Antisemite of the Week: 

Rupa Marya

Rupa Marya, a hospitalist at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center (UCSF), actively engages in online harassment and promotes violence against Jewish people and the state of Israel in her spare time. Despite months of exposing her egregious and vile antisemitic rants, UCSF Hospital has refused to intervene. This inaction not only jeopardizes their reputation but also sends a loud and clear message that Jew-hatred is tolerated at their institution.

In November 2023, StopAntisemitism alerted UCSF about Dr. Rupa Marya's flagrant antisemitic tweets. In her posts, Dr. Marya compared Zionists to Nazis and claimed that Zionism is a racist and supremacist ideology. She further stated that Zionist (Jewish) doctors should be scrutinized in their field for supporting Israel's right to exist and defend itself against enemy invasion.

Dr. Marya hatred has only escalated since then; for example:

  • Several days ago, Dr. Marya stated that "Zionism is rooted in European/white supremacy, and comes with its full suite of colonizer violence." 
  • In April, Dr. Marya posted: "Studying Israel’s behavior and logic is a masterclass in understanding domestic violence and the behavior of abusers."
  • In February, Rupa Marya compared Israel's defense against Hamas to "white mass murderers who shot up schools."
  • In a similar post in February, Marya mocked "God's chosen people" for entering the land to produce genocide and apartheid.
  • In two social media posts, Dr. Marya expressed support for the erasure of the Jewish people and Israel. She shared, "A One State Solution requires the dissolution of Israel."

Dr. Rupa Marya persists in using social media as a platform to disseminate antisemitic conspiracies and fallacies; such as:

  • In January 2024, Marya shared several antisemitic blood libels against the Jewish people. Firstly, she claimed that "Israel has worked so hard to tie American Jewish consciousness with the project of Israel," pushing the idea of Jewish control.
  • In a post insinuating that politicians are bought and paid for by Jewish influence (AIPAC), Marya shared: "Let's make them pay for representing this lobby more than the will of the people."
  • On multiple occasions, Marya asserts that Israeli hostages who were violently kidnapped and tortured were treated well during their captivity by Hamas.

The University of California, San Francisco Medical Center (UCSF) can no longer afford to turn the other cheek while Jewish patients and colleagues endure the repercussions of Dr. Marya's radical and perilous views regarding the Jewish community. 

StopAntisemitism needs YOUR help - email UCSF and insist they take action to remove Dr. Marya, as her continued presence flagrantly violates the medical principle of "do no harm."

StopAntisemitism continues to hold antisemites accountable for their hatred.

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Aleksander Janik - Celebrity Designer

Earlier this week, StopAntisemitism helped to identify the attacker of a NYC based Rabbi as celebrity designer stylist Aleksander Janik Sobieski. Thanks to StopAntisemitism's swift identification, he was arrested and charged with assault; he is facing x years in prison if convicted.

Briahna Joy Gray - Commentator

StopAntisemitism has been urging The Hill to sever ties with Gray for weeks after crowning her 'Antisemite of the Week.' Gray has propagated antisemitic falsehoods against Jews for years and her termination serves as a significant indication that antisemitism has no place in the workplace. Thank you to everyone who participated in our email campaign to The Hill demanding she be fired!

Mohammed Rumon - Engineer

StopAntisemitism's vigilant efforts in exposing Mohammed Rumon's shocking and abhorrent antisemitic statements have led to significant consequences. Rumon, a Quality Engineer at Integra Life Sciences, propagated disturbing falsehoods, including claims that Zionists rape those who oppose them, portraying Jews as Nazis and monsters, and denying Jewish self-determination. As a result, Rumon was terminated by Integra Life Sciences and the company has issued a statement denouncing his actions.

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