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Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche's 1 Year Parinirvana Anniversary

An event to honor Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche's 1 Year anniversary to parinirvana was held at Orgyen Dorje Den in Alameda with about 50 people in attendance and many more online. Each of Gyatrul Rinpoche's centers were represented. Dorje Ling was highlighted on the second day with a reading from the archives where Rinpoche talks to the Dorje Ling Sangha. A short selection from that talk follows.

Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche speaking about Dorje Ling (2009)

"This is a dharma center because it offers a place to practice and contains supports of the Buddha's body, speech, and mind. We call them 'supports,' but it isn't the Buddhas and bodhisattvas that need our support—it is we who need the support of statues, texts, stupas, and other representations of the Three Jewels. They support our practice by reminding us of our buddha nature, our wisdom nature that we are trying to realize. They also support our progress on the path by giving us opportunities to generate merit, by interacting with them. So how do we use the supports and the dharma center itself to generate merit? Everything you do to maintain and develop this place is an offering to the objects of refuge, and generates merit and purifies our negativity."

Photo of mandala offering

Diane Taudvin, Sangha member, shares her experience. See Continued Articles section for Carolyn Myers' experience.

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News and Events

New Statue

The new statue of Shakyamuni arrived!

Thank you for the generous donations we have already received.

If you would like to contribute to the cost, please click below (add "statue" in optional message to specify the donation).


Special New Moon Practice During the Solar Eclipse

Monday April 8, 10:00-12:00pm

Tashi Choling will live stream Kunzang Nyima Vajrasattva Practice in honor of Ven's Gyatrul Rinpoche's Parinirvana.

With special guest, Ven. Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche joining via Zoom!

Click image for the event page with text and other information.

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April 21st


Sangha Gathering

Ngondro Practice 11:00-12:30

Potluck and Orientation 12:30-:2:00

Riwo Sang 2:30-3:30 (we have texts to share)

All members and those interested in learning more are welcome. We are happy to answer questions or just enjoy the space together. At 2:30 we will do a short smoke offering practice (Riwo Sang). Come for some or all of the day!

At the Movies

April 28th, 2:00-4:00pm

The Monk and The Gun

Come enjoy a movie at the center. Bring snacks, a friend, or just yourself. All are welcome!

Click movie poster for trailer

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Regular Events at Dorje Ling

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Meditation Classes

Wednesdays 7:00-8:30pm

(in person only)

We explore a variety of mediation techniques. Open to everyone and drop-ins are encouraged.

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Ngondro Practices

Sundays 11:00-12:30pm

(in person and online)

A preliminary practice that is the foundation for students of Vajrayana Buddhism. Open to everyone (especially appropriate for new students).

Ngondro Zoom link
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Lunar Day Practices (Tsog)

See Upcoming Events for dates

(in person, some offered online)

These practices are intended for the sangha (or Buddhist community) to come together and make offerings. Open to everyone.

Tsog Zoom link
Online Event Page

"'May all beings be freed from their suffering of feeling so separate from their buddhanature.' With that as your compassionate intention, then if you offer one butter lamp or one flower or one cookie at tsog, then how extraordinary is that offering."

Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche, 2012

Visit our Website for More Information

Resource Spotlight

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Vimala Treasures

In Our Community

April 27th, 2024

9:00-10:30 PDT

The Art and Craft of Translating the Dharma

Christina Monson Memorial Lecture Series (online)

Sangye Khandro will give a talk on translating the dharma and share the intricacies of her experiences as a translator and practioner.

Sangye Khandro has translated for many great teachers including Gyatrul Rinpoche and is one of the founders of Light of Berotsana Translation Group.

Event Page

Continued Articles

Carolyn Myers reflects on her experience at Orgyen Dorje Den.

I felt Great Hope attending the Decho. We students of Gyatrul Rinpoche who have vowed to carry on his legacy have often worried about who will follow us. And here they were: this wonderful retreat was managed by many people who do not have gray hair! The umzeds, the chopons, the compiler and reader of inspirational teachings, some of the lamas, and the producers of many of each day's activities: all young people, many with long experience in dharma, depth of practice, and devotion to Rinpoche. I was moved to tears. The lineage is passing to new generations.


I worked most days with the tsok, the ritual feast. I was assisted by a nun, Ani Phuljung from Bolivia. In 2015, she went to Nepal to help with the earthquake relief. There, she met Vajrayana Buddhism and now lives in India. Awaiting Visa papers to return to India, she found herself stuck in the Bay Area. She looked up Buddhism online, found out about Losar at Orgyen Dorje Den, and has temporarily moved in. Together with our much loved Ani Yeshe, I am certain we had two of the world's hardest working nuns! So Gyatrul Rinpoche’s legacy also continues to spread worldwide.


As for myself, well, dharma brothers and sisters, now it is time for confession. On the final day of the Decho, a wandering practitioner arrived with a lot of bags and a hacking cough. She sat down right next to me, alternately sleeping and requesting help with the text. When I returned from a break, she was wearing my clothes! - well, just scarf, shawl and sweater.  I became obsessed with that sweater! It was all I could think about! After the woman grew louder in her requests and responses, others took an interest and moved her away from the seat next to me. Not until the end of the day, when my clothes were returned, did I realize how much I now wished I had given her that sweater. She was cold! I didn’t need it.  But it was too late. She was gone.


Oh, Rinpoche, part of carrying on your legacy, the biggest part, is to practice and to become more compassionate. Here, inside, is where the real work still needs to be done.