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April 2024

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New: Substance Use Care Guidelines Website

Oops! The TTU you received earlier today had a non-working link to the new Substance Use Guidelines website. With apologies, here is a corrected link to the new site:

The New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute (NYSDOH AI) has launched a new Substance Use Care website ( where clinicians can easily find all of the program’s guidelines on treatment of substance use and use disorders.

The program's evidence-based, state-of-the-art clinical practice guidelines establish uniform standards of care for practitioners who provide prevention or treatment of substance use disorders for adults throughout New York State in the wide array of settings in which those services are delivered.

Recommendation Withdrawn

MCCC Withdraws Recommendation for MenB Vaccine to Prevent Gonorrhea: After promising data were presented at CROI 2023, the Medical Care Criteria Committee (MCCC) added a recommendation for use of the MenB vaccine for gonorrhea prevention, noting that the recommendation would be reevaluated as additional data became available. 

With the presentation of new data at CROI 2024 (Abstract 124: Final Results of ANRS 174 DOXYVAC: A Randomized Trial to Prevent STI in MSM on PrEP), the MCCC has determined that the MenB vaccine (Bexsero) should not be used to prevent gonorrhea. 

See the full guideline for all recommended immunizations for adults with HIV.

Conversations With CEI Podcast

Doxy-PEP Part II: Where Are We Now? In this episode, Dr. Marguerite Urban and Dr. Daniela DiMarco pick up from the November 2023 episode of Conversations with CEI, where they talked about Doxy-PEP for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), covering updates on Doxy-PEP since the last episode and delving deeper into some unique aspects. Drs. Urban and DiMarco are infectious disease faculty members at the University of Rochester, specializing in sexual health care. They were part of the team who authored the recently released NYSDOH AI guideline regarding Doxy-PEP. This episode is a “part two” of Doxy-PEP. Drs. Urban and DiMarco review the results of a recently published trial from Kenya and discuss common questions related to Doxy-PEP. Listen Now

Don't Miss

New Guideline: Doxy-PEP to Prevent Bacterial STIs

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