September 2022

Hello September

Where did the summer go? And what a HOT summer it has been. Already we have seen 60 days at or above 90 and we can only hope that pattern breaks soon. Most plants are stressed with all the heat and are looking forward to cooler days ahead, as most of us are as well. 

Our END OF SUMMER SALE transitions to our annual FALL SALE this month and it gets even better with almost EVERYTHING priced to move. Come out and take advantage of the lowest prices of the season.

September Hours:

Monday - Friday 8-6 - Saturday 9-5 - Sunday 9-4


What's happening at PLN this month?

Bulbs will be here later this month

Is there anything easier than bulbs? We don't think so. They will be here at the end of the month and we will have many varieties of Spring Blooming Flowers.  Also back by popular demand we will have Garlic! Check our Garlic Blog for details on how easy it is to grow.

Parker Preferred Tree List

As Parker's only locally owned full service Garden Center, we take that role and responsibility seriously. As such, we make it a priority to source and carry the majority of Trees on the Parker Preferred Species List. If you are in a covenant controlled neighborhood, come see our expert staff who can walk you through the virtues of each of the varieties you have to choose from. 





red autumn leaf for sale
Upright Junipers

Outdoor Container Refresh?

If you are already part of our Custom Container Program, you are likely already on the schedule for to refresh of your containers of tired summer flowers with fresh new cooler weather fall flowers. If you're not in the program already it's not too late. Just email us here and sign up to refresh your containers for all your fall entertaining.

The Roasters Fire Up 9/6!

Chili Roastin' Season is upon us!
Mild, Medium and Hot, Hatch and Pueblo

$45 - Bushel
$30 - 1/2 Bushel
$20 - 1/4 Bushel

Garden Thymes with Jackie

September Edition

"September days have the warmth of summer in their briefer hours, but in their lengthening evenings a prophetic breath of autumn.  The cricket chirps in the noontide, making the most of what remains of his brief life. The bumblebee is busy among the clover blossoms of the aftermath, and their shrill and dreamy hum hold the outdoor world above the voices of the song birds, now silent or departed." -   

September Days By Rowland E. Robinson

General Landscaping
  • If houseplants need repotting, now is the time to do it
  • Clear any diseased material from your garden (do not add this material to your compost heap)
  • Core-aerate you lawn after a thorough soaking
  • Apply Jirdon Winterizer Fertilizer to your lawn after the last mowing for less winter desiccation. Remember to water thoroughly, immediately after application.
Trees, Shrubs, Perennials & Bulbs
  • To encourage dormancy & improve winter survival, begin limiting water
  • Divide & transplant summer blooming perennials (iris, daylilies, peonies, ...)
  • Plant new & replacement perennials for a jump start on next year's garden
  • Dig up summer-blooming bulbs (gladiola, dahlia) for winter storage
  • Purchase spring-flowering bulbs for planting in late September
Veggies, Fruit & Herbs
  • Extend your season by freezing, drying, storing, or canning your harvest
  • Harvest herb seeds for planting next year
  • Purchase garlic for late September planting
  • Cut back canes of fall bearing raspberries after harvesting
  • Add pansies, ornamental kale & cabbage, and mums to your gardens for fall color
  • Harvest wildflower and annual seeds to plant next spring
Average first frost date for our area is September 23rd
Quote of the month:
"For it's a long, long while from May to December, but the days grow short when you reach September." — Maxwell Anderson
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