T he Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance 
April 8, 2016 Legislative Update
We need your help to send important messages across the state.
For the next few weeks you will receive updates through this type of email newsletter.  Please continue to check your emails frequently to stay informed about what is happening with legislation and any Call To Actions that we send asking for your help.  

We know that there a number of people along the route that do not use email or the internet.  Please take time to share this information with your neighbors and friends during this critical time.  It will take many people contacting senators across the state to be successful in passing this important legislation. 

Thank you very much!!!
Carolyn Sheridan 
Board of Director President 
On Behalf of The Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance 
HF 2448 was referred to the Senate Government Oversight Committee after passing out of the House with a  63- 33 vote bipartisan. 

Click here to go to the Iowa Legislature website to read the HF 2448 final bill. 
Watch the Live Video of the House Session
Read House Journal of Session which includes a list of how representatives across the state voted.

We now need your help in contacting Senators as this bill now moves to the Senate. 
It is very clear that our contacts with Representatives made a significant difference in getting this bill passed out of the House!  This is the case for Senators as well!
At this time we do not have a bill number since HF 2448 was just been referred to committee this past week.  But that should not stop us from beginning our work to contact Senators. Contact information is listed below. Feel free to contact them over the weekend and at home. 

Points you can make at this time when contacting Senators
Tell your personal story! 
  • HF 2448 was passed out of the House with Bipartisan support
  • HF 2448 was referred to the Senate Government Oversight Committee
  • Please support this bill in what ever manner it comes out of the committee
Here are additional points you can make; 
  • I am asking for your support for a bill that addresses high-voltage direct current power lines being erected across the state of Iowa by private companies for purely economic development reasons.
  • It is my belief that private companies simply moving a commodity (in this case electricity) through the state of Iowa to be used by people in other states should be treated differently than utilities. In particular these companies building merchant lines should not be afforded the right of eminent domain to the same extent as a utility.
  • Iowa must develop a statutory framework to balance private landowner rights against the economic development interests of private companies wanting to build electrical lines for purely economic gain.
  • The legislation in HF 2448 that was authored by the House Oversight Committee and passed by the House sets up a statutory framework to create such a balance between private companies building merchant lines and Iowa private landowners.
  • This legislation does not forbid a company from requesting the power of eminent domain to construct a merchant line but it does put limitations on the extent of the proposed line that may be condemned. 
  • I am asking for your support for legislation that requires the petitioner to have acquired at least 75% of the route voluntarily before the utilities board may even consider their petition.
  • I owans should not have to live with a potential condemnation and/or construction of huge high-voltage lines on their property for an indefinite amount of time.  
  • We need a bill that specifically addresses the length of time that a petitioner can keep their filing open with the utilities board.  HF 2448 accomplished this by requiring the utilities board to  grant a franchise within three years of the first County informational meeting held by the petitioner.
  •  It is important to be sure there is sufficient guidance to the utilities board when they are faced with a petition to construct a merchant line.
If you know representatives who voted in favor of HF 2448 - consider contacting them to thank them for their vote and to ask if they can offer support in our work with the Senate .


To call your legislator during session:
Representatives: 515.281.3221
Senators: 515.281.3371
Ask to be transferred to their desk.

To write your legislator during session: 
(Legislator Name)
1007 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines, Iowa 50319

To email your legislator call the numbers above or visit the Iowa Legislative website: https://www.legis.iowa.gov/ 
Representatives: www.legis.iowa.gov/legislators/house

Home addresses and phone numbers are available by clicking on the Senators name.   That will take you to the individual Senators page with additional information including email and phone numbers.  
Or visit our website - Call to Action/Legislation Tab
Please consider contacting other Senators besides the ones in your district.  Not all Senators are aware of the concerns of landowners impacted by the RICL proposed high voltage transmission line. 
To Monitor Activity ONLINE:   Go to the 
Legislature Website:   https://www.legis.iowa.gov/ 
Watch live debate, find information about legislators, lobbyists and committee schedules.
 Visit our website for updated information


Our goal is to provide you with the information you need all in one location.  Weekly updates will help keep you informed of what is happening across the state and in your county.  The website provides a way for the Alliance to update you on a real time basis. 
Click here to visit website

 Web pages include:

  • General Information
  • Community Meetings
  • Publicity
  • Maps
  • Legal information
  • How to file your objection 
  • Eminent Domain
  • News
  • Governance
  • Call to Action
  • Letters
  • Contact Information
  • Photos
  • Links to other organizations
  • Health Informaton


Board of Directors
The Presevation of Rural Iowa Alliance
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