LVTC Happenings!
A monthly report of events and resources for our passionate, growing local multisport community.

2019 Triathlon Season is Underway!

Congratulations to all our club members for their races at the LVTC Sprint Race, Oceanside 70.3, and BBSC Rage Triathlon. Up next we have St. George 70.3 along with our Club pre-race social event (check our social media pages or the bottom of our webpage media feed, for details on the time and place). More races in May and June include the BBSC Sand Hollow, IM Santa Rosa, Las Vegas Kids Triathlon Race, LVTC Race Series #2 at Lake Mead, and IM Boulder. Happy racing and training everyone!
On the Calendar:
LVTC Race Events: 
June 1, 2019 Sprint Triathlon, Aquabike, Duathlon, Relay, Youth Tri

July 13th, 2019 Adult Aquabike and Youth Aquabike
September 8, 2019 Triathlon, Aquabike, Duathlon, Relay, Youth Tri

Socials/Training Events/Education

St. George 70.3 Social - Look for details on our facebook group page or email us for details
Lake swims are back! - Wednesday May 15th 6:00 pm
Kids Social - Sunday May 19 11:00 am Paseo Verde park. Ride around park, run around park and maybe some kickball!
Mel's Swim Tips - Saturday May 25th before club swim and part of the IM Training Weekend. Start time TBA
IM Training Weekend - Saturday May 25th - Monday May 27th. Do an ironman distance over the long weekend. Swim 2.4 miles one day, bike 112 the next and finally run a marathon on the third day. Do not want to do a full ironman distance? No problem, come join us and do whatever distance you want. More details will follow in the May Newsletter. Melodie Cronenberg will be giving a swim educational seminar for everyone before the swim starts.

Click here to visit our Calendar
Featured LVTC Sponsors:

UNLV Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition Science, The Biomechanics Laboratory is housed in the 3,000-square-foot Sports Injury Research Center facility on the UNLV campus. Co-Directors John Mercer, Ph.D., and Janet Dufek, Ph.D., share a research focus on lower-extremity function and injury prevention, which fosters a collaborative research environment for faculty and students. 

Robin Lobato, DDS: Where we love giving people back their smiles! Our Summerlin dentist believes our team’s commitment to continuing education along with our upbeat, personable approach is what has kept patients coming back for over 25 years.
9061 West Sahara Ave., Suite 101
Las Vegas, NV 89117
(702) 877-0500
Prez Corner:

Thoughtful notes from a fearless LVTC leader.

The struggle – pre race
Now that we have had our first Las Vegas Triathlon Club race and many of you also did BBSC Rage or some other triathlon, it’s good to take a step back and learn from these first races. Regardless of your time or finishing place (overall or age group), there are some questions that you can ask yourself to see if you are objectively evaluating your race:
  • Did you forget anything that you needed? I’ve forgotten my running shoes for a race … and even my bike one time!
  • Did you have too many things you didn’t need? I’m guilty of this as well … I really did not need that extra shirt.
  • Was your transition area organized? Were things easy to find each time? I’ve had disorganized transitions in the past.
  • Did you eat/drink too much before the race? Did you not eat/drink enough before the race?
  • Did you finish the race and feel you gave it your best effort?

That last question is a tough one … so many athletes may judge their effort based upon whether or not they made the podium (age group or overall). That’s a mindset that may cause problems in the long term. It is great to reach the podium – but it’s important not to judge your effort based upon where you finished. When you cross that finish line, you should immediately ask: Did I try as hard as I could have? That’s the time to get an accurate answer – not when you are looking at results and seeing what place you came in. The podium only has meaning if you gave your best effort.

The other important part of evaluating your race is: How did you feel at the start line? Anxious? Ready? Or, was there any negative talk (e.g., ‘I’m not fit enough’ ‘Everyone else looks faster’ ‘I don’t think I can handle the wind’ …)? If there was, take a step back and plan what you are going to tell yourself at the next start line. You’re ready. You’re doing this because you enjoy it. You love the challenge. Take control of the race right from the start – this will give you your best chance of finishing and feeling like you gave your best effort.

Triathlon is a fantastic sport that gives people the opportunity to challenge themselves physically and mentally. Enjoy the challenge – and take a look at every race to see if you are doing everything you can to give yourself the best opportunity to meet that challenge. 
~John Mercer
Club Store:

Las Vegas Triathlon Boco Gear Trucker Hats and Silicon swim caps are now available for purchase on our online store.
Sponsor XTERRA Wetsuits
Xterra is always hooking up our club! Even though we receive monthly deals/discount code, check out the goods all around!

More amazing LVTC Sponsors
Las Vegas Triathlon Club