
2023 Newsletter:



The Health and Hope Clinic is making a HUGE impact in our community--thank you for making this possible!

What do Free and Charitable Health Clinics, Like your Health & Hope Clinic in Pensacola, do for ALL Americans?

Pensacola's Health & Hope Clinic is just one clinic of hundreds nationwide serving the uninsured and underinsured. The new data is out--and the impact of clinics like Health & Hope is immense!

Volunteer Rock Star of the Month

Nikolas Rodriguez:

-in his own words...

Near the end of the summor of 2021, I received an email from Dr. Peter Cavnar about the clinic and learned about what the clinic stood for and what they do. This inspired me to sign up. I currently work in the patient assistance program department and to me the work is meaningful because I'm the one who helps get the patient's medications, valued at $3.2 million yearly. I have learned teamwork and leadership, as I collaborate with our team of 7-10 patient advocates who help leverage 20 plus pharmaceutical companies to secure prescription medications at no cost to patients. Our team meets with the patients, monitors completed applications, troubleshoots application approvals and medication shipment delays, & we follow-up with patients to ensure medication compliance. My favorite moments are meeting the people I work with and getting to know them. I enjoy the thought that even if I struggle, I will have friends here that will help and support me, and I will do the same for them! In my free time, I enjoy hanging out with my family--especially my mom and my nieces.

Health & Hope Clinic Patient wins a NEW CAR!

The Health & Hope Clinic nominated patient John Gazoo for the United Way of West Florida's new car giveaway--and to everyone's amazement and surprise--Mr. Gazoo won the car! Huge congratulations to he and his wife, and BIG thanks go out to the United Way of West Florida and Step One Automotive Group for furnishing the vehicle for the winner. It is an awesome day when extreme generosity meets tremendous need! The outcome is amazing!

Click HERE to see WEAR's Coverage of this Winner!

Health & Hope Clinic Shows up BIG for the Community at Fred Levin Way Fest 2023!

We had an amazing day at the Fred Levin Way Fest passing out 1000 hygiene packs & hand sanitizers, and giving out information about our services we provide for free for the uninsured! Huge Thank You to the Levin Papantonio Rafferty Law Firm & the Levin Family for organizing such a fantastic event for our community!!

The Health & Hope Clinic bids a Fond Farewell to ROCKSTAR Volunteer Natasha Sompalli!

We love celebrating our volunteers! Natasha Sompalli “VJ” is leaving for Med school AND we celebrated her bday week! Lots to celebrate & we couldn’t be more proud of this girl! Thanks for your 5 years of dedication & leadership at the Health and Hope Clinic, Inc, VJ!


Encourager stats March 2023:

--13 Gospel Conversations

--191 Prayers and Encouragements

Who does the Health & Hope Clinic Serve?

March 2023: we saw 488 unique patients in March (287 female, 201 male), and we provided 1193 total patient visits.

Here are some highlights:

-140 Dental visits provided

-249 Primary Care Visits

-298 Pharmacy Visits

-134 Intake Visits

Thank you Donors!

How our donors can give in 2023:

  • Check
  • Cash
  • Credit Card
  • Automatic monthly contributions
  • Individuals and Businesses
  • Churches
  • Christmas at the Clinic
  • Text the word "HOPE" to 850-378-3917
  • Stocks


Donating your appreciated stock can help your own goals to make smart financial decisions. If you donate the stock to Health and Hope Clinic, there's no capital gains tax to pay. Plus, if you've owned the appreciated stock for more than one year and itemize deductions on your tax return, you may be able to take

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Click Here to Donate to Health and Hope Clinic

a charitable deduction for the full fair market value of the stock. This is a great way to help your Health and Hope Clinic! Give our Executive Director a call at 850-748-4456 and we can get you in touch with our Morgan Stanley Advisor.

CLICK HERE toVisit Chick-Fil-A 9-Mile's Facebook page!

Thank you to Our Incredible In-Kind Clinic Food Sponsor:


Nine Mile Road

We sincerely appreciate all the support we receive from the great folks at Chick-Fil-A Restaurant Nine Mile Road! Thank You!

Health and Hope Clinic | 1718 E. Olive Rd, Pensacola, FL 32514




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