April 7 (2:30-3:30) Fun Friday: Otters
Who is ready for an otterly fun time? Join us as we learn about river otters and sea otters through games, crafts, and hands-on demonstrations. The intended audience is kids in grades K-4 and their caregivers.
April 11 (7-8 pm) Tuesday Night Talk
Connecting Across Ecoregions with Kate Trudeau, PWSSC
April 18 (7-8 pm) Tuesday Night Talk
Hummingbird Banding Project 15 Years of Discovery with Kate McLaughlin, Audubon.
April 21 (7 pm) No Man’s Land Film Festival
Join us at the Cordova Center for two hours of outdoor films featuring women who are exploring identity, adventure, and conservation. Doors open at 6:30 and the show will start at 7:00. All attendees are entered into a drawing for a door prize. Tickets are $20 in advance; $25 at the door. All proceeds go to the Women in Science scholarship which provides funds for Cordova girls to attend science summer camp. Tickets can be purchased in advance at the Science Center or Cordova Gear.
April 23 (7-8 pm) Yoga: Salmon
Take a break from prepping your salmon fishing gear and stretch your body with salmon-themed yoga with Aviva. A $5-10 donation is encouraged to compensate for the instructor’s time.
April 25 (7-8 pm) Tuesday Night Talk
Surf n' Turf Special: Marine Resource Utilization by Coastal Wolves in Southwest Alaska with Ellen Dymit, University of Oregon.
April 27 (2-3 pm) Family Hike
The weather is getting warmer and spring fever abounds! Shake out those wiggles on a family hike. Esa will lead you down a local trail while facilitating trail games and pointing out neat things in nature. Trailhead TBD.
April 28 (2:30-3:30) Fun Friday: Surviving the Wild
Summer is just around the corner, are you ready for a fun and safe time outside? Join us as we explore wilderness survival skills games, crafts, and hands-on demonstrations. Make a map, start a fire, and practice your knots. The intended audience is kids in grades K-4 and their caregivers.
May 1 (10-11 am) Sea Squirts: Bugging Out
Join us as we explore small creepy crawlies with small scientists. We will practice using magnifying glasses, walk like bugs, and make bug crafts. Intended audience is kids ages 3-5 and their caregivers.