LVTC Happenings!
A monthly report of events and resources for our passionate, growing local multisport community.
Reboot Triathlon 2021

Thank you all for your support and patience as we kicked off 2021 with our April 3rd, 2021 event. It was fantastic to see everyone swimming, biking, and running to that finish line!

We had athletes participating in the triathlon, duathlon, and aquathon. Despite the cold water, everyone seemed eager and ready to reboot triathlon in 2021.

Let’s keep up the great momentum and have a great year!

Club Membership

Club Memberships Now Available:
  • Single Membership Only $65.00
  • Family Membership Only $85.00
  • Student Membership is $40.00
Please visit our membership page and sign up to take advantage of all the Club Training Events down at Lake Mead and Lake Las Vegas.
Socials/Training Events/Education
Next month kicks off some big racing around the country. Who is happy to be racing again? We are!!
The Las Vegas Triathlon Club wishes all their members a very successful spring racing season. Let's get out there and cheer on our friends at Ironman St. George 70.3 May 1st.

The race void. A hole in endurance athletic events barreling straight through the hearts of it's athletes.

A Nothing.


Seemingly overnight…


Our world is now tilted back to an axis that feels right and familiar like a good bike fit. Where the only thing growing like the world's race options, are athlete registrations (Absence makes the multisport heart grow...even more obsessive).

So given our tendency to go overkill in all things, it's worth being reminded of grounding concepts. Tips for a 'steady return-to-race cadence' :

  •'ve likely trained enough. While that first race always feels so foreign and far away, keep in mind the void was a productive one for you. No in and out of cycles and forced recovery typical of a non covid tainted tri season. Nope. You trained. A LOT.
  • Remember an old friend- the taper. No events mean no need to taper. No taper means no recovered body before race. Bring that old friend and glorious fresh feeling to race returns! 
  • Get in the open water. We tend to ignore it unless facilitated by a group. And that consistently unpredictable feature is still going to be there for your triathlon, even if it wasn't during covid.
  • Be a newbie learning rules and race protocol for now maintaining Covid safety standards. Transition and staging could be a totally new setup for the sake of protecting us in ways far more important than before. 

Remove your self-imposed race pressures unless you're a pro and maintaining a roof overhead with your race performances. You survived this long without proving yourself to yourself on the race course. Tis' an old reminder, but a goodie- "You paid for this ____(insert adjective)"

Races have always been, and after world pandemic should especially be, rooted in FUN. Return with a new lease on it ALL. We've survived something far more difficult as a species than a single race. And we ought to take that post pandemic strength and smile to any starting line.

~Nancy Jones
Safety Corner

The Top 5 USAT BIKE Position Violations – and How YOU Can Avoid Citation 
Are you racing in a USAT sanctioned event soon? The position rules can seem daunting but are there for your safety. Let’s review the top 5 position violations:

  1. Maintaining the right side (Position) – With only the exception of safety reasons or passing, you must keep to the right of the racecourse. Riding on the left side of the lane of any racecourse can put you close to oncoming traffic, as well as get you a citation. This is especially important during an open course (with vehicular traffic). Stick to the right for a safe and legal ride.
  2. Riding too close (Drafting)– We ALL want those extra watts and to expend less energy while gaining them. However, following a leading cyclist closer than 3 bike lengths and failing to make a pass within 15 seconds is illegal drafting. You can, however, draft in the swim without worry of breaking any rules. 
  3. Blocking someone’s pass (Blocking)– You are in no way allowed to block or impede another cyclist’s forward movement. You are not allowed to ride to the left of a rider, let alone ride there to block them from passing. 
  4. Failure to maintain 3 bike lengths (Overtaking) – If someone passes you, it is your responsibility to make sure they are 3 bike lengths ahead of you. If they have passed you and started to go slowly, drop back to 3 bike lengths, and then pass within 15 seconds. 
  5. Passing on the Right (Illegal Pass) – Oh no! There’s a person going way slower on the left. Don’t try to pass them on the right or YOU might be the one penalized. If you are coming up on a cyclist, be aware of your speed and maintain safety. Yell out “Coming up on the left” or something similar to warn the cyclist ahead that you are coming. But don’t pass on their right unless you want to risk that citation. 

What happens if I get caught making one of these infractions? 

Ultimately it is the athlete’s responsibility to be familiar with these and all other USAT rules before participation in an event. But if you get caught - don’t let this ruin your race.
Even the pros get caught sometimes making these mistakes.

1st offense: Time penalty
2nd offense: Time penalty
3rd offense: Disqualification

Attending a pre-race safety and rules meeting is a good place to ask questions about the rules, as well as speaking to an official Referee.

Hope this week’s Safety Corner is helpful and STAY SAFE tri friends!

Amanda Wolpink

Prez Corner:

Reboot Triathlon 2021

It was so great to have our Las Vegas Triathlon Event on April 3rd, 2021!

Equally exciting was seeing the new faces … do you remember your first triathlon?

A great thing about the Las Vegas Triathlon Club is we have members who are starting their triathlon journey and those who compete at national and international levels.

Lots of great experience within the club.
Getting involved in triathlon is a big step – and, unintentionally, we can accidently discourage people to get involved in triathlons. How? Here are some common – well meaning – pieces of advice that can actually drive people away from the sport we love:
  • Get a tri-bike (a $2000+ investment).
  • You’ll need an aero helmet ($100-$200 investment).
  • You’ll need a wetsuit ($100-$800 investment).
  • Get a coach (anywhere from $50/month - $200/month).
  • Make sure you have a GPS watch ($300-$600 investment).
  • Get a power meter ($300-$2500).
  • Oh … and you’ll want to look at electronic shifting …
Yikes – that’s a huge investment and the person hasn’t even made it to the start line (or paid for registration).

All of those items (and more) are helpful to a triathlete – but not necessary to get started in the sport.
What do you need for your first race?
  • A bike … borrow one.
  • Swim goggles … less than $20.
  • Wetsuit … borrow one.
  • Running shoes … spend time to get find the right shoe.
In our Las Vegas Triathlon Club Member Spotlight, I especially like asking each guest about their first race as well as the type of equipment they had for that first race. It is amazing to hear how many started their triathlon journey with borrowed gear!

The other important message I’ve heard through our spotlights is the importance of connecting with people.

I strongly believe that the personal touch is more meaningful to new athletes than any list of gear. Don’t try to coach these athletes – we have some great coaches in the club who can do that - but tell them your story. Tell them where you started and where you are now.

Think back to your first race – was there someone who said something to you that stuck with you? Some encouragement? Congratulations? Be that person … encourage and congratulate each other and our club will be contributing to the next wave of growth in triathlon.

As we reboot triathlon, it is so important to introduce and welcome others to the joy of competing in multisport events.

~John Mercer
The Las Vegas Triathlon Club Gear Store

We are awaiting our order of new 2021 trucker hats and Las Vegas Tri Club Visors. They should be available in the store in April 2021.
Where in the World Has Our TRI Club Raced ?

Check out the map below to see where our athletes have raced!
LVTC Member Spotlight

Get to know our club members as our President sits down with the following members to talk about tris and life.
  • Sandy Larsen
  • Mario Sanchez
  • Belinda Ellsworth

Click on the names to view the video.
The Evidence-Based Triathlete

  • Crank Length
  • The Gut

Check our website for Discount Codes 
Login to your account and look for top right account menu "My Membership" as circled below. On your dashboard page in the middle of the page you should see a link "Discount Codes". Click on that for latest discounts for members. These will appear as they come available.

Featured LVTC Sponsors
Fresh Body provides mindfully formulated hygiene products with clean ingredients derived from plant based materials & extracts.

Your financial life is complicated. Whether you are a pre-retiree, a business owner, or a Nevada government worker, you are not immune to the complexities of personal finances. Luckily, Peak Financial Solutions is specialized in helping people like you, better plan for retirement.

XTERRA Wetsuits
Xterra is always hooking up our club! Even though we receive monthly deals/discount code, check out the goods all around!

More amazing LVTC Sponsors
Las Vegas Triathlon Club