Grounded in the Gospel, guided by the Spirit,

we are a people and place of grace!

Weekly News & Updates

Thursday, April 11

Worship 9:00 am on Sundays

6:00 pm on Tuesdays.

Communion on first and third weeks.


Council Minutes



Bulletin & Announcements



Join Pastor Brian For Our New Adult Forum Series

Following an immersive journey through the history, geography, and accounts of Jesus through the Gospels, join Pastor Brian and others as we now explore what happened next and investigate the lives of the very first Christians. Beginning in Jerusalem and using the Book of Acts as our roadmap, we will travel the Mediterranean region to share the people, places and events that launched the Christian faith, including the missionary journeys of Paul and the apocalyptic visions and writings of John of Patmos found in the Book of Revelation. Join us in the Green Room most Sundays following worship this Spring and Summer!

New Church Directory!

Our Photo Dates Are: Wednesday - Saturday, May 29 - June1

Weekday Photo Hours are 2:00-8:30 Saturday is 10:00-4:00

Onine Scheduling Available!

Here’s how to sign up...

To schedule your photography appointment, simply go to or follow the link below.

Enter mn449 in the Church Code field and enter photos in the Church Password field.

Note: Church Code & Password are case sensitive.

Follow the prompts to schedule your family’s appointment time.

Please help us make this a complete directory by having your portrait included!

You may also sign up Sundays at the Welcome table or through the office!

Appointments fill up quickly, so schedule as soon as possible to secure your preferred time.

CPR/AED TRAINING - There will be training here at Chisago Lake Lutheran on Monday, April 29th from 6:30 to 8:00pmThe training will be on the use of the AED’s which were installed last year and on CPR. Everyone is invited to come; ushers and greeters are especially encouraged to attend.

Children, Youth and Families


Sunday School: 10:15 am Sunday mornings

6th Grade: 6:00 pm Wednesdays

7th & 8th Grade Confirmation: 6:00 pm Wednesdays


Follow the link below to sign up for acolyting. Please consider signing up as a family and making it an intergenerational affair!

Acolyting Sign-Up

WELCOME TO THE TABLE - This March, we are doing the Communion Milestone for 2nd grade and older. If your child is ready for communion class, mark your calendar for Sundays, March 17th & 24th, at 11:15 am

Communion celebration will take place during the Maundy Thursday worship on March 28th, at 6 pm. Talk to Stacy for more information.


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 Tuesdays, 6:00 - 6:30 pm

Although we will still utilize our beautiful and historic sanctuary, the service itself will be less formal, featuring contemporary music (both live and pre-recorded) centered around the key lesson and sermon from the previous Sunday. Please help us spread the word and invite your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers to join us!

Prayer Requests

Can we pray for you?

Chisago Lake Lutheran has an email based prayer chain. If you have a prayer request please contact the office, 651-257-6300 or This is a confidential group dedicated to praying for those who ask for prayers for any number of reasons. We are here to offer up prayers for all concerns. Your request may also be included in Sunday morning prayers for those who desire.

If you would like to be part of the this ministry contact the office.


Pastor Brian – 


Stacy –



OFFICE PHONE: 651-257-6300     

OFFICE HOURS; Mon - Thurs; 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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