April 2020

  • Thank you to frontline workers
  • Canada CIERG
  • IDDSI Education in USA
  • New Webinar Dates Announced
  • New Translations
  • IDDSI not on the move
Thank You!

The effects of the  Covid-19 Pandemic is still being felt by everyone around the world. IDDSI has seen the power of the global community working together and what can be achieved and we see this even more in the current situation. 

We know many of you are working hard at the front lines supporting your local communities in the pandemic and we thank you for being there.
Till the next e-bite,  stay well, stay safe.
IDDSI Implementation Continues

We are aware that despite the current situation, work is still being done towards IDDSI implementation and we want to hear from you about your projects. The IDDSI board is also taking some time to review and update some of our resources and ensure these are helpful and useful to all of you.  We will provide updates on our work over the next few months.
Update: Canadian IDDSI Expert Reference Group (CIERG)*

The CIERG, a group of dedicated volunteer professionals from across Canada, completed a nationwide survey regarding implementation of IDDSI in Canada in September 2019. Two hundred and seventy one people completed the survey. The survey revealed that many people were at different stages with the implementation of IDDSI. 

A CIERG education subgroup was assembled to develop a series of presentations and resources to support Canada-wide implementation. The Canadian IDDSI Registry is now available on IDDSI.org/resources or you can directly access the PDF version here.

*This announcement can be found in French (Canadian) here .

CIERG is also pleased to be coordinating a series of webinars in May 2020. These will be a summary of information about the IDDSI Framework and implementation. Developed for Canadian audiences, however anyone from around the globe is welcome to join.
IDDSI 101 – Friday, May 8, 2020 at 10:00 PDT
IDDSI 201 – Friday, May 22, 2020 at 10:00 PDT
IDDSI 301 – Friday, May 29, 2020 at 10:00 PDT
In addition, a French (Canadian) webinar on IDDSI 101 is also being presented on May 15, 2020 for our French Canadian audiences.  Anyone who speaks French speakers is welcome to join!

Please see our webinar section below for registration and further details on these webinar opportunities.
IDDSI Education in the USA (February 2020)

An IDDSI education event was held at the University of Minnesota Fairview Hospital. It was a multi-professional event including SLPs, RD, OTs and Nutrition/Food Service professionals and led by Dr. Joseph Murray.  Participants had the opportunity to learn more about the IDDSI Framework and implementation as well as practice IDDSI testing in a hands-on session. Special thanks to Simply Thick and Lyons who provided the items used for the hands-on session.
We're happy to announce four upcoming webinars coordinated by the Canada IDDSI Expertises Reference Group (CIERG). All are welcome.

There is no cost to our webinars but you must register. Webinars are recorded and will be posted on our IDDSI website. Please note that IDDSI is not able to offer CEU's at this point.

Click on the buttons below for more information on panelists and registration:
IDDSI 101: Introduction
IDDSI 101: En français
IDDSI 201: Testing Methods
IDDSI 301: Implementation
IDDSI Translations

New versions of the GREEK and CHINESE (Hong Kong) translations are available for peer review on our website. We are asking for your feedback in this process to ensure greater accuracy and use overall.
Many thanks to all for your help in this process. 

Check out our  Translations tab . You can submit your translation feedback through the online forms.

IDDSI Not on the Move

Due to the Covid -19 Pandemic, IDDSI has been staying at home but we continue to support IDDSI implementation around the globe.  #stayathome
Connect with us on social media & let us know your thoughts!