I will be calling you!!

Don’t worry, I’m not calling to ask you to do or give anything to me or the church. There are a number of people in our directory that I have yet to meet, in person or otherwise, and I want to change that. I hit the ground running when we arrived in February, and it’s just this week that I don’t have something immediately in front of me that I need to do. 

I’ll be starting at the beginning of our most recent directory and working my way through, from A-Z. If you don’t want to wait around for me to call, please feel free to call me at the office - my direct line is: 301-594-7984.  
Rector, St. Francis Episcopal Church
Notes - Coffee hour this week will be in the Town and Country patio - leftover baked goods/plants will be for sale!!

And - thank you to everyone who made the opening Antique Show Gala such a wonderful success! The congregation came together in a spectacular fashion; the Gala was low-key but very well done. The food was made in-house, and was delicious and largely nutritious; the huge bowl of shrimp cocktail was worth the price of admission. The planning committee outdid themselves.  
Rev. Jason's Week in Review...
May 25: Admin tasks; finished preparations for Pentecost Sunday - getting ready for the first time doing the asperges during the renewal of baptismal vows.
May 26: Day off.  
May 27: Day off; sermon prep; worked on getting patio furniture assembled and ready for guests; dinner with friends.
May 28: Sunday services - Pentecost Sunday! Despite the holiday weekend we had a good number of people at both services.  
May 29: Memorial Day - spent the day at home with the kids, and assembled a pantry for the kitchen.
May 30: Pastoral meeting; lunch with Jennifer; did some long range planning for the church year.
May 31: Spiritual direction; prepared for Sunday services; went to the opening Antique Show Gala - there were more than 200 people in attendance, the food was amazing, and everyone involved in its production and execution did a wonderful job!

It's easy to schedule a meeting with Rev. Jason!
Click on this link to schedule either an individual or group meeting with Jason+.
The 52nd Annual Palos Verdes Antiques Show & Sale!

Continues tomorrow - Friday, June 2: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
And Saturday, June 3: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Antiques Booths, Harvest Cupboard, Garden Gazebo, Patio Luncheon, English Afternoon Tea – featuring Chichi’s Table Talk on Friday at 3 p.m.

Donation $10.

After a 4 year hiatus the Antiques Show is back! The Show is the fundraiser of the ECW and funds raised from the Show benefit ALL aspects of the parish from a large pledge of between $10,000 & $15,000 to the parish itself and then donations made to outreach, child care, kitchen supplies, Camp Stevens, St. Luke's Homeless Program and so much more!

There are many opportunities (sitting or standing) to give your time during the week of May 30-June 3. Call Anna Eakins (310 297-0701) and she will offer you options. No prior experience necessary. YOU can be a part of this parish fundraiser that helps contribute to so many worthy projects for the parish and outside organizations.

The Harvest Cupboard
Hugely popular - homemade baked goods, candies and preserves for sale
Make a batch of your family’s favorite recipe!

Label it with its name and any ingredient information (nuts, gluten-free etc). We will do the final packaging. Items can be delivered to the end room on the patio level, May 30, 31, June 1, 2, 3, before noon if possible.

If you are able to help with packaging or cashiering, please contact Gloria Jones, 310 375-8916 and leave your name and phone number.
Nursery & Sunday School families!
Potluck - Sunday June 11, 4:30-6:30pm 

Come celebrate the start of summer with a potluck in the Parish Hall. Please RSVP to Julie Coleman to give us a rough idea of numbers! 
Did you Know?

  • You and our supporters have given almost $340,000, to more than 50 deserving students since the St. Francis Scholarship Outreach fund was started in 1998 by Mrs. Joni McIntyre (who is now over 101 years old!!)
  • As well as money, our team of volunteers mentor, counsel and support students, providing wise and caring advice and encouragement for those from families where college may be a brand new experience.
  • Some of those students have been mentored and supported throughout a full 4 year college degree, and have gone on to fulfilling careers.

Anyone is welcome to be part of our scholarship team. Something in YOUR background may help a student navigating their college degree, courses, finding internships etc.
Or contact: Cheryl Gutierrez.

We’ll be featuring individual students regularly in our enews in the weeks to come.
June is Pride Month!
Join GLEAM at LA Pride – Sunday June 11, 11am – 2pm!
Gather with your friends in The Episcopal Diocese of LA to march in the historic LA Pride Parade in Hollywood.

Former Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori will be marching with you to stand up to injustice, model God’s unconditional love for all people and celebrate the beautiful diversity that makes the LGBTQIA+ community so essential and vital to the Episcopal experience. Read more here.
Want to be Part of the Fun?

St. Francis regularly provides breakfast for 120 unhoused people at St. Luke's in Long Beach. Ten volunteers hang out in the St. Francis kitchen from 4-6 on the Friday night before to prepare the food, and we also welcome around eight people to help in person at St. Luke's on Saturday morning from 7:15am to about 9:30.

You, and older kids, will enjoy this Ministry!  If you can help, keep these dates in mind:

July 14, 15
September 16, 17
November 17, 18

Email Gayle Taylor, Minister for Outreach with your interest and availability. This is a wonderful ministry and a great chance to serve others as Christ served.
Calling All High School Grads!
Are you, or a member of your family, graduating from High School this year? If so, let us know so that we can honor and pray for you in a Baccalaureate Service.
Contact: Kristina Pelá.
Doors Open Peninsula
Saturday, June 17th "Doors Open Peninsula", 9am - 4:30pm (Sponsored by the Palos Verdes Library district).

St. Francis Chapel will be one of the historical sites open for the public to visit. We were hoping to have at least 2 people on site to greet the visitors, and because serving food is an important part of our life at St Francis, we would like there to be a small offering of snacks and water.

If you can be a greeter and/or help provide snacks, please contact the church office or speak to Kristina Pelá or Anna Eakins.

And rememberwe are far more than our buildings (beautiful though they are). 
Do you have a personal story about what our community of faith has done for you, or you for it? Supported your kids, family, given you a place of spiritual life, comforted you in times of trouble, helped you celebrate, given you a way to serve the world? 
Then share it!! 
Help visitors know that the buildings are only here because of your faith and love.
Weekly Worship
Sundays - Holy Communion
8:00 a.m. - Rite I in-person worship in the Chapel, with hymns. This service is not live-streamed.
10:00 a.m. - Rite II in-person worship in the main church with music. Live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube, and available for watching later. Followed by coffee hour for fellowship and community. We have an active Welcoming team so if you're a new visitor we promise we won't leave you alone, staring at your shoes!
Please contact Kristina Pelá to arrange for a Lay Eucharistic Minister to safely bring you communion.

Yoga with Jill!
A spiritual mind and body practice!
  • Mondays 11:30am - 1:00pm - Level 1/2 Hatha for Strength and Mobility
  • Wednesdays 9:00-10:30am Level 1 Gentle Yoga for Vital Mobility and Balance
Parish Hall. No set fees - classes are free-will offering. Questions? Jill Fenske

Thursdays from 9:30-10:30am in our church sanctuary. Please join us for meditation, followed by a time of conversation.
Contact - Susie Zimmerman
Coffee Hour Ministry
To volunteer to help one week after the 10am worship service, see the sign-up sheet at Sunday coffee hour.
Sunday School

Bring your children to Sunday School for our wonderful Montessori-based, Godly Play curriculum.
Godly Play makes meaning through story, wonder, and play. Nurturing spiritual lives by honoring the centrality, competency, and capacity of children. You and your children will be blessed by these teachings.
Remember - the Parish Directory is Online
Need someone's email, or even map directions to their home?
Bookmark the link on your phone or computer and let your browser save the password and you will always be up to date with information!
Enews Submission Deadline: 3:00 pm Wednesdays
Enews is sent weekly on Thursday afternoons: email Susan with your requests.
Staff Directory
Office main line - 310 375 4617
The Rev. Jason Shelby 310-594-7984 - Rector
Mark Bennett 310-594-7416 - Director of Music
Claire Erbeznik 310-375-4617 - Office Administrator & Receptionist
Susan Marshall 310-594-8427 - Communications Specialist
Elaine Mistele 310-594-8268 - Business Manager

You are not interrupting our work - you ARE our work!