Rupa Marya, a hospitalist at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center (UCSF), actively engages in online harassment and promotes violence against Jewish people and the state of Israel in her spare time. Despite months of exposing her egregious and vile antisemitic rants, UCSF Hospital has refused to intervene. This inaction not only jeopardizes their reputation but also sends a loud and clear message that Jew-hatred is tolerated at their institution.
In November 2023, StopAntisemitism alerted UCSF about Dr. Rupa Marya's flagrant antisemitic tweets. In her posts, Dr. Marya compared Zionists to Nazis and claimed that Zionism is a racist and supremacist ideology. She further stated that Zionist (Jewish) doctors should be scrutinized in their field for supporting Israel's right to exist and defend itself against enemy invasion.