News from
Academy for Lifelong Learning of Cape Cod, Inc.

April 2024

No Winter Lasts Forever - No Spring Skips Its Turn

In This Issue

  • President's Message
  • Submit Fall Class Proposals
  • Reflections 2024
  • Babies and Words Event on ZOOM

  • "Fun" In "Functional Art"
  • "The Daughters of Yalta"
  • Fun Things To Do
  • Tell A Friend About Us
  • ALL Current Art Exhibit

ALL Contact Information

The ALL Office at Cape Cod Community College is open from 9am - 3pm Monday through Friday.

Feel free to contact us:

Telephone 774-330-4400 (please leave a message)
ALL Website
ALL Facebook Page
President's Message

Happy Spring!

I’m not sure Mother Nature got the memo, but hopefully the sun will resume shining more often and chase the gray clouds away,

One event that brought some sunshine last month was the Reflections launch on March 14th at the Atrium in the Lorusso building. Forty-five members attended and some of the anthology’s contributors read their work to an attentive audience.

Kudos to Editor Maggie French and her committee for compiling this wonderful anthology and to Mary Ann Donovan for organizing refreshments with a St. Patrick’s Day theme. If you haven’t ordered your own copy of Reflections, you need to do so.

The last week of April marks the end of classes. Coordinators, the Fall 2024 course portal is open, so please enter your class information soon. If you’ve been thinking of offering a class for the first time, do it! Share your talent or interest with others - you’ll be glad you did. If you need help or have questions, email Cynthia at .

Don’t forget to sign up for the special event to be held on Zoom on April 26th from Noon to 1:20. The topic is Baby’s words, and statistics. How infants learn about words. It should be fascinating.

Our theater and dinner event on May 5th is SOLD OUT! Lucky you if you got a ticket!

There will not be a spring social this year. Inflation is making it difficult to keep the ticket price reasonable and attendance has dropped off. The hospitality committee will be planning something new for next year. Hopefully, we can have a gathering after the annual meeting in May in the Atrium so you can share ideas, ask questions, and enjoy the company of your ALL friends before the summer begins.

Dianne Tattersall

ALL President

Submit Fall 2024 Course Proposals



We are seeking exciting new course proposals for the future!

We invite you to submit your course proposal for the Fall.

The Curriculum committee is looking forward to your course proposals for Fall 2024.

Veteran Coordinators:

Veteran coordinators are invited to submit courses in the ALL portal now.

First Time Coordinators:

If you're interested in offering an ALL course, the first step is to discuss your course ideas with a member of the Curriculum Committee. 

Please contact (774-330-4400).

The earlier you submit your course, the better for you to receive the time slot you prefer for your class. The deadline is 15 April 2024

Miriam Kronish

Chair, Curriculum Committee

Reflections 2024

Are you looking for a special gift?

Consider purchasing a copy of Reflections 2024 for your friends and family.

This year in addition to the traditional anthology 8×11 size, there is also a paperback, 6 x9, version available. 

Either size is a lovely addition to your library.

The publication contains the work of 35 contributors whose submissions include 16 pieces of prose, 32 poems, 27 photographs and works of art.

Click the following link to purchase Reflections 2024


contact for more information.

Link To Purchase Reflections 2024

Pictures from the Reflections 2024

Launch -March 14th

Meanwhile, please enjoy the FREE digital version by clicking the following button. 

Feel free to share the link with others who might enjoy it.

Link to Free Digital Reflections 2024

A Special Zoom Event For ALL Members

"Babies, Words And Statistics - How Infants Learn About Words "

Friday April 26th - 12:00 p.m.

Emily Yee and Gerry Altmann

Babies, Words And Statistics - How Infants Learn About Words

Friday April 26th - 1:20 p.m.

Imagine listening to an unfamiliar language - where do the words start and end?

This is a puzzle that infants solve effortlessly, but how?


There are few gaps between the words they hear, and few clues, therefore that they can use to solve that puzzle. But figuring out where those words begin and end is just the beginning.

When trying to figure our what those words mean, which of the myriad things around them might those words refer to?


This is another puzzle that infants seem to solve effortlessly.

Again, how?

This talk will explain both the puzzles and their solution.

Registration is required for this ALL event. To register, send an e-mail to or

call 774-330-4400.

The Zoom link will be sent to registered members on the day before the event.

There is no charge for this event.

Greg Altmann is a professor at the University of Connecticut.

Previously he was at the Universiity of York, U.K. where he wrote "The Ascent of Babel", an award winning book on the psychology of language. His research over the past 40 years has focused on how words translate into meaning. He obtained his PhD in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Edinburgh in 1986.

Eiling Yee is a professor at the University of Connecticut.

Previously she was at the Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language (Donostia, Spain) where she had been a research professor Her research concerns the brain basis of conceptual knowledge, using diverse methods from neuroscience and psychology. She received her PhD in Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences from Brown University in 2005.

Link To March "Decoding the Genome"

Zoom Presentation by Steve Munroe

In March, ALL member and coordinator Steve Munroe presented a timely "Decoding the Genome" talk on Zoom.

The link to that recorded talk follows for those of you who missed it or would like to view his presentation a second time.

Link to "Decoding the Genome" with Steve Munroe

Putting "Fun" In "Functional Art"

This continues an ongoing series of stories about Academy for Lifelong Learning coordinators and classes. Please let us know If you have a course or coordinator you would like to see featured.

For the first six weeks of the ALL winter term, Joan Freedman offered a course titled "Functional Art" .

Joan has taken lessons in furniture painting for 10 years from Ginny Boylan in Cummaquid and at the Cotuit Center for the Arts. She is delighted to bring this course to ALL.

The picture on the left shows a sample of Joans work.

The course used techniques from the Mackenzie-Childs style of design in order to create pieces of decorative furniture and furnishings.

Class members were asked to come to class with a primed and base-coated piece of furniture or furnishing, along with basic painting supplies.

ALL member Lieve Bonacci found two matching, very interesting chairs at a tag-sale about 20 years ago.  They sat in her home until she saw the posting for “Functional Art” in the ALL catalogue.

 Lieve brought one of the chairs to class and worked on it with the help of Coordinator Joan Freedman. 

Using simple techniques she was able to transform the unique piece. Lieve said, “I knew I would do something with them one day, and here we are, 20 years later!! I am so happy with how it turned out and can’t wait to do the other chair!”

In "Functional Art" we put the "Fun" into Art!

Joan Freedman

ALL Functional Art Coordinator

"The Daughters of Yalta" Podcast

Pat McKean has offered an ALL course on "The Daughters of Yalta" several times .

The book's author, American historian Catherine Grace Katz, uncovers the dramatic and untold story of the three intelligent and glamorous young women (Sarah Churchill, Anna Roosevelt and Kathy Harriman) who accompanied their famous fathers to the Yalta Conference in February 1945. 

This months podcast features Board of Directors member and Coordinator Pat McKean. Pat McKean. It is the third in our podcast series “ Hail the Historians”.

Please click the link below to listen to Joan Freedman interview Pat and find out how Pat became interested in the book and author. This conversation is a treat you won't want to miss.

Joan Freedman

ALL Communications Broadcast Team

Link to "Daughters of Yalta" Podcast

Fun Things To Do In April


April Happenings:

The days are getting longer and warmer and Spring is about to burst onto the Cape.

Here are some suggestions for things to do.

Check websites for complete information.

Take a ride along route 6A. Try a new restaurant or stop at a specialty shop or a museum.

Bike the Shining Sea Bike trail in Falmouth.  Or bike the Cape Cod Canal Service Road. You can start in Sandwich and maybe stop for a bite to eat afterward at Fisherman’s View, Seafood Sam’s, or the Pilot House Restaurant

Check out the Herring Runs which peak in April and May:

  • Stony Brook Herring Run, 830 Stony Brook Road, Brewster
  • Mashpee River Herring Run, 414 Main Street, (Rte. 130) Mashpee
  • Dexter’s Grist Mill Fish Ladder, 2 Water St. Sandwich

Visiting grandchildren? There are special programs for kids during school vacation week at the Museum of Natural History in Brewster 

Opening day for Whale Watch Cruises in Provincetown is April 13. Check the website for more information.

Put on your dancing shoes and go to the Wellfleet Preservation Hall for Outermost Contra Dancing, on April 21, doors open at 6:30. No experience necessary!

Opening Day at Heritage Museum and Gardens in Sandwich is April 20th

Celebrate Guglielmo Marconi’s 150th birthday at the Internation Marconi Day Celebration, Chatham’s Maritime Center, April 27, 10 am – 4 pm, Marconi RCA Wireless Museum, 847 Orleans Rd., Chatham


James Taylor’s sister Kate (who knew he & Livingston have a musical sister!) will be performing at the Cultural Center of Cape Cod on April 26 at 7:30

Spring into Broadway Concert Event, April 19, 7 – 8:30,at Our Lady of the Cape Church, 948 Stony Brook Rd., Brewster. FREE

JFK Remembered, Cape Cod Chamber Orchestra, April 28, 3-5 pm, Pilgrim Congregational Church, Harwich

Try a new Bakery:

  • Underground Bakery, 780 Main St., Dennis
  • Pie in the Sky Bakery, Woods Hole, 10 Water Street
  • Spoon and Seed, 12 Thorton Dr., Hyannis
  • The Chocolate Rose, 628 Main St. (Rte 130) Mashpee
  • Beth Bakery & Café, 16 Jarves St. Sandwich

Dianne Tattersall

Tell a Friend About US!

Is there a friend who would like to know more about ALL?

We now have a 2 minute video that provides an overview of who we are and what we offer. A link to that video follows. It is also on our website. Feel free to share this newsletter and tell your friends to take a look.

Link to  "About  ALL" 2 Minute Video

Current Exhibit In The ALL Art Gallery

Don't forget to look at the exhibit in the ALL Gallery

Carol Coteus, Paul Coteus, Dave Mullen and Rona Robinson work together to hang the current exhibit in the ALL Gallery

Biographies of each of the artist are displayed near their work.

The ALL Art Gallery walls are outside classrooms 106 and 115.

The ALL Art Gallery exhibits change regularly.

Please contact the ALL office if you are interested in exhibiting your art.

ALLways Welcomes Comments and
Suggestions about the Newsletter


Please address your comments or suggestions to

We appreciate all our readers, with special thanks to ALL members who contribute their articles and photographs to our newsletters. 

Academy for Lifelong Learning of Cape Cod, Inc.
Cape Cod Community College
2240 Iyannough Rd 
West Barnstable, Massachusetts 02668

Beach Time Is Around The Corner
