman. This is a town where donkey's rule. Well, if they don't rule the town, they certainly roam the streets like they own it. They say there are more donkey's in this town than people (haha).

It's a bit touristy, but there are some interesting stores including antique shops. The town officials put on a gunfight a couple times a day which is fun to see, but you still have to watch out for the donkey's as they plow through the crowd during their performance. If you are ever in the area, it's worth the trip ... Route 66 goes right through it.

Here's a sample of what we saw that day (iphoneography)

CLICK HERE to learn more about Oatman

A few postcards from Red Rock Canyon, NV

On the same trip where we visited Oatman, we also ventured near Las Vegas to a beautiful National Conservation Area called Red Rock Canyon. We took the 13 mile scenic drive, but also explored the beauty up close on a variety of hiking trails. Pretty crazy rock formations out in the middle of the desert. Here are just a few iphone pics from our wanderings ...


Well, that's it for this time ... always an interesting mix of work which keeps it exciting for me, Hopefully you enjoy these as well. We'll see what kind of photography the next quarter brings.

Feel free to share them with anyone you think might enjoy them or may be looking for a photographer. Contact info is below or I can also be reached through my website at www.nicholaskoonphotography.com.

Take Care,


Nick Koon

Nicholas Koon Photography





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