October 2021
Hansen's Dairy Waterloo will begin winter hours on Oct. 1 and close every evening at 8 p.m.
Photos of the Month
A beautiful September evening calls for a photo shoot, and these cows are ready for their closeup! That's me, Jordan Hansen, writer of this e-Moosletter. Sometimes I need to go find some fun photos for inspiration, and the cows never disappoint. They are super curious about anything out of the ordinary, and a girl in the middle of the cowyard in flip-flops is no exception (by the way I don't recommend that)! The photo of Brownie here was taken the same evening.

Tourists always laugh when cows come running up to the fence to see them pass by on the trolley. I think the cows are enjoying their tour of people as much as the people are enjoying their tour of the cows!
Store hours
Waterloo hours
Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Sunday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Cedar Falls hours
Monday through Saturday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Spend $25,
get a free gallon of white milk!
Apples, apples and more apples!
’Tis the season for crisp, crunchy apples! If you can't make it to an orchard this year, come see us to satisfy your cravings.

We're selling:
  • Wilson's Orchard & Farm Apple Cider
  • Bags of apples from Beck’s Orchard in Buckingham
  • Apple Pie Sundae Treat of the Month — a scoop of vanilla ice cream nestled in a waffle bowl, then topped with slices of locally grown apples, cinnamon, caramel and whipped cream. Available all month at both stores for only $2.79.
Cedar Falls store offers grab & go meal options
Our Cedar Falls store has some great meal options when you’re on the go. Stop in to shop our newly remodeled store, and satisfy your hunger while you're at it!

P.S. The fried cheese curds are amazing :)
Waterloo store discontinuing prepaid card program
Hansen's Dairy Waterloo will be discontinuing the use of the prepaid card program on Dec. 31, 2021.

The prepaid card program began as a membership program, where members would get discounts on milk and other Hansen's Dairy products. However, in 2017, we removed the discount for using the card and made the discounted price the actual shelf price for all customers. This was out of necessity to match with the Cedar Falls store, as we had to use a new point-of-sale system there to allow gas station pay-at-the-pump purchases.

Now our point-of-sale system in Waterloo will undergo an upgrade, and the prepaid program will not be feasible anymore. Waterloo customers will still be able to use up any money on their card, but will not be allowed to reload any money onto the card, effective immediately. Any unused funds on the card as of Dec. 31 may be cashed out and returned to the customer.

Thank you for your understanding.
Customer of the Month
The October Customer of the Month was raised on a dairy farm, so she knows a good product when she sees it.

Marilyn Meier of Cedar Falls shops at Hansen's Dairy stores because she appreciates the quality and taste of all the products.

"I am impressed with the superior quality — such as flavor, freshness, being non-homogenized and having no added hormones," she said. Her favorite products are the 1% and whole milk, frozen chicken breasts and thighs, and frozen ground beef.

Marilyn also enjoys the workers in the store. "Every employee is friendly, courteous and helpful," she said. "They even carry my groceries out to my car."

Thanks, Marilyn! Customers of the Month receive a $5 gift certificate to use at our stores and two free hands-on tour passes to the farm (a $30 value). You could be chosen by filling out an entry form at our stores or through your comments on our Facebook and Twitter pages.
Cow of the Month
The October Cow of the Month is a go-getter.

Adidas is always one of the first cows in the milking parlor. She is a nice cow to work with, and we love her spirit. She doesn't have classic dairy good looks or a very nice udder, but she does make a lot of milk. She is 6 years old and has a lifetime production of 114,000 pounds!

A cow that milks a lot must eat a lot. Therefore, we think she goes by this mantra:


Cooking with Hansen's
It's apple season! Here's an easy stuffed apple recipe that's not too sweet, but brings out the natural sweetness of the fruit itself and hits the spot. You could use this for a dessert, a snack or even a flavorful fall breakfast!

Click here for a printable recipe. For more simple, delicious recipes using local and seasonal foods, check out my website at www.juliegrunklee.com.
Creamy Stuffed Apples
Prep time: 10 min
Bake time: 30 min
Total time: 40 min
Servings: 6
  • 6 large apples**
  • 1 cup raisins
  • ½ c or 4 oz cream cheese – softened*
  • ½ c Hansen’s Dairy Heavy Cream*
  • 2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • ½ tsp cardamom – optional
  • ÂĽ tsp ground cloves – optional
  • ÂĽ tsp ground nutmeg – optional
  • 1 Tbsp Hansen’s Dairy Butter*
*Items that can be purchased at Hansen’s Dairy Stores
**Items that can be purchased at Hansen’s Dairy Stores in season
  • Preheat oven to 350F.
  • Coat 8 x 8 baking pan or round casserole dish with butter.
  • In a 1-2 quart mixing bowl (or larger if you have a stand mixer), beat cream cheese with mixer until creamy. Add raisins and spices and beat well.
  • Slowly add in cream and mix until well incorporated, then beat on high until all cream cheese is smooth and creamy.
  • Core apples (or slice into wedges) and place into baking dish. 
  • Fill cored holes with cream mixture and pour the rest over apples. (If using wedges, just pour mixture over wedges).
  • Place in oven and bake for 30 minutes or until apples are soft.
  • Enjoy!
Hansen's Dairy Cedar Falls
127 E. 18th St. • 319-266-3044
Monday-Saturday: 7 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Sunday: 10 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Hansen's Dairy Waterloo
3015 Kimball Ave. • 319-234-3309
Monday - Thursday: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Sunday: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Hansen's Dairy Farm, Hudson
8461 Lincoln Rd.
Daily, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
8461 Lincoln Rd,
Hudson, IA 50643
 (319) 242-1074