April 26, 2023

Click here to view the April Newsletter

Click here to view the 2nd Quarter Centennial Newsletter

Upcoming 100th Events

Seipp/Sheets Concert

Sunday, April 30th 11am Worship & 4pm Concert

The Seipp/Sheets Trumpet & Organ Duo is unlike any ensemble performing today. Custom musical arrangements of virtuoso, beautiful, entertaining, humorous and patriotic selections enhance the exquisite blend of their instruments. Coupled visually with specialized videos, Seipp and Sheets craft a unique and engaging concert experience for all ages, creating extraordinary connection with their audiences.

Dance Through the Decades

Saturday, May 20th @ 5pm

Put on your dancing shoes and join your St. Mark's family for a night of fun as we dance our way through the past 100 years! You'll have the opportunity to learn dances that were popular in years gone by, and enjoy some delicious appetizers as you watch performances by trained dancers. No matter your ability, you'll be sure to have a blast as we twist, shout, shimmy, and shake our way into the next 100 years of life together at St. Mark's. Admission to the event: One non-perishable food item for ABCCM's Food Pantry.

Upcoming Project

Treework Coming

What do all of the areas of broken and raised pavement in our parking lot have in common? Click here to read more and find out about the upcoming treework!

Full Project Details

Church Announcements

Faith Formation - Sermon on the Mount w/ Ken Lane

Sunday's during Faith Formation Hour

Starting this Sunday, Faith Development is offering a course on Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. "In this inaugural sermon," remarks Ken Lane, the leader of the class, "Jesus presents a revolutionary understanding of God's all-inclusive love, a gift we often lose sight of in our world of meritocracy." The class meets in the Library at 9:45 AM. 

Faith and Fellowship - Resuming Monday

Pastor Matt’s Monday morning Faith and Fellowship class will begin meeting again via Zoom on Monday, May 1st. If you need directions on how to join, please contact Danielle in the church office and she can walk you through the process.  

Noisy Bucket Collection - Fresh Change

Sunday, April 30th

April's Noisy Bucket collection will be used to purchase additional items for the Fresh Change Backpack collection! Start collecting your loose change and those folded bills, and let's fill those buckets!

Fresh Change Success

Thank you to everyone who helped to make “Fresh Change” a success. Thank you to those who purchased clothes and backpacks, and those who donated money to purchase clothes, and those who gave to Noisy bucket. Your generosity was able to fill 50 backpacks with clothing for those immigrants coming out of detention centers. Our backpacks went to Border Servant Corps in Las Cruces, New Mexico. None of this would not have happened without all of those on Sunday, April 16, who put the 50 backpacks together and boxed them. Many wonderful hands made easy work.

“and loves the stranger, giving him food and clothing.” Deuteronomy 10:18

Offering Letters from Bread for the World

Thanks to everyone who joined us in the Bread for the World Offering of Letters on Sunday, April 23. We appreciate your taking time to write letters to our Members of Congress about the 2023 Farm Bill to encourage them to support legislative efforts to reduce hunger and poverty.

If you weren’t able to participate on Sunday, here’s a sample letter that you can use. Please personalize your letters, as you’d like. You may drop them off in the church office or give them to Linda Kinsinger or mail/email them directly to Senator Tillis and/or Senator Budd and/or Representative Edwards. For letters brought to the church office, Linda will see that they are hand delivered to the Members’ local offices. If you mail/email your letters directly, please send Linda a quick note ( about to whom they were sent, so she can get an approximate number of letters generated by the Offering of Letters activity. Your voice matters! - Christian Action Team and Evangelism & Hospitality Team

A Hunger and Poverty Snapshot
Building a Sustainable Food System

2023 WELCA Spring Conference

Saturday, April 29th

2023 WELCA Spring Conference Gathering where we will gather for food and fellowship, hold elections, collect offerings, and experience our program, which was inspired by our Bishop’s Challenge “Welcoming The Stranger.”

For more information follow this link.

Racial Healing Information

Over the next months this page will provide opportunities to learn the true history and current realities of Indigenous people. It is these truths, truths that have been ignored by most for hundreds of years, that will bring healing for both Indigenous people and non-Indigenous people...

Ongoing 100th Celebration Information

2nd Quarter Newsletter

St. Mark's centennial celebration has been a huge success thus far and we continue to celebrate together! Read the 2nd Quarter Newsletter to see upcoming events, announcements, and to recap the first three months of our celebration together.

View the 2nd Quarter Newsletter here

Acts of Service

During our 100th Anniversary year, we are striving to accomplish 1923 Acts of Service. You can complete an online form and we will make sure your Act of Service gets displayed, or you can fill out both sides of a card found in the pews and place it in the offering plate sharing how you served in the name of the Lord.

Complete Online Acts of Service Card Here

Weekly Schedule Click here to see the full St. Mark's Calendar 

Faith & Fellowship - Monday, May 1st @ 10am Zoom Link, Password -stmarks

Executive Team Mtg. - Monday, May 1st @ 5:45pm Zoom Link, Password -stmarks

Weekly Schedule

Friday, April 28th

10am - Archives Mtg.

Sunday, April 30th

8:30am - Worship

9:45am - Faith Formation

11am - Worship with Seipp/Sheets

4pm - Seipp/Sheets Concert

Monday, May 1st

10am - Faith and Fellowship (Zoom)

5:45pm - Executive Team Mtg. (Zoom)

6:30pm - Christian Action Team

Tuesday, May 2nd

9am - Quilters

10am - Staff Meeting

Wednesday, May 3rd

9am - Property Day

Worship Assistant Schedule


8:30am-Cat and JD Slater; 11am-Cindy Lauster, Bob Mihara


8:30am -Carolyn and Mike Bradley; 11am-Anne Blackwell, Scott Baumann

Altar Guild:

8:30am-Amy Zellers; 11am-Bonnie Richards


8:30am-Isa Slater


11am-Christian Wikoff

Assisting Minister:

8:30am-Mary Brady 11am-Dave Epley


8:30am-Carl Schreck; 11am- Bonnie Richards

Communion Assistant:

8:30am-Nancy Dodenhoff; 11am-Katie Rivers

Live Stream:

8:30am-Brant Niedenthal

Contact Information

Parish Administrator

Our Mission:

Making disciples by loving Christ,

growing in faith, serving all people

Our Vision:

Experiencing and sharing God's grace as an inclusive, intergenerational congregation through Worship, Outreach, Learning and Fellowship  
