Our 2018 Annual Forum celebrating the 30th  Anniversary of the HealthCare Executive Group is officially open for registration!
We're pleased to announce that  Andy Slavitt , former Acting CMS Administrator and current leader of  Town Hall Ventures , and  Dan Buettner , National Geographic Fellow, NY Times bestselling author and principle at the  Blue Zones Project will be keynoting the 2018 Annual Forum on September 12 - 14, 2018 .
The Annual Forum Planning Committee is working to include other accomplished healthcare executives and thought leaders as speakers and panelists at the 2018 HCEG Annual Forum. Major themes include:
  • The Digitization of Healthcare
  • Connecting with Consumers and Patients
  • Addressing Health Outside the Exam Room & Hospital
  • Payment Innovation in Healthcare
Speaker and session submissions can be sent to eb@hceg.org 
The inaugural  2018 HTLH Future of Healthcare forum  took place in Las Vegas earlier this month with 3,500+ attendees and 375+ speakers assembled over four days starting May 5th with the HLTH Hackathon. 

And HealthCare Executive Group members and sponsor partners were there - interpreting and absorbing key takeaways, presenting as speakers and panelists in various sessions and adding their own unique support and participation at this highly touted, new healthcare conference billed by organizers as 'The Hottest, Newest, Largest and Most Important Healthcare Event."

For some highlights of the event, check out this blog post .

Recap of Executive Leadership Forum at
HLTH Future of Healthcare in Las Vegas

As part of the inaugural HLTH Future of Healthcare forum held earlier this month in Las Vegas, HCEG partnered with the International Association of Innovation Professionals ( IAOIP), the Center for 
Healthcare Innovation ( CHI), the Workgroup for Electronic Data  Interchange ( WEDI ) and special guest Dr. Sunnie Giles to present a special Executive Leadership Roundtable titled 'Leadership, Trust & Skills in Overcoming  Obstacles to Radical Innovation in Healthcare.'
For a recap of the roundtable including presentation materials used, check out this blog post.

WEDI 2018 Spring Conference

The Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange ( WEDI) held their spring conference in Scottsdale, AZ on May 21-23, 2018. 

Dr. Don Rucker, M.D., National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), HHS Office of the Secretary keynoted the event with a presentation on "Bridging Information and Technology to Improve Healthcare."

More information including conference materials and presentations can be obtained here.
Cumberland Consulting Group is Growing!

Our sponsor partner Cumberland Consulting Group announced earlier this month that it has expanded its managed services practice with the acquisition of Madison, Wisconsin-based LinkEHR.

Learn more about the acquisition  here.
Membership in the Healthcare Executive Group offers unique benefits including  participation in our Annual Forum, Executive Leadership Roundtable events, ongoing networking and educational opportunities, and access to all original and curated content.

You can check out our  membership options here
For more info contact: Juliana Ruiz | 954.361.5236 | jr@hceg.org