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Arbor Day is Friday, April 26th. Of course, the best way to celebrate is by planting a tree! Click here to get more resources on planting a tree.
Garden Trivia

When is the best time of year to divide perennials?

Read on to see the answer!
When selecting plants for the shade garden, don't overlook native woodland wildflowers. Woodland wildflowers are attractive additions to home landscapes and are easy to grow when given a favorable site.  
When purchasing plants for those shady areas in the landscape, consider the following woodland wildflowers. 
Each spring, home gardeners buy bedding plants (annual flowers and vegetables) from local garden centers and greenhouses. To help ensure a successful start to the gardening season it's important to select good plants, harden them off, and plant them properly. Learn more here.
We knew there’d be a price to pay for those warm days we enjoyed last February and March, and here it is. This spring (at least on the ISU campus), magnolia species that we’ve come to depend on for an avalanche of April color, sit quietly in the corner with only a smattering of flowers. Read about what happened.
Now that the weather is getting warmer, plant sale season is upon us! Throughout May you will find several plant sales hosted by Master Gardeners around the state. Support your local Master Gardener group and find an assortment of annuals, perennials, and vegetable seedlings for the gardening season.
Here in Central Iowa, it’s just about a month to our frost-free date. We have lots of little plants growing in our greenhouse (and still quite a few in seeding trays!). As we get closer to those hot summer harvest days, there are a few AAS Winners I’m dreaming of.
Do you live in Eastern or Central Iowa and want to try your hand at being a scientist and gardener? Join the citizen science experiment growing strawberries and marigolds!  
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Garden Trivia Answer

The best time to divide perennials varies with the different plant species. Early spring (just as new growth begins to appear) is the best time to divide many species. Other species can be divided in late summer/fall (mid-August through September). Learn more here.
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