March Newsletter

"ATLL is Your Partner in Learning"


We are currently updating our constant contact mailing list. If you have staff that would like to be added to our mailing list, please have them subscribe HERE.

The Agency for Teaching, Leading, and Learning (ATLL) is excited to partner with Southwest Missouri School districts for their professional learning needs. If you have specific needs, please reach out to one of us and let the learning begin!

Please use the following link to view our 2023-2024 ATLL Staff Directory of coaches and consultants ready to assist you! 

New Leadership:

If you know of a new Superintendent, Administrator, SPED or Curriculum Director, or Professional Development Coordinator taking a position in your school district, please send their name and email address (if known) to Randy Luebbert and Ruben Berry so that we can update our records. and

New/Retiring/Moving Counselors:

If you are a counselor that will be retiring this year, or moving buildings/districts, or know of a new counselor starting in the 2024-2025 school year, please contact Laura Harris and Ruben Berry so that we may update our records.

Notes From Our Consultants

From Randy Luebbert, Leadership Specialist

Attention ALL Leaders! MLDS Has a place for you! Let us help you support your leadership journey! We hope to see you in 2023-2024!

Please contact Randy Luebbert for more information and to sign up: or 417-380-4422

From Our PBIS Team:

Did you know that the ATLL can provide professional development for your staff at no cost to your district? Youth Mental Health First Aid teaches parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff and other caring adults how to help youth who may be experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge or is in crisis.

Thanks to funding from Missouri’s Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, over 3,000 public school employees have been trained in Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) since March 2022. 

Policymakers and educators alike know that expanding people’s ability to recognize and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges is an essential first step in the overall health of young people. Statewide efforts to implement mental health literacy trainings, including Youth MHFA, for adults who work with young people are underway.  

Here’s what one Missouri Administrator had to say: 

“The Mental Health First Aid Training offered great tools and examples for school personnel to use as they help students in difficult situations. I really appreciated the proactive approach to looking for early signs of mental health-related issues and ways to help work through them. Far too often we don't know about mental health issues until the situation is at the boiling point. These resources will allow staff and teachers to better understand what to look for and help schools get resources in our families' hands faster and act in a more preventative nature.”   Kaci Dorton, Assistant Principal Joplin High School

Contact us if you’d like to talk more about the program and discuss available dates. When you’re ready to sign up, complete this form and be sure to request the ATLL (SWRPDC) as your instructors. 

The Youth Mental Health First Aid course is free of charge to districts!

Jordan Politte:


Andrea Rockney


From Andrea Rockney - PBIS Consultant

The MO SW-PBS Summer Institute is coming up June 4th-5th at the Tan-Tar-A Conference Center. Registration opens 03/01/2024.

Register HERE

From Shanna Hight, DCI Consultant

Great news! Registration is open for the DCI 2024 Summit at Tan-Tar-A Convention Center, Lake of the Ozarks. 


Secure your spot by registering and booking your hotel accommodations today! The summit is the highpoint of our year for sharing everyone’s successful work and learning together. Participation in the DCI Summit is strongly recommended.


We are pleased to announce that Doug LeMov will be our keynote speaker this year. Doug Lemov is a former teacher and school principal. He helped found Uncommon Schools, a network of high performing schools in under-served communities. His Teach Like a Champion books (now in the third edition, Teach Like a Champion 3.0) describes techniques used by exceptional teachers. Through the techniques, Lemov explains how to Check for Understanding, raise academic expectations, increase the ratio of the cognitive work students do, motivate and engage students, make classrooms more writing-intensive, improve discussions, and anticipate when it is necessary to redirect student behavior so it is positive and productive.


Lastly, there’s still space for presentations! Send a team to share your DCI stories and get 1 free conference registration for each presentation accepted. The link for presentation proposals is on the MoEdu-SAIL website summit page. Districts presenting and sharing at the summit is the highlight of the event. 


Call for ProposalsSubmit Proposals Here


Go to the MoEdu-Sail website to REGISTER TODAY!


We look forward to another great DCI Summit!

From Betty Glasgow, Registered Youth Apprenticeship Consultant:

Don't get stuck on setting up your Registered Youth Apprenticeship program! Here are things I can help with:

  • Assist with writing Standards and first work process
  • Present to your stakeholders
  • Serve as your point person until you get your feet on the ground
  • Answer questions or come walk you through the process


From the Literacy Team: Jana Loge, Annette Tankersley, Melinda Odom and Jenny Dunagan

Register on Frontline for face-to-face cohorts ASAP. Manuals will be ordered six weeks prior to the first session.

Please visit the link below for selecting your face-to-face workshops.

2023-2024 LETRS Offerings Registration Links

DESE has extended funding related to SB 681 that includes reimbursement opportunities for your district. If you have given stipends for training in LETRS, and/or Science of Reading professional learning, and substitutes for teachers attending SoR related professional learning (ref. DESE Admin. memo July 2023).See the link below for DESE’s ‘Introduction to Missouri’s Evidence-Based Reading Instruction Program Funding’

Mo Read, Lead, Exceed is not extended to Early Childhood LETRS

You can view the Reading Success Guidance Plan Here

Interested in Elevating Literacy Skills Within Your District?

Consider the opportunity to host a LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) training cohort right at your school!

This unique offering allows your district to become a hub for literacy excellence. You're welcome to invite neighboring districts to join, aiming for a collaborative cohort of 25 participants. Our dedicated Literacy Consultants

are ready to bring this transformative training directly to you. For further

details and to explore this opportunity, please reach out to our Literacy

Consulting team.

DESE has reopened the application for the Evidence-Based Reading Instruction Program.

This new application window will allow local education agencies (LEAs) to request reimbursement of expenses for resources and programs implemented in the 2023-24 school year.

Funds received under this grant must be a reimbursement to the LEA. LEAs will submit a grant application to the Department by May 15, 2024.

From Sandy Humbyrd - MTDS/GYO Consultant

Please check out the Grow Your Own Network video in the link below!

We look forward to seeing you at a GYO session!

From Laura Harris, Career Advisor/ Career Pathways Consultant

Teachers and Counselors:

How can we get students to connect their education with future career opportunities, and help them learn about community businesses, and skills they will need to know in the workforce?

As a teacher or counselor, you can get paid for a summer externship where you will receive professional development through experiences in business to take back to your students.

You will learn valuable lessons in what essential skills they need from employees in the current workforce through a variety of local businesses. For more information, and to register for this summer teacher externship please click HERE

From Joanna Haskins MTDS Consultant

Teacher Academy Graduation is Wednesday, April 24

Administrators and Instructional Coaches are invited to come and see the work teachers have done this year to increase learning in their classroom.


Email for more information.

Does your Professional Development Committee want to provide powerful PD opportunities for your school and district?


Do they understand their roles and responsibilities?


Join the PDC training on Tuesday, April 30 to review your school PDC Plan and start planning for next year!

Register HERE

Have new teachers? Want to make sure they are ready for the 2024-25 school year?


Registration begins April 1 for Beginning Teacher Assistance Program.


Free to attend

Lunch provided

Networking with other new teachers

Focus on just-in-time learning!


Cohorts in Bolivar, Joplin, Springfield, and Hollister!

Register NOW on Frontline!



Community of Vision Educators (CoVE)

Friday, April 12th | 2:00pm to 4:00pm

Instructor: DJ Butcher

Blind Skills Specialists presents Community of Vision Educators (CoVE). The CoVE Group is a professional group that meets to discuss best practices in the field of education for students with visual impairments. ACVREP RPPL credit of up to 2 hours may apply to attendees.

Register Here


LETRS Vol. 1: Word Recognition (Summer Cohort 80)

Tuesday, April 30th | 8:30am to 3:00pm

Instructor: Melinda Odom

Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) provides educators with the tools and understanding to teach the essential skills needed for literacy. Teachers learn the "science of reading" so they are able to apply research into classroom application no matter the curriculum or program used. The 'blended learning' format of this series includes face-to-face learning through structured models and online tutorials/videos of effective classroom instruction. SPECIAL NOTES: Participants must attend a 90-minute virtual launch in August (dates/times will be sent via email). (1) There are four 'face-to-face' dates for this workshop series. (2) Those who aren't MO RLE recipients will need contact melindaodom@missouristate for purchase of their manual.(3) Recipients of the MO Read-Lead-Exceed Initiative will receive their materials from DESE. DO NOT purchase your own materials!

Register Here


Focus on Math Fluency: Games

Grades K-5: Thursday, April 4th | 8:30am -11:30am

Grades 6-12: Thursday, 11th | 8:30am - 11:30am

Instructor: Stacey Maddeaux

Let's bring FUN to math class! In this workshop, we will explore the effectiveness of games as fluency practice and look at where to find them, how to use them, and what students learn from them.

K-5 Date Register Here

6-12 Date Register Here


MELL Meet-Up

Friday, April 5th | 11:30am to 3:00pm

Instructor: Rhonda Hittenberger Ortiz

FOCUS on ELs and Special Ed support. Bring your lunch and connect with educators of English language learners. We will have a focus each meeting as well as time set aside to collaborate and talk with others who are doing what you do! Meet-Ups are held at Missouri State University in the Park Central Office Building. 

Register Here


MTDS Mastering: Professional Development Committee

Tuesday, April 30th | 9:00am - 3:00pm

Instructor: Joanna Haskins

These sessions are designed for members of professional development committees who want to provide powerful professional development opportunities for their schools and districts.

Participants will: -Understand the roles and responsibilities of effective Professional Development Committees (PDCs) -Examine the relationship between student growth, educator evaluation and professional learning -Explore the criteria for evaluating professional development and the appropriate budgeting of funds. - Draft or review their PDC Plan for the school year using Missouri Professional Learning Guidelines (revised 2020) and district/building goals. This program is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System (  

Suggested items to bring to aid in discussion: -Current PDC Plan  -CSIP  -Building school improvement goals -Needs assessment results (if available)  -District/building focus areas for educator evaluation and teacher growth plans (if available)

Register Here


Standard-Based IEPs linked to DLM Essential Elementary

Wednesday, April 3rd | 9:00am to 3:00pm

Instructors: Melynda Van Note

Do you teach students who take the Alternative Assessment- MAP-A? This session will help you understand what Dynamic Learning Maps is; what Essential Elements are and how the linkage level progression works for unique educational needs and to develop SMART goals. PM: The afternoon will consist of making some skill/task boxes for your classroom and information on implementing the use of skill/task boxes.

Register Here

You can view all upcoming workshops HERE.

If you have any questions regarding workshops please contact ATLL at 417-836-4090.

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