Minnesota North District - LCMS

“What are you seeing on the ground?”

For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected

if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the

word of God and prayer.” I Timothy 4:4-5


An experienced pastor from my first call told me a story of his circuit visitor from the early 60’s. For their monthly circuit meetings, they would gather after worship for Bible/Confessional studies. The circuit visitor would start by saying, “Gentlemen, what are you seeing on the ground?” After the brothers would share a few things, he would pray, and they would begin their study. This question was not the time of casuistry, where the group tried to help a brother through a difficult situation, as that occurred later in the day, but a reflection on the spiritual needs around the circuit that would need  be addressed by Word and prayer (Acts 6:4; I Timothy 4:5).


What are you seeing on the ground? What are the spiritual care needs in your home, at work, your neighborhood, and your church? The needs might be obvious: upcoming surgery, a cancer diagnosis, family conflict, couple living together outside marriage, or financial struggles. Some might be more behind the scenes like a family with an autistic child, struggles with mental health, issues at work, parent who drops their child off for kindergarten on the first day, or in my case my oldest graduating high school.  No matter the perceived scale of need, the Lord knows and bring His help & healing (I Peter 2:24).


As we walk together in doctrine and practice in the LCMS, we do so by addressing the spiritual needs in the communities He has placed us. I would like to know from you, “What are you seeing on the ground?” I invite everyone as the baptized (pastors, workers, laity) to send me an email, brady.finnern@mnnlcms.org, with what you are seeing on the ground? This not only will help us discern how to best serve the 197 congregations, 19 preschools, and 8 schools in our district, but will provide an opportunity for us at the District office to bring everything to the feet of Christ in prayer.


Keep fighting the good fight of the faith (I Timothy 6:12)


In Christ (Luke 24:5-6)

Rev. Brady Finnern, District President

District Prayers
Call Update

Greetings from St. Paul’s Lutheran School in Perham. What a joy it is to be part of the ongoing educational ministry in the Minnesota North District. This is an exciting year for St. Paul’s as we have our first 8th grade class graduating in over 30+ years. Last year we added 7/8th grade and are excited to see God continue to enrich and bless our middle school grades. 

In February, our congregation approved moving forward with a building addition project for the school. For over a year a committee worked with a local architect and stakeholders on the needs of the school and fine tuned a building plan. The proposed plan has been approved and fundraising will begin soon for the estimated $4.5 million project. 

At St.Paul’s we are blessed to bring the Word of God to His precious lambs every single day. It is a joy and privilege to help our students stay CONNECTED TO CHRIST, which is our theme for this year. We are thankful to be connected to other Lutheran schools in our district that share the same enthusiasm we do!

In Christ, 

Candice Bicondoa, Principal


Rev. Grant Bode was installed as pastor at St. Stephen Lutheran Church, Braham and St. John Lutheran Church, Rush City on Sunday, April 7th. Pictured here are: Rev. Martin Schoenfeld, Rev. Peter Gueldner, Rev. Leland Bendix, Rev. David Johnson, Rev. Grant Bode, Rev. Brady Finnern, Rev. Glen Kleppe, Rev. Jacob Gillard, Rev. Tim Lamkin and Rev. George Sagissor.

Immanuel Lutheran Church in Albany celebrated their 150th Anniversary in September 2023. The worship service and program were led by their current pastor, Rev. David Steege and former pastor, Rev. Fred Kutter. Joined by guests from the circuit and district, the congregation enjoyed a celebration of their rich history.

LCMS 2023 Congregation Year-End Statistics – EXTENDED DEADLINE - April 30th

It is that time again to submit your congregation’s end-of-year statistics and update your current list of lay leaders at the following website: https://lc.lcms.org/


Use the same login information that you used last year to register your Presidential Voters. If you cannot remember the username and/or password you created for your congregation last year, follow the on-screen helps on the login page to recover your login credentials.


Up-to-date statistical information is essential for the Synod as it plans current and future ministry efforts. Such information is also critical for determining proper voting representation at conventions.

Emails for lay leaders will be increasingly important as channels for critical convention communications.


The deadline for congregation statistics and lay leaders is March 31, 2024, you may also review your congregation’s profile and lay leader information anytime throughout the year to make sure your contact information, service times, and other important data are current.  

Continuing Education Funds Available

Do you have a goal in 2024 to learn a new skill set or refresh an old one? Don’t let the expense of professional development/continuing education stand in your way. The District Office has funds available to assist professional church workers with these types of programs. Our Continuing Education Grant application is available on the forms section of our website. Complete the application today and grow your professional ministry skills in 2024.

Being a pastor entails preaching the Word, mentoring the next generation, and serving your community. With a shifting culture turning away from Christ, it brings up legal challenges and new policies that distract you from your mission.

Having access to legal guidance and resources can help you effectively address these challenges.

We’ve partnered with Alliance Defending Freedom to host a livestream detailing the legal challenges churches are facing and share practical steps to bolster your church’s religious freedom protections.

The virtual event, Protecting the Church’s Call to Speak Truth, will be held on May 7 at 12:00 CT.

During this live event, you can expect to:

  • Understand the legal challenges posed by the changing cultural landscape and learn practical steps to safeguard your church’s freedoms
  • Learn how to strengthen your governing documents to provide a strong legal foundation for your ministry
  • Discover how the ADF Church & Ministry Alliance program can support your church's mission
  • Engage in a live Q&A session with an ADF attorney to help answer your questions.

Can’t attend? A recording will be available for 48 hours after the live event. You must register to access the recording.

We hope you can join us!

[Register Now]

The virtual event, Protecting the Church’s Call to Speak Truth, will be held on May 7 at 12:00 CT.

During this live event, you can expect to:

  • Understand the legal challenges posed by the changing cultural landscape and learn practical steps to safeguard your church’s freedoms
  • Learn how to strengthen your governing documents to provide a strong legal foundation for your ministry
  • Discover how the ADF Church & Ministry Alliance program can support your church's mission
  • Engage in a live Q&A session with an ADF attorney to help answer your questions.

Can’t attend? A recording will be available for 48 hours after the live event. You must register to access the recording.

We hope you can join us!

[Register Now]

Rev. Nabil Nour, our LCMS Regional Vice President and Israel native, returns for a tour this summer. You can join him! LEARN MORE >>

NEW! School Resource Kit

New Means to Address Old Heresies


Does your congregation have news to share? Send your photos and stories to our Lutheran Witness Editor, Rev. Travis Lauterbach at: the.lutheran.witness@mnnlcms.org

MN North District | PO Box 604, Brainerd, MN 56401 | 218-829-1781 | mnndist@mnnlcms.org | www.mnnlcms.org
