TOU's Summer Student Internship:
June 29 - July 28, 2020
2019 TOU Summer Interns

Intensive Internship (4 1/2-weeks) for Students Ages 18+ -
June 29 - July 28

Since 2005, the Temple of Understanding has implemented its commitment to the education of youth by hosting a Summer Student Internship Program. 
The student interns are given passes to enable them to attend open meetings of the United Nations Security Council, the UN General Assembly, and various committees. This program launches their careers as global citizens who care about the humanitarian goals embraced by the UN. Students accepted into this program have the opportunity to meet with different missions and NGOs, pursue independent research, learn about different religions through visiting their houses of worship, and participate in community volunteer work.
The minimum age is 18. Applicants must be 18 years old by June 24, 2020 to participate in the program.

Please forward this notice to interested young people!
NYC Climate Strike a Huge Success
NYC Climate Strike a Huge Success-  next strike set for December 6th!

The youth-led climate strike in NYC on Friday September 20th was huge, inspiring, urgent and determined. Many of our faith-based colleagues from the UN community were there, amidst the crowd of mostly young people. Over and over the message was the climate is changing and so must we. The rally at Battery Park featured a great set of youth speakers, including Greta Thunberg. Indigenous leaders spoke last, and instead of closing the event, called for opening: opening doors, opening into a future of collaboration, of respect, of change and of great potential.

In that spirit, we invite you to join NYC's next mass youth-led climate strike on December 6th outside NYC's City Hall Park to coincide with the UN COP25 Climate Change Conference in Madrid, Spain. Fridays for Futures and allies will continue to organize strikes every Friday. Check out this global map of actions. 

UN COP25 Climate Change Conference 
The UN COP25 Climate Change Conference taking place in Madrid, Spain -  2-13 December 2019

The United Nations COP25 Climate Change Conference is currently taking place in Madrid, Spain. According to the UN, if the climate continues to warm at the current rate the world can expect to see, "wide-ranging and destructive climate impacts." Two months ago the UN Secretary General held a major Climate Action Summit in NYC. This article "COP25: UN climate change conference, 5 things you need to know," answers the following important questions:
1.  We just had the Climate Action Summit in New York. How is COP25 different?
2. But why all the UN attention on the climate?
3. So what did the September Climate Action Summit achieve?
4. Hang on: UNEP, WMO, IPCC, UNFCCC, COP...why all the acronyms?
5. And what's important about this COP?

Daily highlights, including photo gallery, are available HERE.

Faiths for Forests
Faiths for Forests: a Global Faith Campaign to End Tropical  Deforestation

Hear Jane Goodall introduce the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative working to prevent tropical deforestation by raising awareness, mobilizing faith-based action, and influencing policy. The first step is to commit to the comprehensive Faiths for Forests Declaration, and then use their resources including issue primers, faith toolkits and country fact sheets to mobilize for change together.


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