Weekly Newsletter | April 24, 2024

Human Services Campus is changing our name to Keys to Change. Learn more...

Thirst Aid 2024 Thousand Bottle Challenge


Thank you, Volunteers!

Volunteer Appreciation Day came and went this last Saturday, and it got us imagining a world without volunteers - what would that look like?

It would mean higher costs - every hour of volunteer work saves nonprofits $31.80. At last month's Veterans StandDown event, with 1.595 hours served, Keys to Change volunteers saved Arizona Housing Coalition $50,721.

It would mean no Project Connect - where hundreds of guests are connected to vital services at events across the valley and throughout the year. Volunteers set up tents and tables, guide guests through the event, and support all event needs to ensure successful outcomes.

It would mean shorter post office hours - on Campus, our post office is a one-of-a-kind mail room that serves as a physical address for our clients to use on job and housing applications, as well as receive benefits checks, personal correspondences, packages and more - completely free of charge.

It would mean no clothing distribution on Campus - without volunteers to process, sort, fold, and wash clothing donations, we simply would not have the resources to distribute supplies to meet even the most basic of needs.

Without our volunteers, our clients simply would not receive the quality of services they do. To those that have donated time - we appreciate you. We value you, we truly could not do this work without you. To those who are considering getting involved - join us for a tour, see what it's all about. We'd absolutely love to have you.

To learn more about volunteering with Keys to Change, contact us at volunteer@keystochangeaz.org

Take a Tour of the Campus

Join us the first Wednesday of every month for a tour of the 13 acres and eight buildings that make up the Key Campus, learning along the way about the 15 incredible partner agencies that

make the Campus so special.

Next Tour: May 1, 9:00am

You may register online or call us (602) 282-0853. 

Watch and learn...

Check out the latest episode of the McQuaid Mission on Social Television Network's "It Happens at STN!"


Be Like Mike.

Mission: Using the power of collaboration to create solutions to end homelessness


Human Services Campus dba Keys to Change | 204 S. 12th Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85007 | 602.282.0853 | www.hsc-az.org

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