Answers to your Questions!

As we gear up for Tuesday, April 2nd, we want to address your questions regarding the upcoming bond election. Please read through the following frequently asked questions and questions we have received over the last week.

Additionally, if you have questions that still need to be addressed, Dr. Eichelberger is available for phone discussions during the day, evening, or weekend. Email him at, including your name and phone number, and he will schedule a time to connect with you to answer your questions.

General Questions

Q: When is the election for this bond?

A: The election is Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024. Polls are open from 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. 

Q: Where do I vote?

A. Voting will occur in precincts where all other elections are held. All registered voters living in the Piedmont School District's attendance boundaries are eligible to vote.

Q: What percentage of voters must support a bond election?

A: The State of Oklahoma requires a super majority of votes cast. At least sixty percent of those votes must be in favor of the bond election for approval.

Q: Who can vote for a Piedmont Schools bond proposal?

A: Anyone who lives within the Piedmont School District boundaries and is registered to vote using their current Piedmont School District address can exercise their right to vote in this bond election. If your child goes to Piedmont Public Schools, you are eligible to vote in this election (if you are registered to vote). Only the parents of transfer students are not eligible to vote in the Piedmont bond election. Piedmont has less than 200 transfer students of the 5,369 students enrolled. It does not matter if your home address is Oklahoma City, Yukon, Okarche, Edmond, or Piedmont; if you live in the Piedmont School District, you can vote in this bond election! Many Piedmont Public Schools eligible voters have addresses from these cities.

Stated differently, if your student attends Piedmont Public Schools because it is the school system associated with your address, you can vote in this election.

Q: Where is my polling location?

A: Find detailed information about your specific polling location, an example ballot, and more here:

More information about polling places, registration, and absentee voting can be found on the Canadian County Election Board website.

Financial Questions

Q. What is the total cost of the 2024 Student Investment Plan that Piedmont Schools is proposing?

A. The total cost to complete all of the projects is $113 million.

Q. Will there be a tax increase associated with the bond issue?

A. There is NO PROPOSED TAX INCREASE with this bond issue. The bond proposal calls for 36 mills. This millage is slightly lower than the millage approved by Piedmont voters for the bond in 2020. You can think of mills as the "tax rate" for the bond. Our taxpayer base broadens when new houses or businesses are built in the Piedmont School District. That means more people are paying down the bond debt. As more taxpayers help pay the bond debt, the amount of tax - the millage - goes down. So, the statement "no proposed tax increase" means that the millage rate (tax amount) cannot exceed 36 mills for this bond. 

Based on our average valuation growth in the past ten years, the millage rate will continue to go down from the rate of 36 mills as additional taxpayers come on the tax rolls each year. By maintaining the 36 mills on this and future bonds, Piedmont can address the needs of our district without raising taxes above the 36 mills rate. This is what we mean when we say "no proposed tax increase." Piedmont's continued growth allows the district to maintain the current tax and address the greatest needs of the 2024 Student Investment Plan.

Piedmont is one of the fastest-growing school districts in the state of Oklahoma. Depending on the new homeowner, the construction of new houses may or may not bring additional students. However, every new home built in our district pays the same tax rate, lowering everyone's overall tax burden. Great schools that are well-maintained drive property values up. 

Q. What is the length of the bond issue, and why is this important?

A. The bond's length is proposed for 11 years. This proposal allows the district to build, construct, and deploy the projects in the bond issue while paying on the bond, much like homeowners do on a home mortgage. Keeping it spread out over 11 years, along with the growth of new homes within the district, the tax rate will never exceed the voted-upon tax rate of 36 mills.

Q: How can we be sure bond funds are used according to their intended purpose?

A: District staff researched and estimated costs for every project listed in the proposition. While we are confident the projected costs for each project are accurate, we understand expenses may fluctuate between bond approval and project commencement and throughout the purchasing process. A degree of flexibility is built into the budget to accommodate potential cost overages and ensure complete projects. Piedmont Schools are responsible stewards of your money and remain committed to serving our community with integrity.

Q: Can bond money be used for teacher and staff salaries?

A: No. The law only allows school bond funds to construct or renovate school facilities, equip school buildings with furniture or fixtures, and acquire property utilized for instructional materials and transportation needs. This money cannot be spent on salaries, benefits, or other general fund expenses.

Q: Can school bond funds be used to repair or replace city roads?

A: No, as explained in the previous question, school bond funds can only be used to construct or renovate school facilities, equip school buildings with furniture or fixtures, and acquire property utilized for instructional materials and transportation needs.

If you have questions regarding road conditions in Piedmont, please get in touch with the City of Piedmont.

Q: What happens if we can't acquire the land to build an additional elementary school at the price outlined in the bond?

A: If the cost of acquiring the land exceeds the budgeted $750,000 allocated in the bond, a scenario we've anticipated, we will use district funds to cover the additional expense. We are very close to coming to terms on a land acquisition deal; we cannot share more details until our school board and the land owner approve the contract details.

Proposed Project Questions

Q: What are the projects in the 2024 Student Investment Plan?

A: Proposed projects include:

  • Construct and Furnish New Intermediate School
  • Construct and Furnish New Elementary, as well as purchase land for the site
  • Build safe rooms that double as classrooms at Stone Ridge Elementary
  • Playground and turf at every elementary site
  • Purchase new buses for the district
  • Replace outdated band instruments with new ones
  • Purchase a new band truck and trailer to transport band equipment
  • Textbook and technology upgrades and refresh
  • Add additional bleachers on the home side of the F&M Bank Stadium
  • Deferred maintenance across the district
  • Pave/gravel parking lots (multiple areas, district-wide)

Q: How were the projects selected for the bond issue?

A. The 2024 Student Investment Plan prioritizes the district's most significant challenges, specifically the current and future growth trends for our school district over the next ten years. This plan also focuses on school safety, academic excellence, and investing in critical areas identified by our community. A committee of Piedmont parents and community members helped develop and narrow the list of projects included in this bond. A community survey was also sent to all parents to gain additional data for project selection.

Q. What are the goals of the 2024 Student Investment Plan?

A. The 2024 Student Investment Plan prioritizes the district's most significant challenges, specifically the current and future growth trends for our school district over the next ten years. This plan also focuses on school safety, academic excellence, and investing in critical areas identified by our community.

Q: Who has the final say on which projects start first?

A: Ultimately, the authority lies with the Board of Education. However, we've engaged an architectural firm and a construction management firm to assist in making these decisions. The firms' recommendations are brought before the school board for final approval.

During interviews with the construction managers, it was agreed that both proposed school buildings can and will be constructed at the same time.

Community Questions

Q: What happens if the bond election does not pass?

A: If the bond election fails to pass by a sixty percent majority, Piedmont Schools will face significant challenges. The bond money is essential for funding construction projects needed to accommodate student growth and enhance school safety. It is also crucial for performing preventative maintenance and addressing major repairs in existing buildings.

Without the bond approval, Piedmont Schools will be unable to construct new schools needed to accommodate the district's growing student population. Stone Ridge Elementary will miss out on safe rooms that serve as additional classrooms. Moreover, the district will be unable to acquire land for future construction or to proceed with building plans. Consequently, band, technology, and curriculum student resources will remain outdated, essential maintenance tasks will go unfinished, and student safety measures will not be improved.

While some may view the bond in terms of its direct benefits for their children, it's crucial to recognize its broader impact on all students, both present and future, and the community at large. A strong school district enhances property values and fosters community growth. Conversely, when the district cannot meet its needs, class sizes increase, teacher morale declines, staff recruitment becomes more difficult, and property values will likely decrease. Therefore, the bond's passage is vital for the well-being of all students and the community.

Q: Will the district petition to change the boundary lines if the bond doesn't pass? 

A: Per Dr. Eichelberger, "Shrinking our district boundaries would require a vote from our school board, and another school district's board of education would also need to approve accepting the boundary changes and the affected students. Essentially, this would entail voting families out of our district. I do not believe our school board would entertain such a proposal, and I would not recommend it. We are all Wildcats, and Wildcats stick together. Most districts bordering our school district are also experiencing growth challenges."

Q: Why has the construction for the Middle School not concluded yet? That was a project from the last bond election in 2020.

A: Construction delays are frustrating but not uncommon. The original projected completion was for February 2024. Delays stem from various factors, including supply chain issues or challenges scheduling subcontractors responsible for tasks like tile, electrical work, gym floor installation, painting, or kitchen installation. While construction delays are frustrating and a valid concern, experiencing a 2-3 month delay on a 2-year project, especially a project where students are having classes and other activities, is not uncommon.

The middle school project was challenging for many reasons, but we cannot wait for you to see the changes at that school site. You will be proud of the final product.

Q: My schedule doesn't allow me to discuss the bond during the day. I couldn't rearrange my work schedule and drop off the kids in time to make the coffee meeting. I wish there were an evening meeting to answer my questions.

A: Dr. Eichelberger is happy to arrange in-person meetings on the day, evening, or weekend for anyone inquiring about the bond or any other school-related matters.

Additionally, Dr. Eichelberger is available for phone discussions during the day, evening, or over the weekend. Email him at, including your name and phone number, and he will schedule a time to connect with you to answer your questions.

This bond issue is crucial to the future of Piedmont Public Schools. Please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Eichelberger. The election is next Tuesday, April 2nd. He will be available all weekend and Monday to answer your questions about the bond.

What's on this bond proposal?
More Info about the 2024 Bond