Generate More Loans Without Risk of Loss from Default!
Auto Loan Protection from Lenders Option Corporation will help increase auto loans, while protecting from charge offs due to the borrower's default.

  • Increase C, D, and E Tier Lending
  • Control Your Loan Approval Process
  • Reduce Losses on Repossessed Vehicles

Find out more by contacting your ISI Representative.
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Contact Info:

Phone: 800-749-5440
ISI is an administrator of Collateral Protection Insurance (CPI) and Blanket Lenders Single Interest (BLSI) for financial institutions. We provide insurance, lending, and marketing products to the financial institution marketplace. Our mission is to deliver the best products and services in the industry through responsive service, comprehensive coverage, and advanced technology. We combine the lender's vision and our proven plan to create a portfolio that matches the lender's needs for a successful program and partnership.