Our Current Pastoral Prayer List
Maggie Bradshaw, Linda Bush, Avery Coney, Aaron Erwin, John Gayle, Millie Guzman, Jex Family, Ray Kaufman, Stephanie Lichenstein, Ben & Priscilla Lincoln, Rev. Justin Lindstrom, Frank Macaluso, David Morgan, Roger Morgan, Tim Ridgeway, Cadell Robertson, Tom Rupakus, and Walt Wendtland.
If you would like detailed prayers for someone call Fr. Jack.
Please help us keep our prayer list current.
If you added someone to the "Prayers of the People" during our worship service please follow up with a phone call to the office and we will add them to next Sunday's prayer list. Also, let us know how the person you requested prayer for is doing.
Call the office to add or take someone off the list. 979-245-2557 or saintmarks@sbcglobal.net or marthahjohnson@sbcglobal.net