Minnesota North District - LCMS

LCMS 2023 Congregation Year-End Statistics – EXTENDED DEADLINE - May 31, 2024

It is that time again to submit your congregation’s end-of-year statistics and update your current list of lay leaders at the following website: https://lc.lcms.org/


Use the same login information that you used last year to register your Presidential Voters. If you cannot remember the username and/or password you created for your congregation last year, follow the on-screen helps on the login page to recover your login credentials.


Up-to-date statistical information is essential for the Synod as it plans current and future ministry efforts. Such information is also critical for determining proper voting representation at conventions.

Emails for lay leaders will be increasingly important as channels for critical convention communications.


The deadline for congregation statistics and lay leaders is May 31, 2024, you may also review your congregation’s profile and lay leader information anytime throughout the year to make sure your contact information, service times, and other important data are current.  

District Prayers
Call Update



I’d like to introduce myself……my name is Paula Menzel and I am your new Minnesota North District Coordinator for the LCMS Youth Gathering in New Orleans July 19-23, 2025.

Held every 3 years since 1980, the LCMS Youth Gathering provides thousands of youth and adults the opportunity to come together as a community of God’s people to learn more about Jesus Christ, the Christian faith and their Lutheran identity.

The theme for the 2025 LCMS Youth Gathering is “ENDURE” and is centered around Hebrews 12;1-3.

We are presently in the pre planning phases of the Gathering and my job as District Coordinator is to serve as a liaison between LCMS Youth Ministry, the district office, and congregations for the 2025 LCMS Youth Gathering.


You can find information about the Gathering at the website: www.lcmsgathering.com

Stay informed about pre-Gathering planning resources and other announcements while connecting with Gathering planners and other leaders on the Gathering’s Facebook, Instagram and X accounts.


St. Paul's in Perham celebrated our veterans on April 28 with a Veteran's Appreciation Sunday and Open House. We had a special speaker, Rev Philip Houser, who served as the State Chaplain for the Nebraska National Guard in Lincoln, Nebraska. He began his military career as a Chaplain in the Air Force Reserve on March 9, 1997. He retired from service as a full Colonel on December 31, 2021.  Some of our veterans helped with ushering, readings, and collecting offerings. Along both sides of the Sanctuary we listed ALL of our member Veterans who have passed on. Quilts of Valor were presented to four members.

Trinity Lutheran Church in Lake George, MN recently celebrated New Member Sunday. They welcomed 9 new members! They are pictured above with Pastor Phil Houser and his wife Jill.

34 youth from 6 congregations made up the 9 teams from Minnesota North and South Districts who studied the book of “Acts” and gathered at Concordia University, St. Paul on April 6st to share their knowledge at the boards and on a written test. Dozens of parents, drivers, counselors, pastors, chaperones, and coaches joined God’s youth for the day's activities. Following registration, the Bible Bowl opened with devotions at 9:00 a.m. Concordia Admissions Counselor Breana Winnes welcomed us and helped us throughout the day. She gave out a few gifts too. Thank You Breana and all who helped with the 2024 Bible Bowl! Your efforts contribute to the growth of brothers and sisters in Christ throughout Minnesota. Only God knows who will be in heaven as God’s Word is studied, heard, and shared.

Thank You to all who served as Quizmasters. Thank you to all who served as Score keepers and time keepers. Thank you to Paula Paulson, Nadine Meyer, and all who promote the Bible Bowl. Thanks also to Janelle Breitbarth for writing questions and to Autumn and Brittany, and Becky who ran the tournament charts and errands. All praise and glory be to God! Following are the congregations involved.

The double elimination team tournament with 15 questions per game requesting information found in Acts led to the following team results:

First Place Team – Trinity Lutheran Church, Faribault Team A: Janessa Franklin, Martha Kuehnel, Nevaeh Weeg, ,– Coach Philip Simonson. .

Second Place Team - First Lutheran Church, Grand Rapids: Lillian Lovejoy, Kate Clairmont

The Individual competition which consisted of 45 written questions requesting answers from Acts led to these results:

First Place: Jean-Pierre Erasmus, Rose of Sharon Lutheran Church, Cottage Grove

Second Place: Braxton Weeg – Trinity Lutheran Church, Faribault

Third Place: Lillian Lovejoy, First Lutheran Church, Grand Rapids

My Savior Lives Northland will move from KBJR 6 to My 9 or 6.3 from Memorial Day to Labor Day. This is due to NBC programing sports during our slot during the summer.  You can also watch us on Vimeo, YouTube, Facebook at MSL Northland or on our website www.mslnorthland.com

Continuing Education Funds Available

Do you have a goal in 2024 to learn a new skill set or refresh an old one? Don’t let the expense of professional development/continuing education stand in your way. The District Office has funds available to assist professional church workers with these types of programs. Our Continuing Education Grant application is available on the forms section of our website. Complete the application today and grow your professional ministry skills in 2024.

A note from the Texas District:

There is a great opportunity available here in Texas for a retired pastor! Do you have any pastors looking for a seasonal serving opportunity? Perhaps seeking warmer climes in winter? 

Abiding Savior Lutheran Church in Zapata, TX is a small, low maintenance ministry in a great community for retirees. They need a pastor to serve them roughly October through Easter.

Contact Diana in the District Office - diana.ruopp@mnnlcms.org - if you'd like more information.

News from Missionaries:

Maita's in Puerto Rico
Jastram's in Japan

NEW! School Resource Kit

New Means to Address Old Heresies


Does your congregation have news to share? Send your photos and stories to our Lutheran Witness Editor, Rev. Travis Lauterbach at: the.lutheran.witness@mnnlcms.org

MN North District | PO Box 604, Brainerd, MN 56401 | 218-829-1781 | mnndist@mnnlcms.org | www.mnnlcms.org
