News & Updates - April 25th

  • Volunteers for Summer Religious Education Program
  • Prayers for First Holy Communion and Confirmation
  • Donut Sunday Returns
  • Please Remember Our Parish This Easter Season
  • Youth Ministry Update
  • Ministry Day – A Morning of Reflection
  • SVdP Cars Needed
  • You're Invited!
  • Retreat Opportunity
  • St. Leo the Great Religious Store
  • KoC Memorial Mass and March for Life
  • Diocesan Pilgrimage for Eucharistic Miracles, Italy
  • Mass Intentions and Weekly Collections

Mass Times


5:00 pm


8:00 am

10:00 am

12:00 pm

Visit our website

First Volunteers Needed for Summer Religious Education Program

For More Information Click Here

Prayers for First Holy Communion and Confirmation Students

Join for Coffee and Donut Sunday, April 28th

We look forward to seeing our church community

come together at Donut Sunday!

 Sunday, April 28th

after the 8:00 am, 10:00 am and 12:00 pm Masses 

In the Fr. Scheg Center!

Please Remember Our Parish This Easter Season

If you haven’t made your Easter donation to St. Catharine’s, please kindly use the Easter envelope in your envelope packet for your offering and drop it in the collection basket as soon as you can. Alternatively, you may make an offering electronically at our online giving platform HERE. A report of the Easter collection with be published by the end of the season. Thank you for your generosity! 

Youth Ministry Update

YM Meeting This Sunday

7-8:30 pm

Fr. Scheg Center


Check our website under YM for updated calendar or view it directly HERE.

Save the Date!

The Newman Connection for Graduating Seniors

Stay connected to your faith at college! Check out the Newman Ministry HERE to find a campus location.

What is Newman Connection?

Newman Ministry connects students with a Catholic community on campus, so their faith thrives in college and beyond. Learn more about it HERE.

Ministry Day – A Morning of Reflection

“We are Easter People! Alleluia.” 

That was the theme for our gathering on Saturday for Ministry Day. Msgr Mike Walsh, our guest speaker, spoke about our Baptism and the grace of faith that we received. God’s grace continues to help us grow as followers of Christ. Michelle Krystofik, Funeral Ministry, agreed that accompanying each other on our spiritual journey is essential. Fellowship is important. Our duty as a follower of the Risen Lord is to evangelize and catechize. Msgr Mike stressed the importance of continuing to invite and mentor others. We need to share in the many grace filled opportunities to minister in the Church. Vince Pizzolo, Lector, acknowledged that the day was enriching and memorable.

If you missed out on attending on Saturday, we plan to come together again in the Fall celebrating our ministerial roles in the Church.

SVdP Cars Needed

St. Vincent de Paul has two families who need cars to help in their daily lives. If you or someone you know, has a vehicle to donate please email or call 732-224-1395.

Visit our Webpage for more information on St. Vincent dePaul HERE 

You're Invited!

Consider walking with your child in faith by being a companion on the journey towards full initiation into the Catholic church. Do you seek to be baptized, receive Holy Communion, be Confirmed? Are you interested in receiving any or all the Sacraments of initiation, are you interested in understanding more about being Catholic? Would you like to get married in the Catholic Church? 

Join Fr. Mike for conversation in the library on any one of the following times:

April 28 after the 10:00 am Mass

May 12 after 8:00am

June 9 after 10:00 am

2024 Annual Catholic Appeal Progress

As of April 22, 2024

St Catharine Parish Goal: $140,000.00

Pledged: $77,671.00 (55% of goal) 

Paid: $70,736.00 (51% to goal)

Total Donors: 226

Average Gift: $344


Thank you for your generosity. If you still have not made a pledge to this year’s ACA, please visit

Retreat Opportunity

St. Leo the Great Religious Store

KoC Memorial Mass and March for Life

Diocesan Pilgrimage for Eucharistic Miracles, Italy

Mass Intentions and Weekly Collections

Sharing Our Treasure for 4/8/2024 - 4/14/2024

This weekend, April 27-28 is the appeal for the Catholic Home Missions. We will have a second collection at all masses. Please be generous.

Schedule of Second collections in May:

May 12 – Mother’s Day Intentions (online donors may donate HERE

May 26 – Parish Maintenance (online donors may donate HERE)

Envelope Collections


Online Donation

$ 5,380

Loose Contributions

$ 1,440

Weekly Sacrificial Stewardship


Total Contributing Households


Avg Donation


Registered Parishioner Families


“As each one has received a gift, use it to service one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” (Peter 4:10)

For Mass Intentions click here.

Please send communications items to

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