April 1, 2024

Bethesda & Immanuel Lutheran Newsletter

Sunday Worship

8:30 Bethesda

11:00 Immanuel


Pastor Connie Monson




Parish Office:







Bethesda/Immanuel Website

Bethesda FACEBOOK 


Immanuel FACEBOOK 


We pray for Ukraine, Israel and Gaza and all those afflicted by war.

 Hello Nancy,

Sunday services are available online.
Use the Bethesda Facebook link above.

From the Pastor


Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the tomb. John 20.1

Steve Garnaas-Holmes is a retired UMC pastor who writes and shares a daily poem on his blog at unfoldinglight.net. He writes: "Hope is not a wish for what will happen, but trust in the unseen that already is." He goes on: "I hope the sun will rise because I know it is already rising. So it is with all I hope for, in myself, and in the world."

We awake on Easter morning and find that for many it is still dark. You are still struggling with chronic pain or a recent diagnosis. Your closest relationships have not miraculously become everything you need them to be. Conflict around the world, in Ukraine, Gaza, Yemen, still disproportionately affects the poor and disenfranchised. Our own country seems poised on a precipice.

And yet, in resurrection there is hope. In defiance of the forces that would keep us in darkness, we trust that the sun will rise, because it is already rising. We trust that God's Kin-dom will prevail, because it has already drawn near.

With a love both fierce and tender, Christ has made new life possible, even in the face of death. Garnaas-Holmes again: "For even now already, Christ is rising, and all the world with him." Amen.

View April Calendar

On Sunday, April 7, Immanuel will receive the following new members during regular worship: Robert Schlack, Charlotte Calhoun, Susanna Ehlers. If you are interested in becoming a church member, please talk to Pastor Connie or a council member. We don't offer fancy mugs or branded athleisurewear, but we do have excellent snacks.

Reconciling in Christ Statement


There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28


We welcome YOU to Bethesda and Immanuel to participate fully in our congregational life. You who may have experienced exclusion, injustice or racial inequity; You who are young, old, rich, poor; You of all abilities; You from all nations and ethnic backgrounds; You of all sexual orientations, gender identities or gender expression.


We are committed to racial equity, economic equity, gender equity, sexual equity. We are committed to learn, celebrate, advocate and welcome everyone through a series of forums and educational opportunities. May we grow in acceptance and become a voice for inclusion, equity and justice.


No matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.


The next meeting of the Reconciling in Christ (RIC) team will be at Bethesda on April 10 at 6 pm. The team's objectives are to work for racial, economic, gender, and sexual equity, to welcome all into the life of the church, and to fully live into our RIC statement above. Everyone is encouraged to attend this meeting; please talk to Pastor Connie or the church office if you need a Zoom link for the meeting.

Read Synod's Justice Newsletter

Continuing Call for Photos for our Bethesda Members and Friends wall.

Our Church Members and Friends photo wall is something each of us looks at over time. These photos help us connect with each other, remember names of those that we haven’t seen for a while, and is a way to welcome our new Pastor Connie. Now that our photo display is over 10 years old, we would like it to be updated.

Therefore, we ask you to send in a picture. This can be a photo doing what you love to do, or with your family at a recent gathering, or on an outing, or with your furry friends, or a selfie. If you have a photo, send it to Nancy at Bethesda either as Digital, bethesdachurchbayfield@gmail.com or as an actual photo which can be mailed to Bethesda, PO Box 724, Bayfield, WI 54814. We will scan in your photo and return the original. If this doesn’t work for you and would like a volunteer to take your picture, please call Dianne Judd at 651-341-9724. We can get a volunteer to take your photo. 

Thank you for being part of our community and participating.

Jane Edwards, Linda Schneider, Sandy Paavola, Dianne Judd, Shirley Hanson, Dee Hendrickson

The next pancake breakfast will be

April 28, 9:30 - 11:00. All are welcome! This is a free community breakfast. No donations will be accepted.

Bethesda Phone Directory correction:

Linda Schneider's only phone number is 608-790-3375.

Spring Election and Presidential primary 

April 2, 2024

Information about voting in WI


Are you registered to vote?



Anything in the color blue is a clickable link

Council Meetings

April 17, 2024

Immanuel Council 6:00

Joint Council 6:30

Bethesda Council 7:00

March Draft Immanuel Council Minutes

February Draft Joint Council Minutes (No March meeting)

March Draft Bethesda Council Minutes

Come to Bethesda on Tuesdays from 1:00 - 3:00 for a friendly game of cribbage. No experience necessary.

Women's Gather

Hello all “Gather” book/Bible study participants!  we will be meeting on Wednesday, April 10.  

Lake Superior Bridge Builders

Tuesdays, April 2 & 23 at 7:00

See our website for the Zoom link
Meeting ID: 812 1484 1692 Passcode: 948203
Dial by your location       +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Monday Book Club

Join us for a Book Study on Zoom

Mondays at 1:00 PM

See our website for the Zoom link

Meeting ID: 851 3905 2851

Passcode: 467574

Dial by your location

    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen by David Brooks

Questions? Call Leanne 715.742.3553

South Shore Quilters

Mondays 9:00 am - Noon at Immanuel

Wednesdays 9:00 am - Noon at Immanuel

The mission-quilt group at Immanuel is always in need of donations of clean usable bed sheets--preferably flat sheets--which we use as backing for the quilts, spools of thread (whether full or not) and fabric.

The Knit Wits

Knitting & Crocheting at the Corny coffee shop Fridays 1:00 - 4:00

The Brunch Bunch
Tuesdays at Bethesda 10:00 - 11:30
Conversation and coffee with women from the community.

Immanuel has a painting group that meets on Thursdays, 10:00 - 1:00.

Retired Old Men Eat Out
Every Friday at 8:00 AM

Meet at Immanuel Church

New information is Red
If you would like to be added to the list or have an update, please contact us at:

Pavel, Alla, Oliver, Viktoria, and Melissa Anna Elizabeth

Marty Burkel

Marty had hernia surgery. Thanks for the ongoing prayer support.



6302 Mineral Point Rd Unit 211

Madison, WI 53705

Kerissa Morrin

Casey French

Joe Volpe

Sherman and Jane Edward's son-in-law

Judy Faragher

PO Box 1226

Bayfield WI 54814



Chick Anderson


34200 S County Hwy J

Bayfield WI 54814


Jim Brockmann

Second knee replacement surgery

Bennett Anderson

Grandson of Donnie Anderson


Bill Peterson 

Bill is struggling with Parkinson's. If you have the time he sure would appreciate a call or card and of course your prayers.


Walker Methodist Care Suites

7400 York Avenue South

Edina, MN 55435

Ed DePerry

37420 State Hwy 13

Bayfield WI 54814

Doctoring at Mayo

Sharon Johnson


86520 Valley Rd

Bayfield WI 54814


Kelli Ann Clapero


Konnie LeMay

Vicki Gordon

Michael Babineau


Myrna & Rich Northrop



87202 Co Hwy C

Cornucopia, WI 54827

Kermit and Judy Del Main

Judy is in assisted living and Kermit has health issues. Please keep them in your prayers.

St Paul, MN

Colleen Nozal


PO Box 341

Cornucopia, WI 54827

Lorayne Reedy



PO Box 358

Cornucopia WI 54827

Lois Osterberg


702 Bratley Dr

Washburn WI 54891

Courtney Byerhoff

Bill Bodner



87560 Bark Point Rd

Herbster WI 54844

Chuck & Marcia Perry



87140 County Rd C

Cornucopia, WI 54827

Julie Monroe

815 -575-2903

636 E Kimball Avenue

Woodstock IL 60098


Rhiannon Tourdot

Holly Tourdot

Jennifer Schlack

Kit Bottem

Leanne's daughter-in-law

MS and kidney stones

Karen Novachek

610 E 4th St

Washburn WI 54891



Dick Florence

89730 Roman's Point Road

Herbster WI 54844


April Birthdays

1 - Judy Bois

2 - Judith Lokken-Strom

3 - Sandy Moman

3 - Colleen Nozel

5 - Mary Meierotto

8 - Leanne Homa

10 - Allie Knauff

12 - Amy French

13 - Margaret Purves

17 - Kris Anderson

19 - Teresa Weber

26 - Katherine Dobrovolny