Answering Christ's Call

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Matthew 11:11:28-30

Greetings Ministry Partner,

Again, from my experience of hiking on Grassy Ridge Mountain, when we walked up and down the hill on the rough and rocky trail, sometimes I had to run down the steep inclines. I was struggling to move forward and almost passed out. Searching for a place to rest, I spotted a smooth rock surface beside the trail and sat down on it. Looking at the beautiful green hills and feeling the cool breeze, I noticed several wild blueberry bushes with ripe fruit surrounding me. I got up and walked over to the bushes, picking some ripe fruit and putting it in my mouth. I then drank the rest of the water from my bottle. I felt better and regained more energy, allowing me to return to our van with pride and joy.

Through this experience, I learned that when my body becomes weary and tired, consuming a small amount of blueberries, drinking water, and taking a brief rest can help me recover. Similarly, after working hard and expending a lot of energy, taking a drink, shower, and rest can help me recuperate. However, if I become spiritually weary, how can I find rest? Can a cold drink or shower make my spiritual life rest? No, and there's no way. But the Bible tells us clearly that Jesus Christ came and died on the cross and rose from death for our sins. As believers, we know that we can find rest and freedom in Christ, but there are still many people dying all over the world who have never heard of Jesus.

So I ask you, who are you in Christ? Have you ever thought about those people and whether Jesus is calling you to share the Good News with them? They are hungry and in need of Him! Yes, you can do it. At the very least, you can pray for them and support the missionaries who are reaching out to them.

We appreciate you, your prayers and support.

Somsay Inthisorn
CCI Laos National Director
Click HERE to Help Support the National Director

Staff Update

Pastor S continues to teach two CCI classes. Please pray for him as he is facing conflict because his church and the other two house churches under his care were ordered to close by the authorities.

His two classes in western Laos are on Book #8: Teaching Principles and Methods and the other class is in Book #2: Old Testament Survey.

Click HERE to Support Pastor S

Pastor X, our new teacher visited house churches to promote the CCI ministry and preach the Good News.

As a result of Pastor X preaching the gospel, an entire family received Christ. As a symbol of their newfound faith, they brought down and burned the various idols and objects that they used to worship.

Help Support New Coordinators & Ministry Needs

Pastor K organized the western Laos class to study Book #6: Personal Spiritual Life. This class is dedicated to using an entire week to finish one book.  They do their homework at night in the room where they would sleep.

Pastor K also visited and encouraged the other class. He reviewed the lesson during break while waiting to meet the next class.

Click HERE to Support Pastor K


"As an elder at my church, a new church that Pastor K has pioneered, I initially lacked confidence in teaching and understanding the Bible. Thanks to CCI, I had the opportunity to participate in their class and gained more biblical knowledge. I quickly realized that the Word of God is not easy to understand, but through this program, I gained insights. I am grateful to Pastor K, who sacrificed to come and teach us with the support of CCI. Our church has become more fruitful since we now understand various stories in the Bible. Moreover, most of us have experienced changes in our lives, and we have grown spiritually. Thank you."  

~ Mr. C

Prayer Requests & Praises

●     Please pray for God to protect our team who go out to reach people for Christ and for the classes.

    Please pray for Pastor X and his wife. Two weeks ago, they both went to promote CCI in the south on their old scooter. Unfortunately, a big truck hit them on the road. Pastor X's wife passed out for five hours and they both had to stay in the hospital for two weeks. They are now back home, but please continue to pray for their recovery.


●     Pray for the alumni, who graduated from our program, to overcome their fear and be active in their ministries.

●     We need to raise funds for our two area coordinators, as their financial support will end soon. Please pray for this need.

     Pray for Christian families who are under persecution, recently ten families have no home because their houses were torn down by the local authorities and non-Christians because of their faith.

     Please pray for the finances for our team to attend the CCI Global Conference in Thailand this November. We need $1,500.00 for tickets for 6 people to go round trip from Vientiane, Laos to Chiang Mai, Thailand. If you feel led to help us get to the Global Conference, please click the button below. 

Help us get to the Global Conference in Thailand
Your prayer and giving is worthy for the Kingdom.  
God bless you all.

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