We're the NCFRW. We fight for America!

April 2024

President's Message by Kay Wildt

NFRW President Julie Harris in her April Newsletter article, Your Freedom is on the Ballot, discusses why the work we do in the Federation is critically important in this election. Success in November may very well hinge on what we women do.

We need woman-to-woman conversations about the TRUE state of our nation, about the literal invasion at our borders, about the cost of feeding your family, the cost of driving, and why parents are under attack for trying to keep their precious children safe.

America's urban centers resemble Third-World countries. The media is complicit as the Left wields power like a police state and treats us like criminals. Only a massive change in leadership will halt the current downward spiral.

Republican ideas, if implemented by courageous leaders, can save our county, but women must be convinced to vote FOR Republicans.

Freedom is at stake.

We must work harder than ever before, give more, and do more!

Reflection by Margeaux Holland

He is risen! Alleluia, Alleluia!

"...Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8)

We are what we think. "So a man thinks in his heart, so is he..." Proverbs 23:7

Lord, thank you that all these characteristics are possible! Are doable! Are for the good and give us a heart not weighted down but lifted up. What you call us to be. For our good and your namesake. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above the heavenly host. Glory to your name, and we are grateful. Amen.

Why President Trump?

To all those who say:

"I can’t stand him; I'd vote for anyone but TRUMP,”

or "I can't believe you're voting for Trump!"


Listen up! This is not a high school popularity election.


  • I'm not just voting for the person; I'm voting for the platform!
  • I'm voting for the Second Amendment.
  • I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice.
  • I'm voting for the Electoral College and the Republic we live in.
  • I'm voting for the police and law and order.
  • I'm voting for the military and the veterans who fought and died for America.
  • I'm voting for the Flag that is always missing from the Democrat background.
  • I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored.
  • I'm voting for secure borders.
  • I'm voting for the right to praise my God without fear.
  • I'm voting for every unborn soul the Democrats want to abort.
  • I'm voting for freedom and the American Dream.
  • I'm voting for Good and against Evil.
  • I'm not just voting for one person.
  •  I'm voting for the future of America!

We Republicans believe...

We believe that God – not government – grants us our liberty.

We are the party that stands for freedom and against government control.

We are the party that believes in equality for all citizens.

We believe in the value of every life – born and unborn.

We are the party that defends religious beliefs and rights of conscience.

We believe in the Constitution’s principles and the rule of law.

We are the party that believes in secure borders and lawful immigration.

We denounce bigotry, racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, prejudice and intolerance.

We stand with parents in protecting children.

We are the party of a strong economy and opportunity for all.

We stand for liberty and against tyranny.

Why President Trump? and We Republicans believe... are designed to download as a handout and print with one message on each side of a card.

Michael Whatley RNC Chair and Lara Trump Co-Chair

The North Carolina Federation of Republican Women is proud to share two outstanding North Carolinians, Lara Y. Trump and Michael Whatley, with the RNC and the nation. The RNC has GREAT leadership!

Michael Whatley was our NCGOP Chair for the last several years, and he brought many needed changes to the NCGOP. At the RNC, Michael will bring the same no-nonsense leadership that served the NCGOP so well. Under Whatley, the RNC will focus on voter turnout, creating a united front with the Trump campaign and election integrity.

Lara Y. Trump is a brilliant addition to the RNC leadership team. Having worked tirelessly in previous campaigns for both her father-in-law and other Republican candidates, Lara proved that she is a tough competitor and a formidable worker. We are proud to have Lara represent Republican women.

Jason Simmons NCGOP Chair

Jason Simmons was elected as the new Chair of the North Carolina Republican Party, replacing Michael Whatley, the new RNC Chair.

Jason served as Executive Director of the NCGOP and was instrumental in achieving conservative victories in the Judiciary and the Legislature, and delivering North Carolina again for President Trump.

Jason offers tested leadership, an intimate knowledge of the working and initiatives of the NCGOP and the County parties, a seamless transition, and a continuation of the Training and Election Integrity programs that have contributed to our victories. 

Runoff Election - May 14th

May 14 Second Primary

Voter turnout is normally very low in a runoff election, so encourage your family and friends to go to the polls and cast their ballots for their preferred candidates.

On Tuesday, May 14, 2024, there will be a Republican state-wide runoff election for the following contests, where candidates did not reach the 30% threshold for winning outright in the March 5 primary:

Republican nomination for Lieutenant Governor:

  • Hal Weatherman
  • Jim O’Neill

Republican nomination for NC State Auditor:

  • Jack Clark
  • Dave Boliek

Republican nomination for U.S. House District 13:

  • Kelly Daughtry
  • Brad Knott

Several local races are also in the runoff. For complete information about those local races, absentee ballots, early voting dates, who's eligible to vote and more, go to this site and scroll down to the section on "Second Primary."

NFRW Board Meeting and D.C. Legislative Day

State Presidents received recognition for the work that clubs did in 2023.

NCFRW received two honors for clubs in our size category and one for the Top Member: Top State Calls, Top State Hours, and Top Member Volunteer for Political & Campaign Hours.

(L-R: Martha Jenkins - 1st VP NFRW; Margeaux Holland - NCFRW Chaplain; Linda Petrou - NCFRW Membership Chair; Kay Wildt - NCFRW President; Senator Ted Budd; Gay Dillard - VP Central Region; Jackie Weyhenmeyer - VP Capital Region.)

National Campaign Star!

The NFRW released data on Political & Campaign work reported by local clubs for the last six months of 2023.

We are honored to announce that Christine Card of Onslow County RW is the Top Member Volunteer for Political & Campaign Hours for the entire nation!

Congratulations, Christine, for your hours of work! You are an amazing woman, and yours is an outstanding accomplishment.

Because of the work that all our members in all our NCFRW clubs did, North Carolina earned national awards for both the Top State Calls and the Top State Hours for a federation with between 45 - 87 clubs.

Thank you is never enough to say. Our members work their hearts out for the love of our God, our nation, our families and for one another. You are the best!

Armed Services by Betsy Miller

We can never appreciate our armed services enough!

April - Month of the Military Child

April 5 - Gold Star Spouse Day

April 9 - National Former POW Day

April 14 - Air Force Reserve Birthday

April 23 - US Army Reserve Birthday

 Wayne County Republican Women

Caring for America project

Wayne County Republican Women's Club President Jennifer Strickland reported that the club completed its Caring For America project. Members assembled 200 gift bags with items they collected or donated for public school students.

To identify that these items were a gift from the Wayne County Republican Women’s Club, members attached stickers with the club name and an elephant with a cute little hair bow on her head . Each bag contained a few feminine hygiene items, as well as ChapStick or lip-gloss and hand sanitizer. Members delivered the bags to four local middle schools to distribute to their young ladies when needed. 

Davidson County Republican Women

Membership Drive

President Kelly Gallimore reported that club

members attended the Davidson County convention and used the occasion to hold a membership drive. Wearing their logo club t-shirts in red and white, the members handed out information flyers about the club's meetings and its achievements during its 42-year history.

In addition to having a great time of fun and fellowship, the members shared treats and distributed patriotic items.

Sweet Union Republican Women

Sweet Union Republican Women is proud to announce that eight members were named to the prestigious Union County Weekly Newspaper list of the 100 most powerful women leaders in Union County for 2024. Congratulations, ladies!

Those honored are: Crystal Gilliard, Register of Deeds; Anna Goodwin, NC District Court; Kathy Heintel, UCPS Board of Education Chair; Erin Hucks, N.C. District Court Chief Judge; Sarah May, UCPS Board of Education; Wendy Maynard, N.C. Superior Court Clerk; Allison Powers, Union County Republican Party Chairman; and Susanna Wedra, Waxhaw Board of Commissioners. The list spotlights women in business, education, government, nonprofits and other community sectors. 

Achievement Awards by Bonnie Joyner

Club Presidents and Members,

Are you making progress on your Club Achievement Award yet, since it's already the end of the first quarter?

The Award is a documentation of what you will do as a club for two years, and, if you follow the steps laid out, it is actually a roadmap for a successful club. Since you may need to have notes and pictures to document your work, it's better to do it as you go, rather than waiting till next year. Get started now and avoid headaches later.

Read my tips to help you get started here.

Don't wait - this is important for EVERY club, large or small, new or established!

Legislative Day May 8th - Note changed date!

Gay Dillard, Central Region VP, is chairing this year's Legislative Day, and she has exciting plans for the day. Due to a scheduling conflict, we've changed the date to Wednesday, May 8th.

Last year's event was outstanding, and this year's will be too. Save the Date.

More details and sign-up information will be forthcoming shortly.

Membership Ideas

Welcome Home!

 If you are a former member of the Federation, but your membership lapsed, come home to NCFRW. We're doing great things, and our new national leadership is off to an exciting start.

The NFRW website lists all the active clubs in NC. Go to https://www.nfrw.org/ where the heading Join Us leads to the clubs list.

Pat C. Smith, NCFRW Past President, offers creative ideas for increasing club memberships. Current members can gift a membership to daughters, sisters, mothers, aunts and friends.

Women don't have to live in the county of the club and don't have to attend meetings. Just show their support!

If women are members in another federated club, they can always become an Associate member, as can husbands or other friends.

Not only are women helping the NFRW to grow, but the new members will also be on a club mailing list and will receive lots of great information (unfiltered by the liberal media).

NCGOP Convention

NCGOP meets in Greensboro May 23 - 26, 2024

NCGOP's 2024 Convention will be held at the Koury Center.

NCGOP Convention Link

Dottie Martin Teachers Scholarship


June 1st deadline

Each year NCFRW funds the Dottie Martin Teachers Scholarship through its raffle, like the one at our Winter Board meeting. Proceeds enable us to award scholarships to students who are studying to become teachers in NC.

The fund was created to fill the continuing need to attract teachers who are motivated to cultivate a true love of learning in the youth of North Carolina. Over the past 32 years, we have provided scholarships to 70 deserving students.

Note: See the NCFRW March newsletter for information about our Caring for America Scholarship.

Dottie Martin Scholarship Application

Support the work of NCFRW!

Support NCFRW with a donation!

Contributions to NCFRW enable us to bring great speakers to our meetings, positively impact our state and nation, recruit and elect conservatives, advocate for good government, and offer training and communications.

We're fighting for you, our families and our nation.

Please help support our work with a gift from your heart.

We are grateful for help at every level. Thank you!


Brent Bozell of Media Research Center

Brent Bozell

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

5:00 PM - 7:15 PM

Brent Bozell of Media Research Center will speak in Moore County at BPAC, Sandhills Community College.

Mr. Bozell, Founder and President of Media Research Center (MRC), is one of the most outspoken and effective national leaders in the conservative movement today. MRC defends America against falsehoods and censorship in the media.

Brent Bozell Tickets

Tee-Shirt - "Real Woman It's In My DNA"

Republican women know what defines us, and it's our XX chromosomes. Wear our message proudly.

"Real Woman It's In My DNA" tee-shirt - order yours now! Sizes S-5X only $25! Price includes mailing the order to you.

Click on the button below. Once we receive your order, we will send payment information.

Look for our table at the NCGOP Convention in Greensboro!

Real Woman Tee Shirt

Save these dates

May 8: Legislative Day in Raleigh - NOTE DATE CHANGED

May 23 - 26: NCGOP Convention, Koury Convention Center, Greensboro

June 22: NCFRW Spring Meeting TBD

July 15 - 18: RNC Convention, Milwaukee, WI

November 15 - 16: Tribute to Women, Sheraton Greensboro at Four Seasons

The Other Side

That's the bumper sticker message from the Left; they vote to support their party's platform, no matter who.

You may not like all our candidates, but our platform beats theirs any day.

Vote Red No Matter Who!

Wake up, America!

You can find us:

Facebook: North Carolina Federation of Republican Women

Twitter: @NCFRWomen

Pinterest: NCFRWomen

Instagram: ncfrwomen

Snapchat: NCFRWomen 

Email available for general contact: ncfrepublicanwomen@gmail.com

We are proud affiliates of the National Federation of Republican Women.

Visit our website