Speaker Session:

Developing Your Business in the Digital Age

We are thrilled to announce another dynamic speaker – Caitie Crowley, adjunct business professor and published author of Stepping Up: How Christ Turned My Pain & Suffering Into Hope and Joy and I Have A Friend In Heaven. Caitie’s presentation is called: Creating A Mission, Vision, and Brand in the Digital Age. Caitie brings her Fortune 100 corporate background, plus her publishing and college classroom experiences to this session. Register now for this corporate classroom!

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Creating A Mission, Vision, and Brand in the Digital Age

Technology… Where do I begin?

Running a business in this ever-changing technology world is daunting for any business, let alone a Catholic or Christian one. With tight budgets and limited time, where should your organization focus its attention? How can a business not only keep up, but also compete? With so many alerts, messages, and software updates, technology can be overwhelming and all consuming. Is it possible that the digital space can pull us closer to God and help spread the gospel instead of pushing us further away?

In this session, Caitie Crowley will:

  • Provide examples of businesses excelling in the digital space and practical takeaways for your own business.
  • Lead attendees through a series of reflection questions to apply to your own organization's mission, vision, and brand.
  • Share multiple, specific marketing ideas that are FREE or low-cost options.
  • Explain the Lord's purpose and mission for Catholic business owners.

Attendance is FREE for all CMN Members!

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