April, 2017
A Letter from our Executive Directors...

We are happy to be sharing this 
April 2017 Newsletter with you.  
The work of The Safe Center has been growing and expanding as you will see  from the articles within.
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and 
Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
You will see that we are implementing several initiatives to recognize these very important issues. The Safe Center continues to work towards restoring hope for victims of abuse, reducing trauma to victims and preventing family and interpersonal violence in all its forms. 
We are excited  about the work in which our Education Department and our Rape and Sexual Assault Program are engaged with local Colleges and Universities. We are assisting Adelphi, Hofstra, Molloy, Nassau Community College and CW Post as well as the Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point in addressing issues related to sexual assault and harassment on campus, and are heartened by the commitment of these institutions to prevent such crimes and protect the rights of all students.
We hope you enjoy the Newsletter and thank you 
for your interest in and support of The Safe Center.

 -Cindy Scott & Sandy Oliva, 
Executive Directors,The Safe Center
This Month at The Safe Center...
Taste That Jazz!
Thank you to all of you who supported our 2017 Food, Beverage, 
and Dessert Tasting Event, Taste That Jazz on April 3rd. 
The event was the most successful ever with over 300 in attendance.  

Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to our generous sponsors, vendors,
in-kind donors, guests, entertainers and volunteers. 

Visit tsclitaste.org in a few weeks for access
to our event photo gallery and digital journal.

The Many Faces of Family  Violence Conferen ce
On  Friday,  April 7th The Many Faces of Family Violence Conference  will be presented  by The  Safe Center,  The Nassau County  Executive's Task Force on Family Violence and LIU Post.

Keynote Speaker: Lundy Bancroft
Mr. Bancroft has over 25 years of experien ce in the fields of abuse, trauma and recovery and has pu blished 5 books including the best-sellers The Batterer as Parent and  Why Does He  Do That?

Registration for the Conference is now closed.
if you would like to be added to the wait list.

Enough Abuse Training
Wednesday,  April 19th 
Learn how to prevent child sexual abuse 
at home,  at school  and in the community.
Sign up for our free ENOUGH ABUSE training today.

To register for a training, email:  enoughabuse@tscli.org

Denim Day 
Wednesday, April 26th 
The Safe Center will host our first Denim Day event, 
an international campaign to honor Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

To RSVP to the event email
Our C hi l A dv ocacy Center

What is a Child Advocacy Center?   Child Advocacy Centers (CACs) are county-level partnerships between the agencies tasked with responding to child abuse allegations. CACs provide child and family-friendly settings where children can feel safe to talk to specially-trained investigators about abuse allegations, and where service providers can help children and their families recover in the aftermath of abuse.
The Safe Center houses the Nassau County Child Advocacy Center (CAC), a partnership between Nassau County Police, Child Protective Services, the District Attorney's Office, County Attorney's Office, Nassau University Medical Center/NUHealth, and The Safe Center LI.  

These partners form the multi-disciplinary team (MDT) at the CAC and collaborate to investigate allegations of sex abuse, severe physical abuse and human trafficking.
Healing Starts at the  Child Advocacy Center
(names in this story have been changed)

Juan age 5, lived in an apartment in Nassau County with his family.  
He was new to Nassau County and since school did not start until the fall, he did not have friends in the area. However, Juan became fast friends with the neighbor's son, Michael, who was  the same  age as Juan.

They frequently went over to the other's apartment to play Legos and video games. Juan's parents were grateful for this friendship and were happy to have Juan go to Michael's...

"90% of abusers are known to their victims prior to
 the abuse. Most victims of abuse don't tell right away. 
Delayed disclosure is common,
 and many victims don't disclose into adulthood."

Bilingual Child Victim Advocate,
The Safe Center

Supporting Survivors 
of Rape or Sexual Assault 

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. 
In honor of survivors of Sexual Assault, The Safe Center will be participating 
in several events throughout Nassau County to raise awareness.
Through collaboration with local universities and colleges, the Safe Center will be participating in Take Back the Night events.  Take Back the Night  is an international event held to raise awareness and work towards ending sexual violence through participation in marches and survivor speak outs. 
The Safe Center will be hosting it's first  'Demin Day' on April 26th from 12-3pm.

Denim Day was first started in April 1999 after a Chief Judge in the Italian Supreme Court overturned a case arguing that "because the victim wore very, very tight jeans, she had to help him remove them, and by removing the jeans it was no longer a rape case but consensual sex."    Women began to protest by wearing jeans to work.   

Clients from The Safe Center have decorated jeans and we will be unveiling their artistic creations.  The event will include a screening of the Netflix Original Documentary Audrie and Daisy,  a film abo ut the community response to rape, and will be followed by  a panel discussion with professionals from The Safe Center.
To RSVP to the event email
Take Action!
  • Believe and support survivorsFor example,  thank survivors for sharing their stories.
  • Respond to victim-blamin jokes or other problematic comments and behavior s.
    • "Sexual assault is never the survivors' fault."
    • Refocus accountability on the individuals who commit these crimes.
  • Post links to educational resources about sexual violence prevention.
    • Find some HERE from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center.
  • Promote Sexual Assault Awareness Month - Use your voice to change the culture.
    • Show your support online using the hashtag  #SAAM 
    • Join our online community against violence  Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter
How Brains Are Affected by Abuse

Recent research in brain science and genetics is showing us that child abuse can have a profound effect on health throughout a person's life span. 
The more types of abuse or dysfunction that you grow up with, the greater your risk for a whole set of poor health outcomes including mental illness, addiction, and even physical disease. 

In fact, the ten most popular causes of disease and death in the United States are linked to trauma in the early years of life.  All of this is based on a landmark study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention called the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACE study)

In 2016, our Child Advocacy Center 
investigated more  than 800  allegations of child abuse.

Photo's of the brightly painted Child Advocacy Center at The Safe Center. 


Child Clients Served at CAC in 2016 (by age)

United States Merchant Marine Academy 
Making Strides Against Sexual Assault
Athletes from USMMA pictured above with The Safe Center Educator 

The Safe Center  has been working closely with the US Merchant Marine Academy, helping them as they work to strengthen their response to campus sexual assault and supporting their efforts to create a USMMA campus experience that is safe for all students. We are proud to stand with the US Merchant Marine in working to stop rape and sexual assault.

"You are making a difference in the lives of many people
 and I thank you for it."
-Coach Sean M. Tedesco
Assistant Athletic Director,USMMA

Bikers Against Child Abuse (B.A.C.A)

Child Abuse  presented to Nassau County's Multidisciplinary Team  o n Sexual Abuse 
at The Safe Center. 

These dedicated community members have been standing up for child vic tims of sexual abuse  on  Long Island for  20 year s.

"We exist as a body of Bikers to empower children 
to not feel afraid of the world in which they live."
A Day in the Life of a Forensic Interviewer
Forensic Interviewers are Child Advocacy Center (CAC) staff me mb ers  who ar e spec ially trained to speak to children about allegations of abuse .
"I wear multiple hats throughout the day, and at  tim es I ha ve to be a coordinator,
 communicator, mediator, 
counselor and facilitator."
In Remembrance of Sister Catherine Mezzacapo

Sister Catherine  Mezzacapo, CSJ, whose decades of victim services leadership and hands-on efforts included a l ong stint as a Board Member of The Safe Center predecessor, the Coalition on Child Abuse &  Neglect (CCAN),  died on Feb. 19, 2017 at the age of 98.
Known  and beloved to all as "Sister Cappy," she was among CCAN's founding members in 1979 and undert ook a foun dational survey of the medical profession on its' responses to child abuse suspicions. 

She held a Social Work Masters Degree from Adelphi University, among other degrees. She was a respected for her nurturing and supportive presence to children, parents, victims, and professional staff. She participated vigorously in events and worked on and hea ded many Board of Directors working groups. 

She is fondly remembered by all for her intelligence, keen wit, wink, smile and a sense of place, spirit and commitment.  Sr. Catherine was a professed member of the Community of  St. Joseph for 80 years. 

In This Issue

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Upcoming Events & Trainings

Friday,  April 7, 2017
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus

Registration for the Conference is now closed.
if you would like to be added to the waitlist.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017
12:00pm - 3:00pm
The Safe Center

Denim Day is an international campaign every April
in  honor  of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. 
People are encouraged to wear denim (jeans) in order to raise awareness. 
This event will be open to the public.
To RSV P to the event email

Wednesday,  April 19, 2017
6:30PM - 8:30PM
Board Room at The Safe Center

Learn how to prevent child sexual abuse
at home, at school and in the community.
Sign up for our free ENOUGH ABUSE training today.
This 90 minute training will give you the tools you need 
to help create safer spaces for children to learn, play and grow
To register for a training, email:  enoughabuse@tscli.org

How will you celebrate the caring and nurturing women in your life? 
How about making a donation in honor of that someone special? 
Your generous donation will not only warm someone's heart but will also help 
The Safe Center restore hope to the mothers and families  in the communities we serve.  
A card acknowledging your gift will be received via the mail by Mother's Day, May 8th.  

Please donate by April 28th.
Acknowledgements for donations received after April 28th are not guaranteed for delivery by May 8th
When making your donation, please be sure to provide a complete address for your honoree(s). 

Thursday,  May 11, 2017
6:30 - 8:30 pm
Wit & Whim
Six Carltun Avenue,  Port Washington, NY

Monday,  June 12, 2017  
All-Day Event
Wheatley Hills Golf Club, East Williston, NY
Dinner tickets can be purchased separately. 

Thursday,  June 22, 2017 
6:00- 9:00 pm
Fashion Event & Fundraiser  in collaboration 
with  Sample Sale of Port Washington
10% of purchases will be donated to The Safe Center


Thursday,  October 19, 2017 
6:00-10:00 pm 
The Garden City Hotel, Garden City, NY

For more information on how to support any of the above events, please contact Francine Medaglia at  516-465-4748