Issue IV| April 2020
We Work for YOU
Applauding YOUR Entrepreneurial
Creativity, Ingenuity, and Adaptability

It's been four plus weeks since the state of Washington issued its first “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” orders in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Yet we have seen so many of our local merchants be amazingly resourceful in continuing to conduct business. Whether it’s moving retail and services to an online presence and creatively sharing on social media or offering special dinner takeout options and menu items that can be ordered, purchased, and picked up curbside, or new ways to shop using reservation systems, our Magnolia businesses are showing entrepreneurial chutzpah. 

We are equally pleased to see so many in our neighborhood do all they can to shop local and keep our Magnolia merchants less in the red, and more in a dark pink! 

As your Chamber, we will continue to do all we can do to market your ingenuity and support you all the way. 

Keep those updates coming by emailing

With your help, we aim to keep our  Shop Local  page fresh and doing all we can to help you drive business! #KeepMagnoliaMighty

Stay up-to-date: Discover Magnolia website

Members only Magnolia Facebook group:
Small Business Relief: Advocacy Continues 
On April 24th, Congress and the Trump Administration added another $310 billion to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). This was in response to the surging demand from small businesses, which exhausted the initial $349 billions of funding in less than two weeks. 

The program is once again  accepting applications  as of Monday, April 27.
The new funds will provide badly needed relief for more small businesses. Unfortunately, it is anticipated these new funds will also be gobbled up quickly. Members of our state’s congressional delegation are working on solutions – some bipartisan - to ensure these programs do not lapse again and to ensure the dollars go to the intended recipients: Small businesses.

The Magnolia Chamber of Commerce’s Advocacy Committee is actively sharing the  results of our COVID-19 Business Response Survey  with federal, state, and local leaders.

We have received several very positive responses from several elected officials, including that the information provided from the survey is helpful in better understanding impacts and informing new relief-oriented policies. We look forward to advancing your needs and insights with policy leaders in the weeks ahead. 
One GREAT Business Resources List – artfully displayed, expertly curated

If you want one easy to use,  easy to access array of business resources , the Association of Washington Business offers a great one.

AWB provides full, comprehensive list of resources – all categorized and organized – with links that provide all you need as a business owner.

The list includes a full suite of financial resources, small business guidance, an amazing list of telecommuting resources, hiring opportunities, the latest in rebound and recovery information, and more. Truly worth a look and a bookmark.
Membership Committee is Growing the Magnolia Chamber  

With the motto “Better Together” as its driving force, the Magnolia Chamber’s Membership Committee is busy. It is launching a drive to gain Individual/Family memberships.

The committee is asking the current members of the Chamber to reach out and ask five to 10 of your neighbors, friends, or family members to consider joining the Magnolia Chamber of Commerce .

The value proposition for new members to join is clear:

The Magnolia Chamber is an unrelenting advocate for our businesses and non-profits and offers the following services to our members: 

  • Shop Local directory that provides information about merchants who are remaining open and how best to order take-out, purchase gift cards, and discover open hours and contacts for service,
  • daily update on local, state, federal and privately funded small business resources available to assist our merchants and business through the economic impacts of the crisis,
  • Strategic employment of social media to keep our local Magnolia business top of mind with the Chamber’s followers,
  • Creates virtual networks to host topical COVID-19 response workshops and other interactive forums for staying connected and informed,
  • Advocates directly with local, state, and federal elected officials, agencies, and law enforcement in support of the Magnolia business community,
  • Collaborates with the University of Washington’s Foster School of Business to carry out market research to support Magnolia businesses when the COVID-19 crisis is over, and when the marketplace resumes normal business activities.

The membership committee is doing all it can to bring in new members as the Chamber loses source of income through events. The Individual/Family membership drive will not only help build our community, but also expand on our shared vision for a better Magnolia while allowing the Chamber to provide the quality service and support our businesses need right now, and in the months ahead.

Support the efforts of the membership committee.  Share this link today . Think what we could do if we all recruited just one new member? 
Magnolia Beautification Is On Track

The Magnolia Beautification Committee continues to make steady progress.

After the successful installation of the new poles on March 13th, the committee is excitedly awaiting the arrival of the bistro tables and chairs, the flowering baskets to be hung on the new poles, and re-installing the green benches.

The month of May will be a busy with all of the installation activities, all in anticipation of being ready for the modified, safety-first opening of Farmer’s Market on June 6th.

A big thank you and shout out to the Reimagine Magnolia donors ! You are creating a lasting legacy.

We love many of our Magnolia business windows and messaging - this message on the window of Westerly Studio caught our eye
Magnolia Strong – thank you renewing members, welcome to new members

Warm welcome to our newest chamber members – our membership keeps growing!

  • Stan Coe
  • Goos-Thorud family
  • Rosen -Packard family
  • Renée Montgelas
  • Hamer Family
  • Sharon Briggs
  • Fishermen's Green Market & Deli
  • Church of the Ascension

Thank YOU to our renewing members – you are appreciated and we work for you!

  • The Makers Club
  • Magnolia Chorale
  • Carol McDonald
  • Sherry Portuese
  •  Torelli & Moynihan Family
  •  Magnolia Paw Spa
  • The Herche Family
  •  Cat A Properties
  • The Lowe Family
  • Laurie's Village Salon
  • The Brian Welch Family
  • Robyn Grad
  • Magnolia Art Experience (MAX)
  • Magnolia Cooperative Preschool
  • Queen Anne Helpline
  •  Magnolia Village Pub
  • Julie Tobiason
  •  Ben Purnell- Edward Jones
  • Ruby Bottger
  • Magnolia Eye Care
  • Magnolia Farmers Market
  • Goodwin Connections
  • Voya Financial Advisors
  • ARC Dance & Arc School of Ballet
  • Fischer Plumbing
  • Discovery Montessori School
Stay up to date on the latest information:

Workshop Proceedings : CARES Act , Crime Prevention