ALCM Logo with baton

Association of Lutheran Church Musicians

April 1, 2024 e-newsletter

Greeting from Director Carol McDaniel

Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!


As a church musician, pastor, or heavily involved volunteer, this Easter Monday might have you at the beginning of a well-deserved break. Even if you were “just” a participant in the pew, you too might be ready for a nap today. So go ahead: enjoy a moment or two (without any guilt) to revel in the truth of the resurrection, and all that you celebrated this past week. You might be on a vacay, on a “staycay,” or maybe just on the living room recliner. Rest if you are able. Take a bit of a breather. I’m sure you need it, and no doubt many of you totally deserve it.


Please know, however, you cannot stay there, and neither can I.


The Resurrection news is too great not to repeat again and again to all who would hear it, to all who long to hear it, and to all who don’t yet know that they need to hear it. As His Easter (and Pentecost) people, we have the power of the Holy Spirit to be His witnesses, telling people about Him everywhere, “…in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8


So where is your Jerusalem? Where is your Judea? Where is your Samaria?


Rest assured, I’m not asking you to plan another short-term mission trip or a choir tour with your church’s ensemble. Those events are awesome indeed, but your J, J and S can be much simpler than that. Your Jerusalem may be the widow or widower down the street. (Even if it happened long ago…they still need those words of hope.) Your Judea may be the Senior Center in town. Although we can tire of playing and/or preaching, most folks in these places would love an Easter sing-along, and I bet your energy will quickly replenish as you see the joy on their faces. Your Samaria may be a cancer ward or a care facility for those who are aging or convalescing. They too might appreciate another reading of the Easter Gospel and a lively rendition of “Jesus Christ is Risen Today.” Five or ten minutes is all it takes for you to be a witness outside of your normal realm.


I pray God gives you wisdom and discernment for where you might go and where you might need to share the good news. I’m confident He will nudge you, lead you and better yet: I have a feeling He is already preparing the way. +SDG+

Carol McDaniel

Board Member

From Generation to Generation: Ponder Anew is fast approaching and, while the planning committee is looking forward to the 300th-anniversary performance of Bach's St. John Passion, we're also excited for our planned workshops and learning sessions. You can check out the partial lists below or go to the workshops and in-depth learning sessions pages on the ALCM website for a complete list of offerings. There's something for everyone. Share with your friends and encourage them to register today!


  • To Infinity and Beyond with Todd Carrico: discuss retirement and the challenges it brings
  • Understanding Copyrights with Mark Lawson: learn to cope with the ins and outs of copyright reporting
  • Raising Our Voices with Ruth Sall: consider how to involve children in all aspects of worship leadership
  • Musings about MuseScore with Joel Stoppenhagen: see free music notation software in action
  • Leading Paperless Music with Ana Hernández: refine your paperless music leadership skills

In-depth Learning Sessions

  • Tune Up for Presiders and Preachers with Craig Mueller: ponder anew the role of presiding and preaching in the formation of the worshiping assembly
  • Tune Up for Church Musicians with Craig Mueller: contemplate the role of liturgy and music in the formation of the worshiping assembly
  • Glad Praises We Sing! & Sound Forth God's Praise! with Stacie Lightner: develop your keyboard skills in these practicums for church musicians
  • We Worship with Our Eyes, Too with David VanderMeer: foster your creative side to create art for conference worship and take ideas back to your church
  • Empowering Your Musicians with Shannon Gravelle: focus on ways to give singers in your church (that's everyone!) what they need to succeed
  • Band-led Worship with Chris Clay: grow your band leadership skills

Due to a generous gift from Mark and Kathy Helge, we are pleased to announce a virtual registration option for our 2024 conference at Valparaiso University, From Generation to Generation: Ponder Anew. Learning sessions will be professionally live-streamed online for those who choose to register. For all who have registered, whether in person or virtually, recordings will be made available after the conference. To learn more and to register, visit

In-person Registration
Virtual Registration

St. John Passion

The conference in Valparaiso will celebrate a 300-year anniversary:

St. John Passion - J.S. Bach

Wednesday, July 24, 2024 – 7:30 pm – Chapel of the Resurrection, Valparaiso University

Bach Collegium Valparaiso

Christopher M. Cock, Artistic Director and Conductor

The Bach Collegium Valparaiso is an ensemble composed of the finest period instrument and vocal forces in the Chicago area. The mission of BCV is to perform the great masterworks of the 16th - 18th centuries with attention to historically informed practice and the highest standards of musical performance.

This event is made possible through the generous financial support of Pauline and John Kiltinen.

Additional information about the conference, including pricing, scholarships, accommodations and more is available on the ALCM website.

Valparaiso Conference Sponsorship Opportunities


Would you like to contribute to ALCM and support our July conference in Valparaiso? Gifts are welcome to support the conference and all donors will be listed in the conference book. Donations may be made at ALCM website.

2025 Raabe Prize

Applications are now being accepted for the 2025 Raabe Prize for Excellence in Sacred Composition. The Raabe Prize is established to recognize a recent musical work that promotes and extends the practice of church music as it is informed and shaped by Lutheran theological insight and worship practices. The composition so recognized will have been written during the five-year period prior to the year in which the prize is awarded and should be representative of a larger body of work by the composer. Preference will be given to those compositions that grow out of the heart of Lutheran worship – the song of the assembly that enables all to lift their voices in prayer, praise, and proclamation as they gather around Word and Sacrament.

Submissions for the 2025 award must be received by October 1, 2024.

2025 Raabe Prize Description & Guidelines

Raabe Prize

ALCM Announces Continuance of Grant Program


The ALCM board is pleased to announce the continuance of a grant program it initiated last year. These grants provide financial assistance for projects and initiatives that support ALCM’s mission to “nurture and equip musicians to serve and lead the church’s song.” This year there will be two opportunities for submitting proposals, one in the spring and one in the fall.


Who may submit a grant request? Anyone who is an ALCM member!


How much? $500-$1500, though larger amounts may be considered at the discretion of the review committee.


What kind of projects? You decide! Some possibilities include: personal study; support of the music ministry in your congregation; research travel or a conference; presenting a community event or Hearts, Hands, Voices workshop; purchase of instruments or equipment to use to support a new musical ensemble in your congregation; or community outreach program. You decide what kind of project—use your imagination!


How do I apply? Complete this application form. Applications for the spring grant program will be accepted through May 31, 2024.

There's still time to purchase the 2024 Winter Webinar Series!

The winter 2024 webinar series featuring the three people/topics listed below will continue to be available as a reduced price package through July 1, 2024. After that, the recorded webinars will be available only as individual purchases at $25 per webinar for ALCM members and $39 for non-members. Buy the complete package of three recorded webinars now--three for the price of one!

Raabe Prize

The Raabe Prize at 25!

This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the Raabe Prize for Excellence in Sacred Composition. Endowed in 1999 by Dr. William and Pr. Nancy Raabe of Philadelphia, this prize is awarded every two years for a single musical work that reflects a larger history of excellence on the part of a composer. Its aim is to recognize and encourage significant accomplishments in composition contributing to the body of sacred music for the church in the Lutheran heritage. Throughout 2024, ALCM will highlight each prizewinner with a video describing the piece, its significance and, where possible, featuring a conversation with the composer.

1999 Raabe Prize

This month we are listening to a conversation between Lorraine Brugh and Robert Buckley Farlee, the first Raabe Prize winner, as they discuss his "Solemn Reproaches of the Cross." Having just gone through Holy Week, you may want to consider this as an option for next year! Farlee's "Solemn Reproaches of the Cross" is available for purchase from Augsburg Fortress Publishers.

Watch this video celebrating Robert Buckley Farlee's 1999 prizewinning piece "Solemn Reproaches of the Cross".

Listen to a recording of the "Solemn Reproaches of the Cross"

Echoing Air is a traveling Baroque chamber ensemble featuring two countertenors, two recorders, and basso continuo. The ensemble’s repertoire encompasses music of many European countries spanning from Medieval times to the present. Echoing Air tours frequently, appearing on civic, church, and university concert series. Masterclasses at the collegiate level and age-appropriate presentations for students grades K-12 are also available.


To learn more, visit

ALCM Board of Directors Update

Our ALCM Board of Directors has met twice in 2024, once in a face-to-face meeting in Chicago in January and then on Zoom in March. At these meetings the Board:

  • welcomed new member Kyle Haugen, who was appointed to fill an unexpired term;
  • heard from Executive Director Jim Rindelaub about our many generous donors who made a gift in 2023; the Board gives thanks for all our contributors!
  • heard that 357 people attended Hearts Hands Voices events in 2023, and that we now have 50 webinars available on our website;
  • learned that registration is on track for a successful conference at Valparaiso University in July, and that several workshops have been added to accommodate everyone;
  • approved a balanced budget for 2024, and learned that our endowment funds had a very good return in 2023 due to the strong financial markets;
  • learned from the Nominating Committee that things are on track for an election later this spring for 3 Directors on the Board and a Secretary/Treasurer;
  • heard a report from the Scholarship Committee on a very successful first round of grants in 2023, and affirmed their intention to build on that success in 2024;
  • heard an “early” report on plans for a 40th Anniversary celebration in 2026; Jim Rindelaub informed the Board that Michael Krentz has agreed to chair the planning committee;

The Board thanks all of our ALCM members for their participation and support in so many ways. Questions, comments, and suggestions are always welcome. They may be routed through our ALCM office or sent directly to a board member or officer.

2024 Richard Hillert Award

ALCM, in partnership with the Center for Church Music, is pleased to announce that manuscript submissions for the 2024 Richard Hillert Award in Student Composition are now being accepted. Applicants must be a student in a Lutheran college/university or seminary in the United States or Canada. Nominations may come from someone other than the composer.

The submitted piece must be a church music composition (3-5 minutes in length) suitable for a liturgical service. Compositions to be considered by a panel of judges are welcomed from all geographical areas and all genres.

A cash prize of $1000 will be awarded with a certificate presentation at the annual Lectures in Church Music. The winning piece may also be performed at the ALCM biennial conference in Raleigh-Durham, NC, in 2025.

The deadline for applications is June 1, 2024 and should be submitted to Include a sound recording if possible.

Happy Easter from your friends at Lutheran Summer Music! Please enjoy this musical offering of Paul Basler’s Alleluia from Songs of Faith, performed by the LSM 2023 Festival Choir, conducted by Dr. Shannon Gravelle. Learn more about LSM @

Call for Essays:

CrossAccent, Summer 2024

Essays on the topic “Renewing Worship through the Arts” are welcomed for the summer 2024 issue of CrossAccentClick here to read about this issue’s theme. Manuscripts are due on May 1, 2024.

Easter Resources

Be sure to check out resources for Easter in the Seasonal Resources section of the members area of the website. Links have been added under the "Quick Links" heading. And don't forget about the hundreds of Hymn Settings to support congregational singing. There's a link for that as well!

Here are a few recent additions to the Hymn Settings section:

VICTORY – Boehler

VICTORY; AUF, AUF, MEIN HERZ – Easter Prelude for Brass – Sanders

VICTORY – Otte harmonization

Having difficulty logging in to the members area? First check to be sure that you are using the email address that we have on file (the address at which you receive copies of the newsletter). Click on the "Forgot your password?" link in the login box and follow the instructions to re-set your password. If you still have difficulty logging in, send an email to and we'll be happy to help.

You are invited to freely make use of the ALCM Virtual Easter Hymn during the Easter season and at all times. Share the hymn with everyone. All copyright restrictions are waived. If you own a One License subscription and offer the hymn recording in worship please include it when submitting your One License report.  

Fourth Friday Happy Hour with ALCM

Friday, April 26 - 6:00 pm Eastern

Recognizing that virtual community IS real community, you are warmly invited to join "Fourth Friday Happy Hour with ALCM" on Zoom every fourth Friday. Moderated by President Nancy Raabe and Executive Director Jim Rindelaub, discussion will be oriented around a general theme each month, but the larger purpose is to encourage conversation, sharing, and community. Bring whatever thoughts, comments, or concerns are on your mind, and of course a libation of your choice. Click on this recurring link to join each month.

The next issue of CrossAccent is in the mail and is posted in the members area of the website!

This issue of CrossAccent (Vol. 32, No. 1) takes a look back at the Philadelphia biennial conference from July 2023. It includes transcripts of all three plenary presentations, a report from the Vi Messerli Memorial Lectures in Church Music by Grace Hennig, and a book review from Martin Seltz.

Events are published both in the website calendar and in the monthly e-newsletter. Do you have an event that you'd like to include? ALCM members should log in and follow the link on the main members area page. Non-members should send event details to for consideration.

View the ALCM calendar

On the April Calendar

Hearts Hands Voices events:

April 6 - Dickenson, ND

April 13 - Westborough, MA

April 20 - Denver, CO

April 27 - Minneapolis, MN

April 6 - 4:00 pm EDT - Gettysburg, PA - The Golden Age of Lutheran Choral Music

April 7 - 3:00 pm EDT - Ocala, FL, Joy Lutheran Church - Eirinn Abu, saxophonist

April 7 - 4:00 pm EDT - Williamsport, PA - Covenant Central Presbyterian Church - Seipp/Sheets Trumpet/Organ Duo

April 8 – Solar Eclipse Across America

April 9-11 - Valparaiso University Institute of Liturgical Studies

April 14 - 3:00 pm CDT - Barrington, IL - St. Matthew Lutheran Church - Organ Dedication and Hymn Sing

April 17 - 7:00 pm CDT - River Forrest, IL - Grace Lutheran Church, hymn festival celebrating the 50th anniversary observance of the beginning of Seminex.

April 26- 6:00 pm EDT - Fourth Friday Happy Hour with ALCM

April 28- 3:00 pm EDT - Ocala, FL, Joy Lutheran Church - Handbell-stravaganza

May 1 - Deadline for submission of manuscripts for consideration for the Summer 2024 issue of CrossAccent

Worship and Fine Arts Day Camp for Children

Nationally known musician and children’s music educator Dr. Michael Burkhardt is leading a Worship and Fine Arts Day Camp June 24-27, 2024. The camp, held at Grace Lutheran Church in downtown State College, PA, is for children entering grades 2-8 and runs from 9 AM to 3 PM daily. Experience is not required. Email for details. Registration has been extended to May 15!

As part of the 50th anniversary observance of the beginning of Seminex, there will be a hymn festival on Wednesday, April 17, at 7:30 PM at Grace Lutheran Church, 7300 Division, River Forest, IL. It is open to the public.

Several ALCM members are leading the event. Martin Seltz is providing the commentary. Robert Buckley Farlee, Anne Krentz Organ, Daniel Schwandt, and Michael Costello will be leading the hymns, along with Grace’s choir. For a complete schedule and information on additional activities related to the observance, go to

Kyries & Glorias

Kyries (prayer concerns) and Glorias (thanksgivings) are posted in the members area and on this page on the ALCM website. Kyries and Glorias for the following people have been recently posted:

In memoriam

Mark Prater

Alice Parker

Randall Ewell


Bob Hobby*

Jenny Hobby

John Ferguson*

Jayne Southwick Cool

Ethel Geist

Jennifer Phelps

ALCM members are invited to submit Kyries and Glorias following the link in the members area of the website. Non-members may contact the ALCM office at with information for posting.

* indicates a Charter Member

The Lilly Endowment is pleased to announce its new Nurturing Children Through Worship and Prayer Initiative.Through this national and competitive initiative, the Endowment is inviting eligible charitable organizations to apply for grants of up to $1.25 million that may be used for up to a five-year period to establish new and/or enhance existing programs that support congregations as they design intergenerational corporate worship services and prayer practices that more intentionally and fully engage children and nurture their faith.


The Endowment is especially interested in supporting programs that help congregations address one or more of the following objectives:

  1. Strengthening worship and prayer practices that attend to and respect how children experience God and express their faith.
  2. Enhancing worship and prayer practices that are more fully inclusive of all children, including children with disabilities.
  3. Drawing more fully on the arts (e.g., music, visual arts, drama, etc.) to enhance the experience of worship and prayer for children.
  4. Creating opportunities for Bible storytelling that help children hear and tell stories of faith through worship and prayer practices.
  5. Enhancing worship and prayer practices that more intentionally connect worship with the daily lives of children and their families.


More detailed information about the aim and objectives of this new initiative, as well as eligibility criteria and proposal guidelines, may be found at the Endowment’s Nurturing Children Initiative webpage.

Introducing two FREE compositions from Lutheran Summer Music 2023 by Anne Krentz Organ: Holy Manna, for solo instrument with keyboard accompaniment; and Be Thankful, for SATB chorus, descant, keyboard accompaniment, optional assembly, and handbells (full or condensed). FREE sheet music download:

Live-Streaming Members Area Compositions

If you are a current member of ALCM, you automatically have permission to use any of the materials posted in the members area of the website as long as your membership remains current. This permission is being extended to live-streaming music during worship, but again only as long as your ALCM membership remains current. Already-posted materials in the members area do not include a permission statement on the copy covering live-streaming/recording of pieces for use during worship, although they are included in this live-streaming blanket permission. Going forward, new materials posted will include a more comprehensive statement. 

If you have materials posted in the members area and you do not want to extend the permission to cover live-streaming, please email us at, so that we can remove your compositions from the website. Also, remember to notify us if any of your posted compositions is published. We will remove them from the website and include a note that the material is now available from the publisher.

Any questions, let us know!

Are you getting the most out of your ALCM membership?

Did you know that new member benefits are being added all the time to the members area of the ALCM website? You will want to log in whenever you visit the site to be sure that you have access to everything available to members. Can't remember your login information? In almost every case, your username is your email address. You can change or reset your password by following the "Forgot your password?" link in the login box.


Items in the members area are available for unlimited use as long as your membership remains active. Here are a few items for members only:


  • All issues of CrossAccent (from the very beginning) and In Tempo are available for viewing. These items are for sale in the Marketplace to non-members;
  • Advertise your local events on ALCM's calendar;
  • Listen to all ALCM CD recordings for free;
  • Hymns, accompaniments, descants, concertatos, and hymn stanza alternations for choir;
  • Other free downloadable seasonal and non-seasonal resources;
  • Discounted registration fee for ALCM-sponsored webinars and conferences;
  • Past issues of ALCM's original practical resource, Grace Notes, from 1997-2011;
  • Discounts on purchases of CDs and other items in the Marketplace; and
  • A host of other resources free for viewing and downloading.


If you have any difficulty logging in or if you have questions or comments about the website or your membership, please feel free to contact us by email at

Are you a congregation looking for a musician?
A musician looking for a position?
ALCM can help!

Employment resources have been developed to assist congregations in the process of searching for and hiring a musician. Presented in a step-by-step format, these resources will guide you through the entire employment process.

The ALCM job listing service connects those looking for positions in the field of church music with congregations and other institutions that have openings. By completing an online job posting form, congregations can post their positions on the ALCM website where those looking for employment may view them.

Musicians searching for a job may view posted job openings on the ALCM website, where those looking for positions can view them. Both full-time and part-time positions are listed, and new positions are added as received.
The Association of Lutheran Church Musicians
nurtures and equips musicians
to serve and lead the church's song.