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April 2014
Globally Harmonized 
System Webinar

Wednesday, May 7th
1:30 - 2:30 pm

Globally Harmonized System
An overview of what you need to know to get ready for the Globally Harmonized System
Presented by AWARE-NS

Executive Director Message

We are launching into Spring and leaving the long cold winter behind us! A heartfelt welcome to the April edition of the AWARE-NS  newsletter. 


We have been working on a new format for our readers that can be read on your Smart phone or easily  printed in hard copy format for sharing among staff or posting at your worksite!  We hope the changes and the additions that are made will be liked by you all.  We are working to serve you better, so bear with us! Our focus is to bring to you news of what is happening at AWARE-NS and important news flashes, events and topics for discussion within your workplace...It's all about Safety!


This issue of the newsletter brings in news on important upcoming events: April 28, 2014 marks National Day of Mourning an important date for all workers and their families; Get ready for NAOSH Week May 5th and don't forget May 6th - CPSI National  STOP! Clean Your Hands's not too late to plan!  We have included some 'Newsy items'to peak your interest, important web-links for more information and COSP Program updates.


The AWARE-NS Website is also undergoing construction, it is going to be New and Improved. You will be able to find what you need  with only couple of  'clicks' and  have many more interactive learning tools, but don't worry,  all of this work is being done behind the scenes and we will launch it with a click of a button late in May! Stay Tuned!


Susan Dempsey

Executive Director


Upcoming  Events

In the News
Research shows the longer someone is away from work due to an injury, the less likely they will ever return to their job. To help injured workers get speedier access to the surgical care they need so they can return to work, the Workers' Compensation Board of Nova Scotia (WCB) is partnering with Annapolis Valley Health (AVH). 

"The Nova Scotia WCB has posted on its website the (new) policy regarding workplace stress: Psychological Injury.  Policy 1.3.9 was posted on March 31, 2014."  "Employers of federal employees should reference Policy 1.3.6"



Consultation on Draft Revisions to Policy 1.2.5AR Occupational Hearing Loss - Injuries on or after January 1, 2000

The WCB is consulting with Nova Scotians on compensation for occupational noise induced hearing loss. The consultation documents will be available on-line until July 31, 2014, and all Nova Scotians are invited to provide feedback to the WCB on this topic.

The adjudication of occupational noise induced hearing loss is a complex issue in Nova Scotia. The changes the WCB is proposing to the existing policy are intended to clarify the WCB's approach to compensating for these injuries, resulting in consistent claims adjudication and a reduction in the burden on the appeal system.

Please review the consultation paper and draft policy revisions, and provide your feedback on the proposed policy changes. The consultation period is March 27 until July 31, 2014.

By email: send comments to Kevin Foster at  

By Mail:   Kevin Foster,Manager of Strategy Support and Planning                

Workers' Compensation Board of Nova Scotia                 

PO Box 1150,Halifax, N.S.                 

B3J 2Y2


NAOSH Week Symposium 2014, May 5th



Join us for the launch of NAOSH week where we present a new opportunity to help you make a difference; to drive workplace injuries and deaths down toward the only acceptable number there is: ZERO


On May 5, 2014, come join us to hear more about leading-edge concepts, new thinking and easy-to-understand workplace culture change strategies to help us achieve this goal! These sessions apply to all workers.



Day Of Morning April 28, 2014

April 28 marks the National Day of Mourning - a day to to remember those hurt or killed in the workplace.


Jamie Lapierre died  on a barge in Port Hawkesbury, at the age of 21. Jamie's story is especially meaningful  as Jamie and I  lived  in the same community.  Like most small communities in Nova Scotia the connections are many. I have witnessed the person pain of both his family and friends having to carry on without him. His death and the impact of his loss  has had on his family and friends is what  motivates me to everything  I can to make workplaces in Nova Scotia safer. Unfortunately,Jamie's story  is one of many stories that affect families  in Nova Scotia every year.



A few years ago, the WCB partnered with Nova Scotia Department of Labour and Workforce Development (the former Department of Environment and Labour) and the Nova Scotia Federation of Labour to develop a series of four television ads. The ads feature Jamie's mother, father, girlfriend and best friend, speaking about Jamie and the hole left in their lives.


They reveal the ultimate price paid when something goes horribly wrong on the job. 

Although we cannot change the tragedies of the past, together we can shape a safer future for workers in Nova Scotia.


Jamie's mom, Brenda

Jamie's dad, Andre

Jamie's best friend, Roger



How can you participate in making a dedication to those who have died or been injured at work?


  • observing a moment of silence
  • downloading and displaying a poster in your workplace
  •  sharing a video with your company announcement
  •  attending a ceremony
  •   lowering flags to half-mast
  •  talk about it and re-new your commitment to safety practices
  •  Keep your self safe - be informed and work safe everyday 



Heather Matthews

OHS Specailist




Steps for
Preventing Workplace Violence

Working group members collaborate to share their workplace violence prevention tools.


Violence is an issue that affects the safety and security of employees, residents and visitors at your organization.  Violence claims a high personal cost from the emotional trauma and physical injury experienced by victims, their families and co-workers.  Violence also brings high costs to the employer, including: increased absenteeism, higher sick leave costs, lost productivity, high employee turn-over, higher insurance premiums and increased WCB premiums.


The Occupational Health and Safety act, Violence in the Workplace Regulations (N.S. Reg. 209/2007) requires designated employers to identify the risks associated with workplace violence and manage them accordingly.  Acts of violence do not necessarily require intent to harm.  In healthcare and community services, it is often while providing client or patient care that a situation of workplace violence can arise.


AWARE-NS and WCB have been working in partnership with a provincial working group with representation from long term care, adult residential care and regional residential care, is sharing best practices and consolidating resource materials for use in health care and community services.  Our focus has been to develop workplace violence prevention resources to support workplaces in their efforts to reduce incidents of workplace violence.  These resources will assist Employers to ensure a comprehensive violence prevention plan is developed and that best practices to develop the skills of workers to minimize risk factors associated with workplace violence are shared.Step one of the resource guide in now available click the items under the resource section below to help assess and continue develop your Workplace Violence Program.



Community of Safe Practice (COSP)
AWARE-NS  is pleased to announce the launch of COSP Long Term Care. Ten Long Term Care organization met on April 10, 2014 and they agreed to develop and facilitate a community of safe practice that supports a culture of workplace safety and prevents injury and associated costs.

AWARE-NS will be holding Information Sessions across the province for all Long Tern Care Organization. These sessions will provide all the information that an organization need to get access to the tools and resources need to reach our goal of making our workplaces safer. To Registar for a session contact Valerie: 

Port Hawkesbury       April 22/14

Sydney                     April 23/14

Antigonish                April 29/14

Truro                        April 30/14

Halifax                     May 2/14

Kentville                   May 5/14

Lunenburg                May 14/14

Yarmouth                 May 22/14

Amherst                   May 28/14




Contact AWARE-NS
Tel: 1-877-LETS-ACT (538-7228)
Local Tel: 832-3868
Fax: 902-832-3445