Dr. h.c. Huub Lelieveld
The Netherlands
Mr. Larry Keener, CFS
United States
Dr. Sangsuk Oh
Dr. Gerhard Schleining
Dr. Vishweshwaraiah Prakash
Dr. Bernd van der Meulen
The Netherlands
Irena Soljic, MSc.
Gain an influential voice in consensus with other experts that will have a real impact on reducing world hunger, improving food safety and nutrition, and supporting new technology applications. Membership is free. Enroll online today! |
Ms. Julie Larson Bricher
Communications Director
Irena Soljic, MSc.
General Secretary
Dr. Alina-Ioana Gostin
Ambassador Programme Director
Dr. Aleksandra Martinovic
Meetings Coordinator
Mr. Richard F. Stier
Course Director
Nila Ghasemkhani, MSc.
Membership Director
Ms. Nicole Coutrelis
Regulatory Advisor
Dr. Bernd van der Meulen
Legal Advisor - Food
Dr. Sian Astley
Editorial Advisor
Mr. Grigor Badalyan
Newsletter Publisher
Dr. Aine Regan
Social Media Advisor
Mr. Gunter Greil
Ms. Michaela Pichler (Chair)
EuCheMS Food Chemistry Division, Hamburg, Germany
CSIRO, Werribee, Australia
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA
Fuzhou University and Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology, Fujian, China
Roosevelt Academy, Tilburg,
The Netherlands
EuroFIR, Brussels, Belgium
Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela
Dr. Kwang-Ok Kim
Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
Dr. Pablo Juliano
Plan to participate at
upcoming GHI Meetings!
In the coming months, GHI will hold several general meetings, working group gatherings, and make presentations at scientific meetings all over the globe.
It is my pleasure to be able to write a message for the April issue of 2018. As you will see, GHI is very active and participating in many events. And that, even without messages from GHI Ambassadors, because for this issue that would be too much. We hope to provide more from the Ambassadors in the June issue.
However, I would like to mention that many Ambassadors have translated a fundamental document about GHI, "Harmonization: Feeding People, Fueling Innovation," and other Ambassadors are in the process or translating this information sheet. The aim is to make more people, in particular non-scientists, aware of the essentials in food safety. The more people understand the principles, the less likely it will be that they are misled by misinformation. You will be able to see and download these translations in the coming weeks.
About the 1st GHI World Congress on Food Safety and Security, in Leiden, The Netherlands, from 24-28 March 2019: The news is that the website has been completed ( and it is now possible to register. A "Save the Date" e-announcement is currently being sent out to the GHI membership. You, and of course our Working Group Chairs, are invited to submit proposals for presentations and for meeting in association with the Congress. There will be rooms available for WG meetings during the Congress.
Spring has started (at least in Europe) and summer is coming. I hope that you will find the time to enjoy the weather and plan relaxing holidays.
Kind regards,
Huub Lelieveld
President, GHI
As reported in the February 2018 issue of GHI Matters, GHI has also been recognized by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as an Academia stakeholder.
GHI has accepted the invitation to join the EFSA stakeholder discussion group on emerging risks. Andreja Rajkovic, expert on microbial risk assessment from Ghent University, has agreed to represent GHI in this group. The first meeting of the group will be in Brussels in May.
Second GHI Book Available
Editors: V. Prakash, Olga Martin-Belloso, Larry Keener, Sian Astley, Susanne Braun, Helena McMahon and Huub Lelieveld
2015 | 536 pages | Elsevier Academic Press
Regulating Safety of Traditional and Ethnic Foods is the second book in the GHI Series published by Elsevier Academic Press. Authors examine a variety of traditional foods from around the world, their risks and benefits, and how regulatory steps may assist in establishing safe parameters for these foods without reducing their cultural or nutritive value in today's diets. Visit the Elsevier Store page for pricing and ordering details. GHI members receive a 30% discount by using the special code GHI30.
General GHI Meeting at the 2018 IFT Annual Meeting and Expo
Sunday, July 15, 2018 | 9:00-11:00 am Hyde Park AB, Hyatt Regency McCormick Place
The Global Harmonization Initiative (GHI) was founded in 2004 by the International Division of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) and the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) as a network of scientific organizations and individual scientists aiming to achieve harmonized global regulations and legislation.
Although GHI is run and managed by volunteers, the number of GHI members continues to increase. Through its working groups (WGs), GHI identifies activities that will help achieve harmonization. One of the main problems that hampers the progress of the WGs is the ability of WG members to meet and talk about ideas and plans and how to better implement them.
A greet-and-meet GHI membership event is planned for Sunday, July 15, 2018 at 9:00-11:00 am in room Hyde Park AB at the Hyatt Regency at McCormick Place. This is an early notice so that you can include our event in your busy calendar during the IFT Annual Meeting in Chicago.
Agenda to follow.
Order Your Copy of GHI's First Book and Receive a 30% Discount
Publications of Interest
The book covers a recent fundamental shift in the global health and wellness industry from disease treatment to preventing chronic diseases. The use of nutraceuticals and functional foods in prevention efforts could lead to a decreased dependency on drugs. The pharmaceutical industry recognizes this shift; however, serious concerns have arisen regarding the claimed efficacy, quality, and safety of products used as medical foods. This book examines the consumer and industry mindshift, including the scientific evidence of these foods as effective adjuncts to pharmacotherapy during all stages of disease treatment, thus indicating that pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals can and should coexist.
Adriana Arisseto, GHI Ambassador to Brazil, published the article "Food quality and safety progress in the Brazilian food and beverage industry: chemical hazards." The paper presents an overview of the main regulatory aspects related to contaminants, food additives, and residues of pesticides and veterinary drugs, including current regulations and their impacts on the safety and quality of locally produced foods. The manuscript was published in Food Quality and Safety, Vol. 1, Issue 2, May 2017, Pages 117-129. Download by clicking here.
GHI Working Group: Ethics in Food Safety Practices
The Working Group "Ethics in food safety practices" is planning a meeting during the 1st GHI World Congress. Details will follow in the next issue of GHI Matters.
If you are interested in participating, please contact Atef Idriss, GHI Ambassador in Lebanon at
GHI Programs at IUFoST 2018
IUFoST 2018, which brings together researchers, academicians, professionals, policy makers and food scientists and industries to explore the latest advances in our understanding of food in all its manifestations, including food safety, food security, regulations, innovations in food processing, hygienic design and engineering, frontier areas in food science and technology, novel food products, markets and consumer preferences.
During the Congress, on 25 October, 14:00-15:30 there will be a GHI Symposium:
- Janitha Liyanage - Identification of food safety issues and a framework for hygiene practices of street-vended food - Sri Lanka example
- An-I Yeh - Where and how is the use of new nanoparticles in food processing regulated?
- Dominique Taeymans, Nicolas Meneses and Heidi Kotilainen - New food safety preservation technologies push for international harmonisation
- Purabi Bose and Bernd van der Meulen - Forest Food Security
- Film "TARA - Alpinia nigra," a Landing Together film (Director Purabi Bose)
- Questions & Answers
On the same day, from 16:00-17:30 there will be a GHI General Assembly (GA) Meeting that will be open to all interested congress participants (space permitting)
- Report on previous GA
- Proceedings since last GA
- Official recognitions (CAC not accepted, should we try again?; EFSA accepted)
- Ambassadors
- Working Groups
- Meetings, congresses, conferences
- Publications (articles, books)
- Finances
- Elections
- Board
- Auditors
GHI Ambassador Web Pages
GHI Ambassadors! You now have the opportunity to communicate your GHI activities on a
web page dedicated to your country or region. Check out the individual
Ambassador pages already posted on GHI's new website for ideas and inspiration on what to post!
For more information about becoming a GHI Ambassador, please email
Dr. Alina-Ioana Gostin,
GHI Ambassador Programme Director.
Conferences & Meetings
GHI regularly makes presentations and holds general and working group meetings in conjunction with scientific and food industry conferences around the globe.
Please check
our website for details and links, or
contact us via email to submit listings.
9th Central European Congress on Food (CEFood)
24-26 May 2018
Sibiu, Romania
This year's theme is: Global and Local Challenges in Food Science and Technology. All interested scientists, professionals, companies, governmental officials and professional associations working in the fields of food production, food processing, food quality and safety, nutrition, engineering and design, innovative technologies from Europe and all around the world are invited to attend this event.
GHI is a supporting organization of this event. Visit the conference website for program details.
2nd MoniQA Symposium
7-8 June 2018
Vienna, Austria
For more information, please visit the website.
Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture
7-9 June 2018
Bucharest, Romania
The International Conference "Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture" is organized by the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest. Several members of the Scientific and Organising Committees are also members of GHI and Huub Lelieveld, GHI president, will give a talk about more sustainable cooking, with less waste and less energy consumption. For details of the conference, see
NUTRICON 2018 Congress
13.June.2018 to 15.June.2018
Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia
GHI is a supporting organization of this event. Visit the
Congress web page for details on registration discounts for GHI members.
5th International ISEKI_Food Conference
3-5 July 2018
University of Hohenheim, Germany
The general aim of the
ISEKI_Food conference series
is to contribute to the creation of an "open" international forum for researchers, education scientists, technologists and industry representatives as well as food consumers, to promote constructive dialogue and collaboration on topics relevant to food science and technology, industry and education.
GHI is a supporting organization and is planning a GHI Workshop on Training for Food Handlers on Tuesday, 3 July 2018, from 9:00 to 12:30.
Feel free to download and distribute the 2018 ISEKI_Food Conference flyer here. Visit the conference website for updates.
European Food Chemistry Congress
July 26-27, 2018 Amsterdam, Netherlands
Theme: Investigating the Interrelationships of Food and Human Health.
Franco Pedreschi, GHI Ambassador in Chile, is a member of the Organising Committee and also a speaker at the symposium. He will also discuss GHI in his presentation. For details, visit the website.
1st International Conference on Innovations in Food Ingredients & Food Safety (IFIFS 2018) "FOOD for SUSTAINABILITY"
12-14 September 2018, Bangkok, Thailand
Organized by: AIT - Asian Institute of Technology & IFA - ISEKI-Food Association
in cooperation with ASIFood and SEA-ABT Project Partner Institutions
GHI has been invited to participate in the programme. Anybody interested is invited to contact GHI Board Member Dr. Gerhard Schleining (
Science, Food, Society
EFSA Scientific Conference 2018 18-21 September 2018, Parma Italy
The EFSA conference 2018 is constructed around the motto "contextualising risk assessment." This means reflecting on the future of risk assessment in food safety while acknowledging the social and political context within which it operates. For information, visit the website.
GHI has been recognised as an Academic Stakeholder of EFSA.
Innovations in Food Analytics-
An International Conference & Expo
19-21 September 2018
Erding, Munich, Germany
Organized by Acad-Indus International Conventions in cooperation with Global Harmonization Initiative and Stadthalle Erding. For the first of its kind, this conference will attract delegates across the world to present their research and ideas and network with scientists from industry and academia. Please visit the conference website for details.
B-FoST Conference
15-17 October 2018
Yerevan, Armenia
GHI is a supporting organization, and will hold a GHI General Meeting at this conference. Please visit the conference website for details.
19th IUFoST World Food Science and Technology Congress
23 -27 October 2018
Mumbai, India
Registration is now open for IUFoST 2018, which brings together researchers, academicians, professionals, policy makers and food scientists and industries to explore the latest advances in our understanding of food in all its manifestations, including food safety, food security, regulations, innovations in food processing, hygienic design and engineering, frontier areas in food science and technology, novel food products, markets and consumer preferences.
32nd EFFoST International Conference
6-8 November 2018
Nantes, France
This year's theme is: Developing innovative food structures and functionalities through process and reformulation to satisfy consumer needs and expectations.
Abstract Submission Deadline: 27 April 2018. GHI is a supporting organization of this conference. Find out more at the
conference website.