Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.
Jeanne Gehret
Betsy Cutler
Bill Bauer
Pat Civale
Joann Glasson
2023 Competition is complete!
Congratulations to Open and Flight C Winners. The winner’s list for all Flights can be found at this link.
Flight C winning teams:
1st Place:
Jack Willgruber (Devon PA), Jeffrey Rohrbeck (Devon PA), Dave Willgruber (Whitehall PA), Lou Primavera (Norristown PA)
2nd Place:
Art Ford (Marlton NJ), William Tannery (Haddon Township NJ), Kathy Heist (Haddon Heights NJ), Ann Lawson (Cherry Hill NJ)
Open Flight winning teams:
1st Place:
Jay Apfelbaum (Philadelphia PA), Louis Glasthal (Berwyn PA), Zachary Madden (Chadds Ford PA), Richard Popper (Wilmington DE)
2nd Place:
Meyer Kotkin (Cherry Hill NJ), Daniel Boye (East Syracuse NY), Kevin Fay (Coatesville PA), Michael Shuster (Collegeville PA)
CLICK HERE to see all the current information about this tournament.
Philadelphia Regional at Valley Forge - June 26-July 2
The 2023 Philadelphia Regional will be held at the Alloy (a Doubletree Hotel by Hilton), King of Prussia.
And it’s not too early to make plans to play in the Finger Lakes Regional in Rochester NY. CLICK HERE for the schedule and hotel information.
Until next month,
I welcome your comments or suggestions (
From the District Director
The New Orleans NABC was well attended, exceeding expectations. Players had a wonderful time eating at all the fabulous New Orleans restaurants. Congratulations to all District 4 players who were successful at the bridge table. Winners and high finishes in New Orleans are listed below.
Board meetings were held for four days prior to the opening of the NABC. The meetings were very productive and serious discussions revolved around the three main items we are focusing on this year – Membership, Information Technology and the new Disciplinary Process. I will have a complete report for you next month, but here are a few changes of note:
1. Vaccination requirements for sectional and regional tournaments will be decided by the sponsoring organization. The Board felt that in some areas of the country, players will be more likely to attend tournaments if vaccination is required, but in other areas of the country, the opposite would be true.
The ACBL is not making a medical decision, but feels that it is a business decision that belongs in the hands of tournament sponsors. The ACBL will be sending out a survey next month to all players – prepared by District 4’s own volunteer expert, Bharat Rao – on where our players stand on this issue. In the meantime, the ACBL will continue to require vaccination at NABCs.
2. Regional tournaments will now be able to schedule one day of bridge play on BBO during a face-to-face regional. This one day would be available only to members of District 4, giving District players who are unable to attend the tournament the opportunity to get gold points. The one day of online play could be either a morning and afternoon session or a horizontal day across two evenings.
More to come about the board meetings in next month’s 4Spot. As always, please contact me with any questions –
Spring Robot Individual: 12: Alvaro Ronderos
North American Pairs – Flight A: 2: Louis Glasthal, Jay Apfelbaum; 6 – Richard Popper, Zachary Madden; 9 – Martin de Bruin, David Hoffner
NABC 0-10,000 Swiss Teams: 4 – Bharat Rao
Lebhar IMP Pairs: 23 – David Hoffner
NABC 0-10,000 Knockout Teams: 5/8 – Jim McKeown, Thomas Andrews; 5/8 – Lisa Mita, Alison Shoemaker
Rockwell Mixed Pairs: 16 – Patricia Civale, Kenneth Chatzinoff; 33 – Connie Goldberg; 74 – David Hoffner, Karen Hoffner
Silodor Open Pairs: 47 – Louis Glasthal, Bharat Rao
Fast Pairs: 2 – David Hoffner; 6 – Michael Shuster
Friday Bracketed Teams – Bracket 1: 4 – Connie Goldberg
Saturday Top Flight Pairs: 2 – Andy Kaufman
Saturday Morning 299er Pairs: 4 – Ethan Springarn
Saturday Afternoon 299er Pairs: 3 – Ethan Springarn
Saturday Top Flight Swiss Teams: 1 – Connie Goldberg
Sunday Afternoon 299er Pairs: 3 – Ethan Springarn
Sunday Top Flight Swiss Teams: 6/7 – Connie Goldberg; 8/9 – Michael Shuster
Monday Bracketed Teams – Bracket 7: 3 - Brendon O’Malley, Linda O’Malley, Helen Walker, Deborah Crisfield
Tuesday Open Pairs: 1 – Lawrence Kidder, Gene Marks
Monday Evening Side Game: 1 – David Hoffner, Karen Hoffner
Tuesday Afternoon Side Game: 4 – Lisa Mita, Alison Shoemaker
Tuesday Bracketed Teams – Bracket 3: 2 – Michael Shuster
Tuesday Bracketed Teams – Bracket 7: 2 – Tamara Holm, Kim Holm
Tuesday Bracketed Teams – Bracket 10: 2 – Robert Shenkin, Susan Shenkin
Tuesday Bracketed Teams – Bracket 11: 4 – Barry Daubenspeck, John Early
Wednesday Bracketed Teams – Bracket 3: 2 - Helen Walker, John Early
Wednesday Bracketed Teams – Bracket 5: 2 - Robert Shenkin, Susan Shenkin
Wednesday Bracketed Teams – Bracket 7: 2 - Jackie Topaz, Mark Topaz
Thursday Bracketed Teams – Bracket 1: 4 – Connie Goldberg
Thursday Bracketed Teams – Bracket 6: 4 – Jackie Topaz, Marc Topaz
Thursday Bracketed Teams – Bracket 9: 1 - Robert Shenkin, Susan Shenkin
Friday Top Flight Pairs: 8 – John Dickenson
Friday Top Flight Swiss Teams: 3/5 - Connie Goldberg
Friday Bracketed Teams – Bracket 1: 3 – Frank Morgan, Mike Kohler, Betsy Cutler, Debbie Schenkel
Friday Bracketed Teams – Bracket 2: 4 – Jackie Topaz, Marc Topaz, Deborah Crisfield
Friday Bracketed Teams – Bracket 3: 4 – Robert Shenkin, Susan Shenkin
Saturday Afternoon 299er Pairs: 2 – Jerry Flury, Carole Campbell
Saturday Bracked Teams – Bracket 3: 3 - Jackie Topaz, Marc Topaz
Sunday Morning 299er Pairs: 2 – Jerry Flury, Carole Campbell
Sunday Afternoon 299er Pairs: 1 – Linda Schelke, Charles Schelke
Sunday Top Flight Swiss Team: 1 – Connie Goldberg
May 1-5
June 26-July 2
August 7-11
October 30-November 5
December 14-16
March 31-April 2
April 14
April 15-16
April 28-29
May 17-18
June 2-4
June 7-8
July 8-9
September 8-10
September 22-23
October 6-8
October 20-22
November 11-12
December 14-16
May 8-14
July 31-August 6
November 13-19
The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:
Larry's Learning Center by Larry Cohen:
January, April, July, October
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
February, May, August, November
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
March, June, September, December
Larry's Learning Center
We are giving Larry a break this month to make room for another guest contributor. Here are some valuable tips to help improve your playing speed.
Ten Hot Tips
by Susan Morse
At my first duplicate game I got yelled at quite a bit. I was shaky and slow, and the opps didn't appreciate it, especially when the director came along and whipped the last board off the table before we could play.
"What happens now?" I asked my partner, Al, as we slunk to the next pair of North-Souths. They looked annoyed already, drumming their fingers on the table.
"It's okay," Al explained. "We just get an average score for that board. Like a tie."
I resolved to improve. Tempo became my mantra that first month: Even if I had no idea what to do, I forced myself to do something, anything, as quickly as possible. This, however, did not feel comfortable. I was there to play bridge and hopefully learn, but in reality, I felt more like the pinball in an arcade game, whapping from one table to the next, all the while silently willing opponents and partners to give me a break, maybe lay down a Stop card (this was back when Stop cards were still a thing) so we could all catch our breath for the required ten luxurious beats, or even better yet, go into "the tank." (The "tank," as I’d recently learned, is Bridgespeak for when an experienced player stops, puts down the cards, takes a sip of coffee and broods on some particularly complicated who-knows-what, complete with sighs and little hand gestures.)
How come everyone but me gets to go in the tank? I'd wonder.
One of the best tips came from a seasoned player, Bobbie Konover. "Don't expect to scratch much when you're new," she said. "Focus on your percentage. As long as you end the day with 50% or more, you should feel good about your game."
Feel good about my game? Was that possible?
Bobbie's advice relieved some of the pressure I was feeling, and inevitably led to a revelation of sorts: If my goal was to have a 50% game, and an average board is 50-50, wasn't it in my best interest to have as many boards taken away as possible in a given match? What's to lose?
My new approach turned out to be more challenging than I anticipated. You can't play slow without everyone yelling at you. In order to run out the clock, you have to be sneaky. You need a strategy.
So, for what it's worth, here are 10 Hot Tips, developed by yours truly, on how to slow down the tempo at the table without anyone realizing what you're up to:
1. When sorting a new hand, never look at all your cards at once. Take your hand out of the board and lay it face down on the table. Then pick each card up separately, studying it carefully, as if you're deciding where to place it in your hand.
2. The same applies when you are Dummy. Instead of throwing four suits down quickly, it greatly adds to the fun and suspense if you take time to dramatically place cards on the table one at a time, with a flourish.
3. Dealer sets the pace for the bidding, and therefore has an opportunity. Even if you know exactly what your first bid should be, stall for as long as possible. In fact, stall whether you're dealer or not. As long as your stalling doesn't look like beginner jitters, they won't suspect what you're really up to. Stall with conviction - think "tank," with all the coffee-sipping-cryptic-hand-gesturing you can muster. (Long, unnecessary pauses during an auction should result in a real bonus, the greatest time waster of all: the director call.)
4. Always, always, always ask the meaning of opponents' alerts, even if you know exactly what convention they are playing and have no intention of entering the auction. (See this as a courtesy to the opponents. It will assist them in their communication.)
5. Once a contract is set, don't exercise your right to keep all bids on the table for review. Grab your bidding cards and put them away without thinking. Then, once everyone at the table has done the same, ask for a recap of the auction. (Important: Don't forget to do this when you are Dummy.)
6. Goes without saying that when you are on lead, it's best if you take time to record the contract in your personal score card before choosing your lead. Why should you speed things up by noting the contract after Dummy goes down? The same goes when you're Dummy. Exercise your right to note the contract before everyone gets a look at your cards. (Review Hot Tip #2 regarding flourishes.)
7. If something interesting comes up on a hand, don't discreetly circle it on your scorecard for later discussion. When the hand is finished, launch into an immediate postmortem with everyone at the table. (The louder the better - North-South next door will appreciate any information you can give them.)
8. North sets the pace. So, North: when a hand is over, do NOT reach for the Bridgemate. Write the contract and result in your scorecard first. Then and only then, enter it into the Bridgemate (make a mistake if you can so you'll have to stop, discuss with your table and fix it). Hand the Bridgemate to an opponent to accept, and then, snatch it back right away so you can read off percentages and scores before they disappear - only the savviest bridge players will be able to resist discussing how they did.
9. If you are following these instructions, it's likely you'll still be playing when it is time for a new round. So, if someone at the next table asks for a board, pretend you don't hear them. Conversely, if the new round has started and you have not received your boards, don't ask. Wait for someone to think of passing them.
10. After the round, if you are East-West and the pair following you has finished, don't move on right away. Start a personal conversation at the table that it would be impolite to interrupt. Try anything - your opponents' health, their grandchildren, spouses, last vacation. The next pair will hover - ignore them. If you can't think of a topic, take out your phone and show everyone a picture of a dog. (Bonus tip: this does not have to be YOUR dog.) Once you finally leave the table, if the next East-West pair hasn't moved yet, all the better. Take this opportunity to wander off. (Don't tell your partner where you're going. Make her go looking for you.)
While you're busy applying these tips, some of your steady partners may become mysteriously unavailable for games. Let them go. Bridge is nuanced and complicated. Not everyone is able to handle the finer points right away. Sit back and enjoy all those average boards you're racking up. You must be really getting somewhere!
Oh, and: April Fool. For some of Larry's thoughts on tempo at the table, click here.
Moderator: Nick Straguzzi
Nick and his crew debate what to do with a thorny forcing pass auction. Read all about it here.
Then visit the MSC website to read next month's problem and submit your answers online here.
News from Around the Units
Unit 112: Central New York
Betty Youmans
All are welcome to play at the Unit’s first Sectional in Rochester on April 15-16. Saturday will be a pairs game and Swiss teams on Sunday.
Unit 112's annual meeting will be held at 10 a.m. on April 15 at the Spring Sectional. The meeting will briefly review the state of the Unit and award certificates for the year 2022 will be distributed.
Unit 112 Congratulates Its Advancing Players!
Junior Master
David Lin, Ithaca
Club Master
Paul Kardjian, Jamesville
Sectional Masters
Pauline Tracy, New Hartford
Elizabeth Whitehouse, Corning
Life Master
Marilyn Smith, Syracuse
Bronze Life Master
Marilyn Smith, Syracuse
Ruby Life Master
Craig Smith, Syracuse
Unit 112 Congratulates its 2022 ACBL Online Masterpoint winners!
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania
Doreese Torrey
Check back next month for Unit 120 news.
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery
Carl Ziegler
Mark your calendar for Friday, April 14, 2023. Our club will host a two-session sectional, 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM. The tournament is limited to Non Life Masters with less than 500 master points. Game fee is $9 per person per session or $25.00 for both sessions and lunch. Reservations required for lunch. For partnerships or questions contact Brian Snyder or (484) 838-0977
Unit 133: Lehigh Valley
Lois Fuini
In Memoriam
We are saddened to report the passing of Gilbert Lappen, 92, on March 6, 2023. Gil was passionate about photography, art and music and found beauty in nature, which he expressed through his photography. He embraced life with his wife Judith for 62 years. Gil was an active, engaged duplicate bridge player in Unit 133. He will be greatly missed.
New Rank Advancements
New Junior Master
Raymond Decesare
Congratulations to Unit 133 players who finished 1st in the Ace of Clubs and Mini McKinney unit races!
Mini McKinney
0-5 Masterpoints - Steve Berman
5-20 Masterpoints - Curt McDowell
20-50 Masterpoints - Paul Barilla
50-100 Masterpoints - Laura Rabenold
100-200 Masterpoints - Elizabeth Stelts
200-300 Masterpoints - Barbara Dopera
300-500 Masterpoints - Lee Stanley
500-1000 Masterpoints - Mike Kohler
1000-1500 Masterpoints - Betsy Cutler
1500-2500 Masterpoints - Tom Kriz
2500-3500 Masterpoints - Jane Havighurst
3500- 5000 Masterpoints - Paul Irvine
5000-7000 Masterpoints - David Wachsman
10,000 + Masterpoints - Deepak Khanna
Ace of Clubs
0-5 Masterpoints - Steve Berman
5-20 Masterpoints - Victoria Grochocinski
20-50 Masterpoints - Irv Keister
50-100 Masterpoints - Laura Rabenold
100-200 Masterpoints - Elizabeth Stelts
200-300 Masterpoints - Bryan Snapp
300-500 Masterpoints - Lee Stanley
500-1000 Masterpoints - Mike Kohler
1000-1500 Masterpoints - Betsy Cutler
1500-2500 Masterpoints - Karen Yellin
2500-3500 Masterpoints - Jane Havighurst
3500-5000 Masterpoints - Stan Yellin
5000-7500 Masterpoints - David Wachsman
10,000+ Masterpoints - Deepak Khanna
Unit 133 Spring Sectional Friday, April 28 - Saturday, April 29
New Format
New Schedule
Please join us for our newly formatted Local Spring Sectional in Allentown at Lehigh Valley Active Life - an opportunity to earn 80% Silver and 20% Black Masterpoints. Enjoy a pleasant atmosphere, friendly people, delicious lunches, snacks, and great bridge.
Friday, April 28
10am – Open and 0-750
2:15pm – Open and 0-750
Saturday, April 29
10am – Open and 0-200
2:15pm – Open and 0-750
Games may be combined depending on attendance.
Lehigh Valley Active Life
1633 West Elm Street
Allentown PA 18102
Fee: $10 per player per session. Please pay your entry fee at the door using cash or check made payable to LVBA. If you wish to purchase lunch, please preorder. Go to and click on the link for the flyer details about pre ordering lunch. Proof of vaccination is required and masks are optional.
Please contact Tournament Chairperson, Lois Fuini at
Unit 141: Philadelphia
John Dickenson
I would like to introduce myself as our new unit president. I previously served as president in 2015 and 2016. My goal is to continue the excellent work our immediate past president, Jay Apfelbaum, undertook to revive our unit after the devastating effect that the pandemic had on face to face bridge. Under Jay, the unit ran three successful sectionals at local bridge clubs and at Bala Golf Club. Going forward, we expect to continue this effort as well as look at ways to support clubs within our unit and retain members while adding new bridge players to our ranks.
If you have any ideas on how the unit can better serve its members and grow bridge in our area, or would like to volunteer to help in any capacity, please email me with your thoughts!
Your board met on March 21 and elected officers. Serving as vice president will be Cathy Strauss. Ellen Berkowitz will continue as treasurer and Joan Goldstein will be secretary. We thank April Apfelbaum for her service as secretary.
A warm welcome to our newest PCBA members!
Barbara Berol
Irina Clark
Robin Eckel
Kimberly Ferzan
Ann Gallagher
Wendy Heller
Ellen Kaplinsky
Lynn Kupchik
Andrew Levin
Emily Paulin
Golda Steier
Sol Young
Congratulations to our members who achieved a new rank!
Junior Masters
Ellen Hanway
Richard Harris
David Harrison
Marita Hirt
Barbara Panzarella
Thomas Panzarella
Patricia Rogowski
Sam Silvers
June Walker
Club Masters
Gina Lovasi
Betsy Smith
Sectional Masters
Art Ford
Margaret McLoughlin
William Tannery
Pamela Yih
Advanced NABC Master
Jeremy Xu
Life Master
Kathy Vogel
Silver Life Masters
Ralph Franklin
Gail Ruth
Pamela Scalamandre
Ruby Life Masters
Albert Fitzgerald III
Joan Warren
Gold Life Masters
T E Molnar
Barbara Muhlhauser
Diamond Life Masters
Susan Kestenbaum
William Ravreby
Emerald Life Master
Stephen Cooper
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania
Russell Poppleton
Stay tuned for Unit 168 news next month.
Unit 190: Delaware
Tammy Holm and Paula Varrassi
Delaware Clubs
The Bridge Studio of Delaware, Wilmington
Harold Jordon
MOT, Middletown
Cheryl Shields
Monday Morning Bridge Club
Friday Nooners
Clare O’Brien
Shore Bridge
Monday @ 12:30
Wednesday @ 9:30
Anna DeLapo
Bridge at the Beach Regional
Rehoboth Beach
May 1-5, 2023
Unit 217: Susquehanna
Jim McKeown
Please join us for our next Sectional, June 2-4, 2023 at the at the Boalsburg Fire Co 113 Pine Street in Boalsburg, PA.
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