FCS Recognition
- E-Sports Rocket League Team Region 7A State Title Winner: Lambert HS
- Competition Cheer Team Region 7A State Title Winner: Lambert HS
- 2024 Georgia Student Technology Competition First Place Winners
- Literary State Champion Boys Solo: North Forsyth HS
- Literary State Champions Girls Trio: North Forsyth HS
- Employee of the Month: Victoria Jackson, RN at Whitlow ES
Stakeholder Feedback Wanted
Presentation and Discussion Items
The Board received an update on how FCS supports English Learners. View the presentation here.
The 23-24 student calendar was modified to make 5/20/24 a high school early release day, and the 24-25 student calendar was modified to make the online learning day K-12 and 5/19/25 a high school early release day. View the calendars here.
Policies BCBK: Executive Sessions and BH: Board Code of Ethics were reviewed, and the Board was presented the monthly Financial Report.