On March 28, 2024, the Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) proudly hosted its Annual State of the Region Awards. This event highlighted the tremendous strides we've made in improving transportation within our region and honored the exceptional contributions of our partners and stakeholders. As the Executive Director, I had the immense pleasure and responsibility of spearheading this celebration, and I must say, it was a remarkable testament to the power of collaboration and innovative thinking in transforming our transportation landscape. This year's theme, Miles of Success, was particularly resonant. It underscored the essential truth that the successes we celebrate are not the result of solitary efforts but are achieved through the collective dedication and hard work of our team, partners, and the community we serve. The Broward MPO has always been committed to fostering relationships that transcend the typical confines of professional associations. We believe we can overcome transportation challenges through genuine partnerships and shared visions and achieve our goals. During the luncheon, we recognized individuals who have been instrumental in pushing our agenda forward. Awards were given in various categories, including Innovation in Mobility, Sustainability Excellence, and Community Impact. These accolades highlighted the inherent ingenuity and perseverance of the recipients and set a benchmark for what we aim to accomplish in the coming years. Reflecting on the afternoon, I am filled with pride and gratitude. The Annual State of the Region Awards served as a celebration of our past achievements and a rallying cry for the exciting work ahead. I am honored to lead the Broward MPO through these transformative times, and I look forward to continuing our journey toward a more connected and dynamic region. 

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

April marks an important observance in road safety: Distracted Driving Awareness Month. It serves as a critical reminder to all drivers of the dangers posed by taking your attention off the road, even for just a few seconds. Distracted driving, which encompasses any activity diverting attention from driving, can significantly increase the chance of a motor vehicle crash. As technology continues to intertwine with daily life, the potential distractions have multiplied, ranging from cell phone use to adjusting in-car systems. However, staying focused while driving is crucial to safeguard your life and the lives of passengers, fellow motorists, and pedestrians. Here are five actionable steps to minimize distractions and foster a safer driving environment: 


1. Use Do Not Disturb Mode: Modern smartphones offer Do Not Disturb While Driving features that automatically activate to prevent incoming calls and messages from interrupting your focus. Enabling this function helps mitigate the temptation to check your phone every time you receive a notification. 


2. Pre-Set Your Navigation and Playlist: Before embarking on your journey, take a moment to input your destination into your GPS and create or select your playlist. Fiddling with devices to change songs or routes while driving is a significant distraction that can easily be avoided with pre-planning. 


3. Keep Conversations to a Minimum: While it's perfectly fine to have passengers, engaging in deep or emotional conversations can detract from your concentration. Encourage a quiet or minimal conversation environment, especially in challenging driving conditions. 


4. Secure Loose Items: Loose objects in the car can roll around and may tempt you to reach for them. Before starting your drive, make sure everything is stowed away securely. This way, you won't be distracted by trying to retrieve items from the floor or seats. 


5. Limit Eating and Drinking: While it's tempting to multitask, eating, or drinking while driving diverts your attention and at least one hand away from the task. If necessary, take a break to enjoy your meal instead of trying to juggle it and steer at the same time. 


By adhering to these simple yet effective practices, drivers can significantly reduce the risk of distractions and contribute to a safer driving environment for everyone on the road during Distracted Driving Awareness Month and beyond. 


Annual State of the Region Awards Draws Hundreds to Honor Leaders in Transportation

The recent State of the Region Awards hosted by the Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) celebrated individuals that enhanced our region's infrastructure, transportation, and community development. This esteemed event acknowledged the dedication and innovation of key figures within the community, further underscoring their pivotal roles in fostering a more connected, efficient, and sustainable environment for residents and professionals alike. President and Chief Executive Officer of Nova Southeastern University, Dr. George Hanbury, a revered figure in our region, was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award. His illustrious career and relentless commitment to urban development and public service have left an indelible mark on our community's landscape. Through his visionary leadership and unwavering dedication, Dr. Hanbury has exemplified a lifetime of service and contribution, inspiring many to follow him into public service and community enhancement. 


Port Everglades Association Executive Director Lori Baer was recognized with the Community Impact Award. She has been instrumental in catalyzing significant advancements within our local communities. Her efforts in driving projects and initiatives that directly benefit our region's socio-economic fabric have enriched lives and promoted a sense of unity and progressiveness among our diverse population. Manager of Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport, Rufus James, was given the Champion Award, a testament to his extraordinary leadership in transportation planning and implementation. His pioneering strategies and keen insight have significantly improved the mobility and accessibility options for residents, facilitating a smoother, more integrated transport network that is vital for the region's ongoing growth and prosperity. 


Founder and President of Hooper Construction, Alan Hooper, received the Visionary Award, reflecting his exceptional foresight and innovative contributions to urban development. Hooper's dedication to creating sustainable and vibrant urban spaces has reshaped our region's architectural and cultural landscapes, paving the way for future growth and development that harmonizes with our community's needs and aspirations. Raffle winner Katherine O’Fallon, executive director of the Marine Research Hub in Fort Lauderdale won two tickets, courtesy of our friends at Spirit Airlines.  The success of the State of the Region Awards was made possible by our Title Sponsor, Memorial Healthcare System, and our Presenting Sponsors, Benesch, WSP, and Deloitte. Their generous contributions and unwavering support played an instrumental role in highlighting the achievements of our honorees and celebrating the collaborative spirit that drives our region forward. As professionals in the region, we owe a debt of gratitude to these visionary leaders and our sponsors for their relentless pursuit of excellence and commitment to fostering a thriving, dynamic community for all. Their contributions are a beacon of inspiration, guiding us toward a brighter, more interconnected future. We look forward to seeing you at next year's Annual State of the Region Awards! 


Broward MPO Executive Director Greg Stuart Featured in the South Florida Journal 

Broward MPO Executive Director Greg Stuart was recently featured in the South Florida Business Journal, discussing the agency’s pivotal role in shaping the future of transportation in Broward County and the South Florida region. With a rich history dating back to 1977, the Broward MPO stands at the forefront of transportation policy and infrastructure development, guiding the allocation of federal funds towards projects that promise enhanced mobility, from improved roadways and public transportation systems to the creation of bike lanes and pedestrian paths. Greg’s insightful commentary in the interview reveals the depth of coordination and strategic planning undertaken by the MPO to ensure a seamless transportation network that not only caters to the current needs of residents, commuters, and tourists but also anticipates the demands of the future. He underscores the importance of regional collaboration with neighboring MPOs in Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties, emphasizing the collective effort to optimize the movement of people and goods across South Florida. This collaborative spirit extends to public services, underlining the interconnectedness of infrastructure development. For professionals in the region, the feature offered a comprehensive overview of the organization's impact on local transportation infrastructure and includes valuable insights into how these developments will shape the economic and social fabric of South Florida, reinforcing the area's status as an enviable place to live, work, and visit. 


Join Us at the 2024 Florida Commuter Transportation Summit in Ft. Lauderdale

The Florida Commuter Transportation Summit is a three-day networking and educational conference providing in-depth insight into the Florida Department of Transportation’s Commuter Assistance Programs. With a more than 20-year track record, the Florida Commuter Transportation Summit is a must-attend for transportation demand management professionals within Florida and beyond

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